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文献学习-On Lattices, Learning with Errors,Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography

2017-07-24 19:48 253 查看
On Lattices, Learning with Errors,Random Linear Codes, and Cryptography
Oded Regev
Department of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel


Our main result is areduction from worst-case lattice problems such as SVP and SIVP to a certain learning problem. This learning problem is
a natural extension of the ‘learning from parity with error’ problem to higher moduli. It can also be viewed as the problem of decoding from a random linear code. This, we believe,gives a strong indication that these problems are hard. Our reduction, however,
is quantum. Hence, an efficient solution to the learning problem implies aquantumalgorithm for SVP and SIVP. A main open question is whether this reduction can be made classical.
主要成果:一个从最坏情况下的格问题(如SVP\SIVP)到一类学习性问题的归约。这类学习性问题是learning from parity
with error(从奇偶错误校验中自学习?不好翻,意会就行)到更高模量的一个自然延伸。这也可以被视为线性随机码解码问题。

Using the main result, we obtain a public key cryptosystem whose hardness is based on the worst-case quantum hardness of SVP and SIVP. Previous lattice-based public key cryptosystems such as the one by Ajtaiand Dwork were only based on unique-SVP, a special
case of SVP. The new cryptosystemis much more efficient than previous cryptosystems:  the  public key  is of  size O˜(n2)  and  encrypting a message increases its size byO˜(n) (in previous cryptosystems  these  values  are
 O˜(n4)  and  O˜(n2),  respectively).  In fact, under the assumption that all parties share a random bit string of lengthO˜(n2), the size of the public key can be reduced toO˜(n).


之前的基于格的公钥系统仅依赖 unique-SVP。而新系统显然更加高效:

PK sizeincreases its size


Main theorem.


An important open question is to explain the apparent difflculty in finding effcient algorithms for this learning problem. Our main theorem explains this
diffculty for a natural extension of this problem to higher moduli
, defined next:
be some prime integer and consider a list of ‘equations with error’


theorem 1.1 (informal) 略

If one flnds an effcient algorithm forLWE, then one also obtains a quantum algorithm for approximating worst-case lattice problems.
TheLWEproblem can be equivalently presented as the problem of decoding random linear codes.


It turns out that certain problems, which are seemingly easier than theLWEproblem, are in fact
equivalent to the LWEproblem.



a public key cryptosystem whose security is based on the worst-cast quantum hardness of approximatingSIVPand
SVPto withinO
improved effciency.

Why quantum?

LetL be some lattice
and let  d=λ1(L)/n^10 
where  λ1(L)
is the length of the shortest nonzero vector in L. We are given an oracle that for any point x∈Rn 
within distance d ofL
finds the closest lattice vector tox. Ifxis
not within distance d ofL,
the output of the oracle is undefined.
L是格,满足 d=λ1(L)/n^10,λ1(L)是最短非零向量的长度。给定任意属于实数集的点x,和L中到点x最短格向量的距离d,如果x没有属于L的距离d,说明该预言不成立。

somehow choose a lattice point y∈L
and let x=y+zfor
some perturbation vectorzof length at mostd.
Clearly, on inputxthe oracle outputsy.
But this is useless since we already knowy !This ability to erase the contents of a memory cell in
a reversible way seems useful only in the quantum setting.
选择y,使 x=y+z





use these samples to construct an algorithm that solves CVPL*,αp/r, i.e.
solves the closest vector problem on L*for points that are within distanceαp/rof
the lattice. This algorithm is classical and uses the LWEoracle.

step2. use this algorithm to generate samples fromDL,r'.
This step is quantum (and in fact, the only quantum part of our proof). In the following, we describe each of these steps briefly.

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