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2017 Multi-University Training Contest - Team 3 1011 RXD's date

2017-08-01 20:24 387 查看

RXD's date

[align=center]Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 143    Accepted Submission(s): 116

[align=left]Problem Description[/align]

As we all know that RXD is a life winner, therefore he always goes out, dating with his female friends.

Nevertheless, it is a pity that his female friends don't like extremely hot temperature. Due to this fact, they would not come out if it is higher than 35 degrees.

RXD is omni-potent, so he could precisely predict the temperature in the next
days, but he is poor in counting.

He wants to know, how many days are there in the next
days, in which he could go out and date with his female friends.


There is only one test case.

The first line consists of one integer t.

The second line consists of t
integers ci
which means the temperature in the next t




Output an integer which means the answer.

[align=left]Sample Input[/align]


33 34 35 36 37


[align=left]Sample Output[/align]



/* ***********************************************
┆  ┏┓   ┏┓ ┆
┆┏┛┻━━━┛┻┓ ┆
┆┃       ┃ ┆
┆┃   ━   ┃ ┆
┆┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃ ┆
       ┃ ┆
┆┃   ┻   ┃ ┆
┆┗━┓ 马 ┏━┛ ┆
┆  ┃ 勒 ┃  ┆      
┆  ┃ 戈 ┗━━━┓ ┆
┆  ┃ 壁     ┣┓┆
┆  ┃ 的草泥马  ┏┛┆
┆  ┗┓┓┏━┳┓┏┛ ┆
┆   ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫ ┆
┆   ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛ ┆
************************************************ */
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <bitset>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#define PI acos(-1)
#define eps 1e-8
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define debug(x) cout<<"---"<<x<<"---"<<endl
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;

int main()
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
int x, ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
scanf("%d", &x);
if (x <= 35)
printf("%d\n", ans);
return 0;

┆  ┏┓   ┏┓ ┆
┆┏┛┻━━━┛┻┓ ┆
┆┃       ┃ ┆
┆┃   ━   ┃ ┆
┆┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃ ┆
┆┃       ┃ ┆
┆┃   ┻   ┃ ┆
┆┗━┓    ┏━┛ ┆
┆  ┃    ┃  ┆      
┆  ┃    ┗━━━┓ ┆
┆  ┃  AC代马   ┣┓┆
┆  ┃           ┏┛┆
┆  ┗┓┓┏━┳┓┏┛ ┆
┆   ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫ ┆
┆   ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛ ┆
************************************************ */
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