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Qt 5.9.1 参考手册 QtTest 第4章 回放GUI事件

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Qt 5.9.1 Reference Documentation

Chapter 4: Replaying GUI Events 

In this chapter, we will show how to simulate a GUI event, and how to store a series of GUI events as well as replay them on a widget.

The approach to storing a series of events and replaying them is quite similar to the approach explained in chapter 2. All you need to do is to add a data function to your test class:


  class TestGui: public QObject



  private slots:

      void testGui_data();

      void testGui();



Writing the Data Function

As before, a test function's associated data function carries the same name, appended by _data.


  void TestGui::testGui_data()




      QTestEventList list1;


      QTest::newRow("char") << list1 << "a";

      QTestEventList list2;



      QTest::newRow("there and back again") << list2 << "";


First, we define the elements of the table using the QTest::addColumn() function: A list of GUI events, and the expected result of applying the list of events on a QWidget. Note that the type of the first element is QTestEventList.

首先,我们用QTest::addColumn() 函数为我们的测试表声明2个元素,一系列GUI事件和这些事件发生在一个控件中所产生的预期结果。


A QTestEventList can be populated with GUI events that can be stored as test data for later usage, or be replayed on any QWidget.
In our current data function, we create two QTestEventList elements. The first list consists of a single click to the 'a' key. We add the event to the list using the QTestEventList::addKeyClick() function. Then we use the QTest::newRow() function to give
the data set a name, and stream the event list and the expected result into the table.


在我们目录的数据函数中,我们创建2个QTestEventList元素。第一个列表由单独的'a'键点击事件构成。我们用QTestEventList::addKeyClick() 函数把这个事件添加到列表中。然后,我们使用QTest::newRow()函数来给一行数据集命名,并以流的方式向表格中输入事件列表和预期的输出。

The second list consists of two key clicks: an 'a' with a following 'backspace'. Again we use the QTestEventList::addKeyClick() to add the events to the list, and QTest::newRow() to put the event list and the expected result into the table with an associated

第2个列表包含2个键点击事件,一个'a'键点击和一个'退格'点击。我们仍然使用 QTestEventList::addKeyClick()函数来添加事件到列表中,并用QTest::newRow() 将事件列表和预期的结果关联上一个名称并输入到表格中。

Rewriting the Test Function

Our test can now be rewritten:


  void TestGui::testGui()


      QFETCH(QTestEventList, events);

      QFETCH(QString, expected);

      QLineEdit lineEdit;


      QCOMPARE(lineEdit.text(), expected);


The TestGui::testGui() function will be executed two times, once for each entry in the test data that we created in the associated TestGui::testGui_data() function.
First, we fetch the two elements of the data set using the QFETCH() macro. QFETCH() takes two arguments: the data type of the element and the element name. Then we create a QLineEdit, and apply the list of events on that widget using the QTestEventList::simulate()

TestGui::testGui() 函数将会执行2次,每次取一行数据函数中我们创建的表格中的记录。

首先,我们用QFETCH() 宏获取一行数据条目中的2个元素。QFETCH()宏有2个参数,元素的数据类型和元素名。然后我们创建一个QLineEdit,然后使用QTestEventList::simulate() 函数将列表中的事件一一应用到控件中。

Finally, we use the QCOMPARE() macro to check if the line edit's text is as expected.
然后我们用 QCOMPARE()宏来比较文本控件的文本是否是预期的那样。

As before, to make our test case a stand-alone executable, the following two lines are needed:



  #include "testgui.moc"

The QTEST_MAIN() macro expands to a simple main() method that runs all the test functions, and since both the declaration and the implementation of our test class are in a .cpp file, we also need to include the generated moc file to make Qt's introspection

QTEST_MAIN() 简单展开为一个main函数执行所有测试函数,然后,由于所有的声明和实现均写在一个cpp文件中,我们需要包含.moc文件来让qt内建的机制工作。
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