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with t as(    

     select 1 val from dual union all    

     select 3 from dual union all    

     select 5 from dual union all    

     select 7 from dual union all    

     select 9 from dual)    

select val,    


       over (order by rownum rows between unbounded preceding and current row)    


from t    

group by rownum,val    

order by rownum;    

       VAL    SUM_VAL    

---------- ----------    

         1          1    

         3          4    

         5          9    

         7         16    

         9         25    



//order by rownum 按照伪列rownum对查询的记录排序;    

//between unbounded preceding and current row:定义了窗口的起点和终点;    

//unbounded preceding:窗口的起点包括读取到的所有行;    

//current row:窗口的终点是当前行,默认值,可以省略;   



with cte_1 as(    

     select 1 val from dual union all    

     select 3 from dual union all    

     select 5 from dual union all    

     select 7 from dual union all    

     select 9 from dual  


,cte_2 as(  

    select rownum rn,val from cte_1  


select a.val , sum(b.val) sum_val  

from cte_2 a , cte_2 b  

where b.rn <= a.rn  

group by a.val  




//f(n) = x + f(n-1)  

create table t  


select 1 id,1 val from dual union all  

select 2,3 from dual union all  

select 3,5 from dual union all  

select 4,7 from dual union all  

select 5,9 from dual  


create or replace function fun_recursion(x in int)   

return integer is  

       n integer :=0;  


     select val into n   

     from t  

     where id=x;  

     if x=1 then  

        return n;  


         return n + fun_recursion(x-1);  

     end if;  


     when others then  


end fun_recursion;  


select val,fun_recursion(id) sum_val from t;  

       VAL    SUM_VAL  

---------- ----------  

         1          1  

         3          4  

         5          9  

         7         16  

         9         25  


http://www.cnblogs.com/scottckt/archive/2012/10/11/2719958.html http://blog.csdn.net/wang_yunj/article/details/51040029
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标签:  oracle累计求和