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2017-07-31 11:27 351 查看




1 大部分的语句都非常简单,进行了少量的注释; 

2 代码稍有一些冗余,是为了熟练操作; 

3 有意设置了一些错误,注意数据库的返回的信息; 

4 所有测试mysql上进行,但如果有错误,系手误或理解错误,望担待; 

5 本文覆盖基本常用的查询; 


select * from tt2; //tt2为表名
select all name from tt2; //all查询所有
select distinct name from tt2;  //distinct去除重复

select count(*) from tt2;  //统计表的行数
select count(name) from tt2;  //统计name不为null的行数
select count(distinct name) from tt2;  //返回不同的非null值的name数目

select * from tt2 limit 3;  //取前3条记录 mysql中没有top关键字
select * from tt2 limit 2,4;  //从第2条开始取4条

select id as 编号, name as 姓名 from tt2;  //查询结果中列重命名
select id 编号 from tt2;  // 查询结果中列重命名

select (score + singin) as col from tt2; //列运算

select * from tt2 where id = 2;
select * from tt2 where id > 2;
select * from tt2 where id < 2;
select * from tt2 where id <>2;  //不等于
select * from tt2 where id != 2;  //不等于
select * from tt2 where id >= 2;
select * from tt2 where id <= 2;
select * from tt2 where id > 2 and id < 5;  //and并且
select * from tt2 where id > 5 or sex = 1;  //or或者

select * from tt2 where id in(1,3,5);  //判断某个字段的值是否在指定的集合中
select * from tt2 where id not in(1,3,5);  //不在指定的集合中

select * from tt2 where id between 2 and 5;  //判断某个字段的值是否在指定的范围内,相当于并且
select * from tt2 where id not between 2 and 5;  //不在指定范围之内
select * from tt2 where name like '小_';  //下划线_代表一个未指定的字符
select * from tt2 where name not like '%明';  //百分号%代表一个或多个未指定的字符 %注意中英文不同,必须英文
select * from tt2 where name regexp '^ma';  //查找name字段中以ma开头的所有数据
select * from tt2 where name regexp 'eo$';  //查找name字段中以eo结尾的所有数据
select * from tt2 where name regexp '^ma|eo$';  //查找name字段中以ma开头的所有数据开头或者以eo结尾的所有数据
select * from tt2 where name regexp 'le';  //查找name字段中包含le的所有数据
select * from tt2 where name regexp '^[aei]|ok$'; //查找name字段中以a或者e或者i开头的所有数据开头或者以eo结尾的所有数据

select * from tt2 where score is null;
select * from tt2 where score is not null;

select * from tt2 order by name;  //order by排序
select * from tt2 order by name desc;  //降序
select * from tt2 order by name asc;  //升序

select count(age), age from tt2 group by age;  //按照年龄进行分组统计
select count(*), sex from tt2 group by sex;  //按照性别进行分组统计
select count(*), sex, age from tt2 group by sex, age order by age;  //按照性别和年龄组合进行分组统计,最后的结果再按照年龄排序
select count(*), sex from tt2 where age > 16 group by sex;  //在年龄大于16的记录中 按照性别进行分组统计 (where在分组之前先过滤数据)
select avg(score), age from tt2 group by age having age >= 18;  //(having在分组之后过滤)
select count(*), age from tt2 group by age having count(age) >= 2;  //按照年龄分组,过滤条件是分组后的记录条数大于等于2

select *
from (
select id, name from tt1 where sex = 1
) tb
where tb.id > 2;  //查询性别为1的人中id>2的人的信息

select *
from student
where cid in(
select id from classes where id > 2 and id < 4
);  //查询班级id大于2小于4的这些班级的学生信息

select *, (select count(*) from student where cid = classes.id) as num
from classes
order by num;  //查询班级信息,统计班级学生人数

select *
from tt1
where birth <= all(select birth from tt1); //查询出生最早的人的详细信息
select *
from tt1
where birth <= (select min(birth) from tt1);
select * from tt1 order by birth limit 1;

select *
from tt2
where id = any(select id from tt2 where sex = 1);  //=any和in等效

select name
from emp
where empNumber in
(select distinct empNumber
from assignment
where hoursworked > 50);  // 查找在某个任务assignment中工作时间超过50个小时的所有雇员的姓名

select name, hoursworked
from emp join assignment
on emp.empNumber = assignment.empNumber
order by emp.empNumber;

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标签:  mysql select