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2017-08-23 13:31 423 查看
User-defined service sample (batch mode)

A batch automatic ticket request processor is not called by Tivoli(R) Business Systems Manager. Therefore, you must provide a mechanism to call it. The batch automatic ticket request processor must run continuously to monitor and process any new batches of
input files created by the batch automatic ticket integration function.

If you want to use a user-defined service, follow these steps:

Create a user-defined service on the Tivoli Business Systems Manager database server only. At an MS-DOS command prompt, change to your Resource Kit directory. If your Resource Kit directory is installed on a different drive or in a different directory, change
this command accordingly.

cd C:\Program Files\Resource Kit Run the following command to create the service: instsrv.exe ATBatchSrv c:\PROGRA~1\RESOUR~1\srvany.exeYou should receive the following message: The service was successfully added!If you receive the Unable to find the file at
the given path. message, then enter where srvany.exe on the command line, and modify the drive and directory as needed.Update the registry with the following steps. Before updating your registry, you should back it up. Open your registry by entering this command:
regeditLocate the following subkey in your registry display: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATBatchSrvRight-click the ATBatchSrv subkey, and click New --> Key.Enter the following command: Parameters Right-click the Parameters subkey,
and click New --> String Value.Enter the following command: AppDirectoryRight-click the AppDirectory subkey, and click Modify.Enter the following command, where d:\Program Files\Tivoli\tbsm\ is the path where Tivoli Business Systems Manager is installed: d:\Program
Files\Tivoli\tbsm\Data\ Right-click the Parameters subkey, and click New --> String Value.Enter the following command: ApplicationRight-click the Application subkey, and click Modify.Enter the following command, where your_language_executable_file is, for
example, REXX.exe, SH.exe, or Perl.exe: your_language_executable_fileRight-click the Parameters subkey, and click New --> String Value.Enter the following command: AppParametersRight-click the AppParameters subkey, and click Modify.Enter the following command:
name_of_your_automatic_ticket_request_processor Close the registry. You have completed the creation of the ATBatchSrv service.

The ATBatchSvc service is configured to run automatically when the system is restarted; however, you can manually start or stop the ATBatchSvc service.

To delete the service, follow these steps:

Change to the Resource Kit folder. If your Resource Kit folder is installed on a different drive or in a different directory, adjust this command accordingly. cd C:\Program Files\Resource Kit Enter the following command: instsrv.exe ATBatchSvc remove d:\PROGRA~1\RESOUR~1\srvany.exeYou
should receive the following message: The service was successfully deleted!






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