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2017-07-18 09:26 330 查看
Cars painted in different colors are moving in a row on the road as shown in Figure 1. The color of eachcar is represented by a single character and the distance of two adjacent
cars is assumed to be 1. Figure1 shows an example of such cars on the road. For convenience, the numbers in Figure 1 represent thelocations of each car.
Figure 1. Cars in different colors on the road
For any color c, location(c) represents set of the locations of the cars painted in color c and colorlength L(c) is defined as follows:
L(c) = max location(c) − min location(c)
For example, according to Figure 1, location(G) = {1, 5, 6}, location(Y ) = {2, 7}, location(B) ={3}, and location(R) = {4, 8}. Hence the color length of each color and the sum of
the color lengthsare as follows.
Color G Y B R Sum
L(c) 5 5 0 4 14
In Gyeongju City, almost all the roads including the main street of the city were constructed morethan 500 years ago. The roads are so old that there are a lot of puddles after rain.
Visitors havecomplained about the bad condition of the roads for many years. Due to the limited budget, the mayorof the city decided to repair firstly the main street of the city, which is a four-lane road, two lanes foreach direction.
However, since the main street is a backbone of the city, it should not be blocked completely whileit is under repair, or it is expected that serious traffic jams will occur on almost
all the other roads inthe city. To allow cars to use the main street during the repair period, the city decided to block onlytwo lanes, one lane for each direction. Hence, the cars in the two lanes for each direction should mergeinto a single lane before the
blocked zone.
For instance, as shown in Figure 2, cars in the two lanes merge into a single lane as shown in Figure3. To differentiate the cars in the same color, a unique identifier is assigned
to each car.
Figure 2. Cars moving in two lanes before merging
Figure 3 shows two different merging scenarios after merging the cars from the two lanes. As shownin Figure 3, cars in the two lanes do not necessarily merge one by one from each
lane. The distancebetween two adjacent cars after merging is also assumed 1.
After merging (Scenario 1):
After merging (Scenario 2):
Figure 3. Two different merging scenarios
For each merging scenario shown in Figure 3, the color length for each color and the sum of thecolor lengths are as follows:
Color G Y B R Sum
L(c): Scenario1 7 3 7 2 19
L(c): Scenario2 1 7 3 1 12
As you can imagine, there are many different ways of merging other than the two examples shownin Figure 3.
Given two character strings which represent the color information of the cars in the two lanes beforemerging, write a program to find the sum of color lengths obtained from the character
string, which isthe color information of cars after merging, such that the sum of color lengths is minimized.
Your program is to read from standard input. The input consists of T test cases. The number of testcases T is given in the first line of the input. Each test case consists of two
lines. In the first line, acharacter string of length n (1 ≤ n ≤ 5, 000) that is the color information of the cars in one lane beforemerging is given. In the second line, a character string of length m (1 ≤ m ≤ 5, 000) that is the colorinformation of the cars
in the other lane is given. Every color is represented as an uppercase letter inEnglish, hence the number of colors is less than or equal to 26.
Your program is to read from standard input. Print exactly one line for each test case. The line shouldcontain the sum of color lengths after merging the cars in the two lanes optimally
as described above.The following shows sample input and output for two test cases.
Sample Input
Sample Output


Color  G  Y B R Sum
L(c): Scenario1 7 3 7 2 19
L(c): Scenario2 1 7 3 1 12

dp[i][j]: 表示第一列取到i, 第二列取到j, 的最小长度




用w[i][j]储存第一列取到i, 第二列取到j时, 所有已出现但未结束的字符的数量

using namespace std;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const int N=5010;
int T, n, m;
int s[30][2], e[30][2], dp

, w

char cn
, cm

void Pre() {
scanf( "%s%s", cn+1, cm+1 );
memset( s, INF, sizeof s );
memset( e, -1, sizeof e );
for( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) {
int ncol=cn[i]-'A'+1;
if( s[ncol][0]==INF ) s[ncol][0]=i;
for( int i=1; i<=m; i++ ) {
int mcol=cm[i]-'A'+1;
if( s[mcol][1]==INF ) s[mcol][1]=i;

int main() {
for( scanf( "%d", &T ); T; T-- ) {
for( int i=0; i<=n; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<=m; j++ ) {
if( !i && !j ) continue;
int vn=INF, vm=INF;
if(i) vn=dp[i-1][j]+w[i-1][j];//从n序列中取
if(j) vm=dp[i][j-1]+w[i][j-1];//从m序列中取
dp[i][j]=min( vn, vm );
if(i) {
if( s[ cn[i]-'A'+1 ][0]==i && s[ cn[i]-'A'+1 ][1]>j ) w[i][j]++;
if( e[ cn[i]-'A'+1 ][0]==i && e[ cn[i]-'A'+1 ][1]<=j ) w[i][j]--;
else if(j) {
if( s[ cm[j]-'A'+1 ][1]==j && s[ cm[j]-'A'+1 ][0]>i ) w[i][j]++;
if( e[ cm[j]-'A'+1 ][1]==j && e[ cm[j]-'A'+1 ][0]<=i ) w[i][j]--;
printf( "%d\n", dp
[m] );
return 0;
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