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* $Id$ system_LPC177x_8x.c


* @file system_LPC177x_8x.c

* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer Source File

*           for the NXP LPC177x_8x Device Series


* ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with 

* Cortex-M processor based microcontrollers.  This file can be 

* freely distributed within development tools that are supporting 

* such ARM based processors.


* @version 1.0

* @date 02. June. 2011

* @author NXP MCU SW Application Team

* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor

* All rights reserved.



* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only

* which provides customers with programming information regarding the

* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.

* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the

* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,

* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors

* reserves the right to make changes in the software without

* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or

* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified

* use without further testing or modification.

* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its

* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors'

* relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it

* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This

* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of

* this code.


#include <stdint.h>

#include "LPC177x_8x.h"

#include "system_LPC177x_8x.h"

/** @addtogroup LPC177x_8x_System

 * @{



#define __CLK_DIV(x,y) (((y) == 0) ? 0: (x)/(y))


//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------


/*--------------------- Clock Configuration ----------------------------------


// <e>
Clock Configuration

// <h>
System Controls and Status Register (SCS - address 0x400F C1A0)

// <o1.0>
EMC Shift Control Bit

// <i>
Controls how addresses are output on the EMC address pins for static memories

// <0=>
Static CS addresses match bus width; AD[1] = 0 for 32 bit, AD[0] = 0 for 16+32 bit (Bit 0 is 0)

// <1=>
Static CS addresses start at LSB 0 regardless of memory width (Bit 0 is 1)


// <o1.1>
EMC Reset Disable Bit

// <i>
If 0 (zero), all registers and functions of the EMC are initialized upon any reset condition

// <i>
If 1, EMC is still retained its state through a warm reset

// <0=>
Both EMC resets are asserted when any type of chip reset event occurs (Bit 1 is 0)

// <1=>
Portions of EMC will only be reset by POR or BOR event (Bit 1 is 1)


// <o1.2>
EMC Burst Control

// <i>
Set to 1 to prevent multiple sequential accesses to memory via EMC static memory chip selects

// <0=>
Burst enabled (Bit 2 is 0)

// <1=>
Bust disbled (Bit 2 is 1)


// <o1.3>
MCIPWR Active Level

// <i>
Selects the active level for the SD card interface signal SD_PWR

// <0=>
SD_PWR is active low (inverted output of the SD Card interface block) (Bit 3 is 0)

// <1=>
SD_PWR is active high (follows the output of the SD Card interface block) (Bit 3 is 1)


// <o1.4>
Main Oscillator Range Select

// <0=>
In Range 1 MHz to 20 MHz (Bit 4 is 0)

// <1=>
In Range 15 MHz to 25 MHz (Bit 4 is 1)


// <o1.5>
Main Oscillator enable

// <i>
0 (zero) means disabled, 1 means enable


// <o1.6>
Main Oscillator status (Read-Only)

// </h>


// <h>
Clock Source Select Register (CLKSRCSEL - address 0x400F C10C)

// <o2.0>
CLKSRC: Select the clock source for sysclk to PLL0 clock

// <0=>
Internal RC oscillator (Bit 0 is 0)

// <1=>
Main oscillator (Bit 0 is 1)

// </h>


// <e3>PLL0 Configuration (Main PLL PLL0CFG - address 0x400F C084)

// <i>
F_in  is in the range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz

// <i>
F_cco = (F_in * M * 2 * P) is in range of 156 MHz to 320 MHz

// <i>
PLL out clock = (F_cco / (2 * P)) is in rane of 9.75 MHz to 160 MHz


// <o4.0..4>   MSEL: PLL Multiplier Value

// <i>
M Value

// <1-32><#-1>


// <o4.5..6>
PSEL: PLL Divider Value

// <i>
P Value

// <0=> 1

// <1=>

// <2=>

// <3=>

// </e>


// <e5>PLL1 Configuration (Alt PLL PLL1CFG - address 0x400F C0A4)

// <i>
F_in  is in the range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz

// <i>
F_cco = (F_in * M * 2 * P) is in range of 156 MHz to 320 MHz

// <i>
PLL out clock = (F_cco / (2 * P)) is in rane of 9.75 MHz to 160 MHz


// <o6.0..4>   MSEL: PLL Multiplier Value

// <i>
M Value

// <1-32><#-1>


// <o6.5..6>
PSEL: PLL Divider Value

// <i>
P Value

// <0=>

// <1=>

// <2=>

// <3=>

// </e>


// <h>
CPU Clock Selection Register (CCLKSEL - address 0x400F C104)

// <o7.0..4>
CCLKDIV: Select the value for divider of CPU clock (CCLK)

// <i>
0: The divider is turned off. No clock will be provided to the CPU

// <i>
n: The input clock is divided by n to produce the CPU clock

// <0-31>


// <o7.8>
CCLKSEL: Select the input to the divider of CPU clock

// <0=>
sysclk clock is used

// <1=>
Main PLL0 clock is used

// </h>


// <h>
USB Clock Selection Register (USBCLKSEL - 0x400F C108)

// <o8.0..4>
USBDIV: USB clock (source PLL0) divider selection

// <0=>
Divider is off and no clock provides to USB subsystem

// <4=>
Divider value is 4 (The source clock is divided by 4)

// <6=>
Divider value is 6 (The source clock is divided by 6)


// <o8.8..9>
USBSEL: Select the source for USB clock divider

// <i>
When CPU clock is selected, the USB can be accessed

// <i>
by software but cannot perform USB functions

// <0=>
sysclk clock (the clock input to PLL0)

// <1=>
The clock output from PLL0

// <2=>
The clock output from PLL1

// </h>


// <h>
EMC Clock Selection Register (EMCCLKSEL - address 0x400F C100)

// <o9.0>
EMCDIV: Set the divider for EMC clock

// <0=> Divider value is 1

// <1=> Divider value is 2 (EMC clock is equal a half of input clock)

// </h>


// <h>
Peripheral Clock Selection Register (PCLKSEL - address 0x400F C1A8)

// <o10.0..4>
PCLKDIV: APB Peripheral clock divider

// <i>
0: The divider is turned off. No clock will be provided to APB peripherals

// <i>
n: The input clock is divided by n to produce the APB peripheral clock

// <0-31>

// </h>


// <h>
Power Control for Peripherals Register (PCONP - address 0x400F C1C8)

// <o11.0>
PCLCD: LCD controller power/clock enable (bit 0)

// <o11.1>
PCTIM0: Timer/Counter 0 power/clock enable (bit 1)

// <o11.2>
PCTIM1: Timer/Counter 1 power/clock enable (bit 2)

// <o11.3>
PCUART0: UART 0 power/clock enable (bit 3)

// <o11.4>
PCUART1: UART 1 power/clock enable (bit 4)

// <o11.5>
PCPWM0: PWM0 power/clock enable (bit 5)

// <o11.6>
PCPWM1: PWM1 power/clock enable (bit 6)

// <o11.7>
PCI2C0: I2C 0 interface power/clock enable (bit 7)

// <o11.8>
PCUART4: UART 4 power/clock enable (bit 8)

// <o11.9>
PCRTC: RTC and Event Recorder power/clock enable (bit 9)

// <o11.10>
PCSSP1: SSP 1 interface power/clock enable (bit 10)

// <o11.11>
PCEMC: External Memory Controller power/clock enable (bit 11)

// <o11.12>
PCADC: A/D converter power/clock enable (bit 12)

// <o11.13>
PCCAN1: CAN controller 1 power/clock enable (bit 13)

// <o11.14>
PCCAN2: CAN controller 2 power/clock enable (bit 14)

// <o11.15>
PCGPIO: IOCON, GPIO, and GPIO interrupts power/clock enable (bit 15)

// <o11.17>
PCMCPWM: Motor Control PWM power/clock enable (bit 17)

// <o11.18>
PCQEI: Quadrature encoder interface power/clock enable (bit 18)

// <o11.19>
PCI2C1: I2C 1 interface power/clock enable (bit 19)

// <o11.20>
PCSSP2: SSP 2 interface power/clock enable (bit 20)

// <o11.21>
PCSSP0: SSP 0 interface power/clock enable (bit 21)

// <o11.22>
PCTIM2: Timer 2 power/clock enable (bit 22)

// <o11.23>
PCTIM3: Timer 3 power/clock enable (bit 23)

// <o11.24>
PCUART2: UART 2 power/clock enable (bit 24)

// <o11.25>
PCUART3: UART 3 power/clock enable (bit 25)

// <o11.26>
PCI2C2: I2C 2 interface power/clock enable (bit 26)

// <o11.27>
PCI2S: I2S interface power/clock enable (bit 27)

// <o11.28>
PCSDC: SD Card interface power/clock enable (bit 28)

// <o11.29>
PCGPDMA: GPDMA function power/clock enable (bit 29)

// <o11.30>
PCENET: Ethernet block power/clock enable (bit 30)

// <o11.31>
PCUSB: USB interface power/clock enable (bit 31)

// </h>


// <h>
Clock Output Configuration Register (CLKOUTCFG)

// <o12.0..3>
CLKOUTSEL: Clock Source for CLKOUT Selection

// <0=>
CPU clock

// <1=>
Main Oscillator

// <2=>
Internal RC Oscillator

// <3=>
USB clock

// <4=>
RTC Oscillator

// <5=>

// <6=>
Watchdog Oscillator


// <o12.4..7>
CLKOUTDIV: Output Clock Divider

// <1-16><#-1>


// <o12.8>

// </h>


// </e>


/** @addtogroup LPC177x_8x_System_Defines  LPC177x_8x System Defines



#define CLOCK_SETUP           1

#define SCS_Val               0x00000021

#define CLKSRCSEL_Val         0x00000001

#define PLL0_SETUP            1

#define PLL0CFG_Val           0x00000009

#define PLL1_SETUP            1

#define PLL1CFG_Val           0x00000023

#define CCLKSEL_Val           0x00000101

#define USBCLKSEL_Val         0x00000201

#define EMCCLKSEL_Val         0x00000001

#define PCLKSEL_Val           0x00000002

#define PCONP_Val             0x042887DE

#define CLKOUTCFG_Val         0x00000100

/*--------------------- Flash Accelerator Configuration ----------------------


// <e>
Flash Accelerator Configuration register (FLASHCFG - address 0x400F C000)

// <o1.12..15>
FLASHTIM: Flash Access Time

// <0=>
1 CPU clock (for CPU clock up to 20 MHz)

// <1=>
2 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 40 MHz)

// <2=>
3 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 60 MHz)

// <3=>
4 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 80 MHz)

// <4=>
5 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 100 MHz)

// <5=>
6 CPU clocks (for any CPU clock)

// </e>


#define FLASH_SETUP           1

#define FLASHCFG_Val          0x00005000


//-------- <<< end of configuration section >>> ------------------------------



  Check the register settings


#define CHECK_RANGE(val, min, max)                ((val < min) || (val > max))

#define CHECK_RSVD(val, mask)                     (val & mask)

/* Clock Configuration -------------------------------------------------------*/

#if (CHECK_RSVD((SCS_Val),       ~0x0000003F))

   #error "SCS: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RANGE((CLKSRCSEL_Val), 0, 1))

   #error "CLKSRCSEL: Value out of range!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((PLL0CFG_Val),   ~0x0000007F))

   #error "PLL0CFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((PLL1CFG_Val),   ~0x0000007F))

   #error "PLL1CFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((CCLKSEL_Val),   ~0x0000011F))

   #error "CCLKSEL: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((USBCLKSEL_Val), ~0x0000031F))

   #error "USBCLKSEL: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((EMCCLKSEL_Val), ~0x00000001))

   #error "EMCCLKSEL: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((PCLKSEL_Val), ~0x0000001F))

   #error "PCLKSEL: Invalid values of reserved bits!"



   #error "PCONP: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


#if (CHECK_RSVD((CLKOUTCFG_Val), ~0x000001FF))

   #error "CLKOUTCFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!"


/* Flash Accelerator Configuration -------------------------------------------*/

#if (CHECK_RSVD((FLASHCFG_Val), ~0x0000F000))

   #warning "FLASHCFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!"





/* pll_out_clk = F_cco / (2 ?P)

   F_cco = pll_in_clk ?M ?2 ?P */

#define __M                   ((PLL0CFG_Val & 0x1F) + 1)

#define __PLL0_CLK(__F_IN)    (__F_IN * __M)

#define __CCLK_DIV            (CCLKSEL_Val & 0x1F)

#define __PCLK_DIV  (PCLKSEL_Val & 0x1F)

#define __ECLK_DIV  ((EMCCLKSEL_Val & 0x01) + 1)

/* Determine core clock frequency according to settings */

#if (CLOCK_SETUP)                       /* Clock Setup                        */

  #if ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x01) == 1) && ((SCS_Val & 0x20)== 0)

   #error "Main Oscillator is selected as clock source but is not enabled!"


  #if ((CCLKSEL_Val & 0x100) == 0x100) && (PLL0_SETUP == 0)

   #error "Main PLL is selected as clock source but is not enabled!"


  #if ((CCLKSEL_Val & 0x100) == 0)      /* cclk = sysclk */

    #if ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x01) == 0)   /* sysclk = irc_clk */

        #define __CORE_CLK (IRC_OSC / __CCLK_DIV)
#define __PER_CLK  (IRC_OSC/  __PCLK_DIV)

        #define __EMC_CLK  (__CORE_CLK/  __ECLK_DIV)

    #else                               /* sysclk = osc_clk */

        #define __CORE_CLK (OSC_CLK / __CCLK_DIV)

        #define __PER_CLK  (OSC_CLK/  __PCLK_DIV)

        #define __EMC_CLK  (__CORE_CLK/  __ECLK_DIV)


  #else                                 /* cclk = pll_clk */

    #if ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x01) == 0)   /* sysclk = irc_clk */

        #define __CORE_CLK (__PLL0_CLK(IRC_OSC) / __CCLK_DIV)

        #define __PER_CLK  (__PLL0_CLK(IRC_OSC) / __PCLK_DIV)

        #define __EMC_CLK  (__CORE_CLK / __ECLK_DIV)

    #else                               /* sysclk = osc_clk */

        #define __CORE_CLK (__PLL0_CLK(OSC_CLK) / __CCLK_DIV)

        #define __PER_CLK  (__PLL0_CLK(OSC_CLK) / __PCLK_DIV)
#define __EMC_CLK  (__CORE_CLK / __ECLK_DIV)




  * @}



        #define __CORE_CLK (IRC_OSC)

        #define __PER_CLK  (IRC_OSC)

        #define __EMC_CLK  (__CORE_CLK)


/** @addtogroup LPC177x_8x_System_Public_Variables  LPC177x_8x System Public Variables




  Clock Variable definitions


uint32_t SystemCoreClock = __CORE_CLK;/*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock)*/

uint32_t PeripheralClock = __PER_CLK; /*!< Peripheral Clock Frequency (Pclk)  */

uint32_t EMCClock = __EMC_CLK; /*!< EMC Clock Frequency

uint32_t USBClock = (48000000UL);
 /*!< USB Clock Frequency - this value will
be updated after call SystemCoreClockUpdate, should be 48MHz*/


 * @}


/** @addtogroup LPC177x_8x_System_Public_Functions  LPC177x_8x System Public Functions




  Clock functions


void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)            /* Get Core Clock Frequency      */


  /* Determine clock frequency according to clock register values             */

  if ((LPC_SC->CCLKSEL &0x100) == 0) 

    if ((LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x01) == 0) /* sysclk = irc_clk 如果选择内部RC振荡器作为系统时钟和PLL0的时钟源*/
 SystemCoreClock = __CLK_DIV(IRC_OSC , (LPC_SC->CCLKSEL & 0x1F));//SystemCoreClock=12MHZ   IRC_OSC=12000000UL
PeripheralClock = __CLK_DIV(IRC_OSC , (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL & 0x1F));//PeripheralClock=6MHZ
EMCClock        = (SystemCoreClock / ((LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL & 0x01)+1));//EMCClock=12MHZ/(2)=6MHZ


{   /* sysclk = osc_clk */

      if ((LPC_SC->SCS & 0x40) == 0) //主振荡器不稳定  下面的代码不应该被执行
SystemCoreClock = 0;/* this should never happen! */
PeripheralClock = 0;
EMCClock        = 0;


SystemCoreClock = __CLK_DIV(OSC_CLK , (LPC_SC->CCLKSEL & 0x1F));
PeripheralClock = __CLK_DIV(OSC_CLK , (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL & 0x1F));
EMCClock        = (SystemCoreClock / ((LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL & 0x01)+1));




  else //如果是选择主振荡器为系统时钟和PLL0时钟
{                                          /* cclk = pll_clk */
if ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x100) == 0) //PLL0STAT的bit8如果为1的话说明 PLL处于激活状态
{        /* PLL0 not enabled */
SystemCoreClock = 0;                      /* this should never happen! */
PeripheralClock = 0;
EMCClock  = 0;


      if ((LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x01) == 0) 
{    /* sysclk = irc_clk */
uint8_t mul = ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x1F) + 1);
uint8_t cpu_div = (LPC_SC->CCLKSEL & 0x1F);
uint8_t per_div = (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL & 0x1F);
uint8_t emc_div = (LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL & 0x01)+1;
SystemCoreClock = __CLK_DIV(IRC_OSC * mul , cpu_div);
PeripheralClock = __CLK_DIV(IRC_OSC * mul , per_div);
EMCClock        = SystemCoreClock / emc_div;


{                                        /* sysclk = osc_clk */

        if ((LPC_SC->SCS & 0x40) == 0) 

          SystemCoreClock = 0;                      /* this should never happen! */

          PeripheralClock = 0;

          EMCClock  = 0;



          uint8_t mul = ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x1F) + 1);

          uint8_t cpu_div = (LPC_SC->CCLKSEL & 0x1F);

          uint8_t per_div = (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL & 0x1F);
uint8_t emc_div = (LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL & 0x01)+1;

          SystemCoreClock = __CLK_DIV(OSC_CLK * mul , cpu_div);

          PeripheralClock = __CLK_DIV(OSC_CLK * mul , per_div);

          EMCClock        = SystemCoreClock / emc_div;





  /* ---update USBClock------------------*/

  if(LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL & (0x01<<8))//Use PLL0 as the input to the USB clock divider

 switch (LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL & 0x1F)
 case 0:
 USBClock = 0; //no clock will be provided to the USB subsystem
 case 4:
 case 6:
uint8_t mul = ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x1F) + 1);
uint8_t usb_div = (LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL & 0x1F);
if(LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x01)
//pll_clk_in = main_osc
USBClock = OSC_CLK * mul / usb_div;
else //pll_clk_in = irc_clk
USBClock = IRC_OSC * mul / usb_div;

 USBClock = 0;  /* this should never happen! */


  else if(LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL & (0x02<<8))//usb_input_clk = alt_pll (pll1)

 if(LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x01)
//pll1_clk_in = main_osc
  USBClock = (OSC_CLK * ((LPC_SC->PLL1STAT & 0x1F) + 1));
 else //pll1_clk_in = irc_clk
  USBClock = (IRC_OSC * ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x1F) + 1));


 USBClock = 0; /* this should never happen! */


  /* Determine clock frequency according to clock register values             */


 * Initialize the system


 * @param  none

 * @return none


 * @brief  Setup the microcontroller system.

 *         Initialize the System.


void SystemInit (void)


#if (CLOCK_SETUP)/* Clock Setup CLOCK_SETUP定义过所以下面的代码会执行 */

  LPC_SC->SCS       = SCS_Val;//SCS_Val=0x00000021---->0010 0001

  if (SCS_Val & (1 << 5)) { /* 如果晶振使能(XTAL1和XTAL2之间有石英晶体)      */

    while ((LPC_SC->SCS & (1<<6)) == 0);/* 等待晶振就绪*/


  LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL = CLKSRCSEL_Val;/*选择晶振的时钟作为sysclk & PLL0的时钟源 //CLKSRCSEL_Val=0x00000001*/

#if (PLL0_SETUP)   //PLL0_SETUP已经定义

  LPC_SC->PLL0CFG   = PLL0CFG_Val;//PLL0CFG_Val=0x00000009  PLL_OUT_CLK=9*晶振频率

  LPC_SC->PLL0CON   = 0x01; /* PLL0 使能  其余31bit是预留状态                       */

  LPC_SC->PLL0FEED  = 0xAA;//依次写入0XAA 0X55让PLL起作用

  LPC_SC->PLL0FEED  = 0x55;

  while (!(LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & (1<<10)));/* Wait for PLOCK0 当PLL0STAT的Bit10是1的时候 PLL到达指定的频率*/


#if (PLL1_SETUP)  //PLL1_SETUP已经定义

  LPC_SC->PLL1CFG   = PLL1CFG_Val;//PLL1CFG_Val=0x23 Alt_PLL_CLK=3MHZ  类似  同上

  LPC_SC->PLL1CON   = 0x01;/* PLL1 Enable                        */


  LPC_SC->PLL1FEED  = 0x55;

  while (!(LPC_SC->PLL1STAT & (1<<10)));/* Wait for PLOCK1                    */


//CCLKSEL_Val=0x00000101 主PLL(PLL0)输出作为CPU时钟分频器的输入  分频系数为1  也就是说  PLL_OUT_CLK就是CPU的时钟 

  LPC_SC->CCLKSEL   = CCLKSEL_Val;      /* Setup Clock Divider  CCLKSEL_Val=0x00000101              */

//USBCLKSEL_Val=0x00000201  Alt PLL输出作为USB时钟输入 Alt PLL 1分频后给USB
LPC_SC->USBCLKSEL = USBCLKSEL_Val;    /* Setup USB Clock Divider            */

//EMCCLKSEL_Val=0x00000001  EMC的时钟是CPU时钟的一半
LPC_SC->EMCCLKSEL = EMCCLKSEL_Val;    /* EMC Clock Selection                */

//PCLKSEL_Val=0x00000002 输入时钟经过2分频给APB外设时钟
LPC_SC->PCLKSEL   = PCLKSEL_Val;      /* Peripheral Clock Selection         */

//PCONP_Val=0x042887DE  外设时钟是下面的这些开启

//0000     0100    0010    1000         1000          0111                      1101                      1110

//          IIC    SSP0     IIC1        GPIO         PCSSP1 +PCRTC+PCUART4   PCIIC0+PCPWM1+PCUART1   PCUART0+PCTIM1+PCTIM0                        
LPC_SC->PCONP     = PCONP_Val;        /* Power Control for Peripherals      */

//CLKOUTCFG_Val=0x00000100  允许切换CLKOUT时钟源不受干扰
LPC_SC->CLKOUTCFG = CLKOUTCFG_Val;    /* Clock Output Configuration         */


  LPC_SC->PBOOST |= 0x03;/* Power Boost control  为3的时候操作允许高达120MHZ频率

#if (FLASH_SETUP == 1)/* Flash Accelerator Setup   FLASH_SETUP定义过了*/

//FLASHCFG_Val=0x00005000  FLASHCFG=0x0000503A

// 0101 0000 0011 1010  FLASH访问使用6个CPU时钟



#ifdef  __RAM_MODE__  //没有定义__RAM_MODE__  不是RAM_MODE

  SCB->VTOR  = 0x10000000 & 0x3FFFFF80;



  SCB->VTOR  = 0x00000000 & 0x3FFFFF80;





 * @}



 * @}

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