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【Spark系列6】spark submit提交任务

2017-08-29 19:05 483 查看

spark-submit --master yarn-client --executor-memory 3g --executor-cores 2 --num-executors 2 --jars ***.jar,***.jar(你的jar包,用逗号分隔) mysparksubmit.jar






Master URLMeaning
localRun Spark locally with one worker thread (i.e. no parallelism at all).
local[K]Run Spark locally with K worker threads (ideally, set this to the number of cores on your machine).
local[*]Run Spark locally with as many worker threads as logical cores on your machine.
spark://HOST:PORTConnect to the given Spark standalone cluster master. The port must be whichever one your master is configured to use, which
is 7077 by default.
mesos://HOST:PORTConnect to the given Mesos cluster. The port must be whichever one your is configured to use, which is 5050 by default. Or,
for a Mesos cluster using ZooKeeper, use 
yarn-clientConnect to a YARN cluster in client mode. The cluster location will be found based on the HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR variable.
yarn-clusterConnect to a YARN cluster in cluster mode. The cluster location will be found based on the HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR variable.

A common deployment strategy is to submit your application from
a gateway machine that is physically co-located with your worker machines (e.g. Master node in a standalone EC2 cluster). In this setup, 
is appropriate. In 
the driver is launched directly within the 
which acts as a client to
the cluster. The input and output of the application is attached to the console. Thus, this mode is especially suitable for applications that involve the REPL (e.g. Spark shell).

Alternatively, if your application is submitted from a machine far from the worker machines (e.g. locally on your laptop), it is common to use
to minimize network latency between the drivers and the executors. Note that 
 mode is currently not supported for Mesos clusters.
Currently only YARN supports cluster mode for Python applications.
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