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2017-07-16 11:19 453 查看

Awesome Docker

A curated list of Docker resources and projects

Inspired by @sindresorhusawesome and improved by these amazing contributors.

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If you see a link here that is not (any longer) a good fit, you can fix it by submitting a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!

The creators and maintainers of this list do not receive and should not receive any form of payment to accept a change made by any contributor.

The goal of this repo is to index open-source projects, not to advertise for profit.

All the links are monitored and tested with awesome_bot made by @dkhamsing


What is Docker?

Where to start?

Where to start? (Windows)


Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

CI Services

Deployment and Infrastructure

Developer Tools

Development Environments


Garbage Collection

Hosting Images (registries)

Image Builder

Linter / Validator

Local Container Manager

Monitoring & Logging

Monitoring & Logging Services



Remote Container Manager / Orchestration

Reverse Proxy



Service Discovery

CaaS - Services for running containers

Terminal User Interface



Volume management and plugins

Web Interface

Useful Resources

Good Tips



Raspberry Pi / ARM


Main Account

Useful videos

Interesting Twitter Accounts

Communities and Meetups





What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud.

Source: What is Docker

Where to start?

Basics – Docker, Containers, Hypervisors, CoreOS

Docker Caveats What You Should Know About Running Docker In Production (written 11 APRIL 2016) MUST SEE

Docker Cheat Sheet by @wsargent MUST SEE

Docker Containers on the Desktop - The funniest way to learn about docker by @jessfraz who also gave a presentation about it @ DockerCon 2015 (Tips: checkout her dotfiles and her dockerfiles)

Docker Curriculum: A comprehensive tutorial for getting started with Docker. Teaches how to use Docker and deploy dockerized apps on AWS with Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service.

Docker Documentation

Docker for all - Developers, Testers, DevOps, Product Owners + Videos Docker Training Videos for all

Docker Jumpstart: a quick introduction

Docker Toolbox - It’s a legacy desktop application for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on older Mac (10.10 and below) and Windows (8.1 and below) systems. On newer systems it’s recommended to use the Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows.

Docker Training - Includes a free self-paced hands-on tutorial (free registration required or sign-in with DockerHub ID)

How to Whale - Learn Docker in your web browser, no setup or installation required by @carolynvs.

Katacoda: Learn Docker using Interactive Browser-Based Labs

Learn Docker Full environment set up, screenshots, step-by-step tutorial and more resources (video, articles, cheat sheets) by @dwyl

Play With Docker - PWD is a great way to get started with Docker from beginner to advanced users. Docker runs directly in your browser.

Play With Moby - PWM is a web based Moby playground which allows you to try different components of the platform in seconds. It gives you the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in the cloud where you can build and run Moby projects and even create clusters to experiment.

Where to start? (Windows)

Windows Containers Quick Start Overview of Windows containers, drilling down to Quick Starts for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016

Build And Run Your First Docker Windows Server Container Walkthrough installing Docker on Windows 10, building a Docker image and running a Windows container

Video: Windows Containers and Docker: The 101 A 20-minute overview, using Docker to run PowerShell, ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET apps

A Comparative Study of Docker Engine on Windows Server vs Linux Platform Comparing the feature sets and implementations of Docker on Windows and Linux

Docker with Microsoft SQL 2016 + ASP.NET Demonstration running ASP.NET and SQL Server workloads in Docker

Running a Legacy ASP.NET App in a Windows Container Steps for Dockerizing a legacy ASP.NET app and runnning as a Windows container

Exploring ASP.NET Core with Docker in both Linux and Windows Containers Running ASP.NET Core apps in Linux and Windows containers, using Docker for Windows


Moby = open source development

Docker CE = free product release based on Moby

Docker EE = commercial product release based on Docker CE.

Docker EE is on the same code base as Docker CE, so also built from Moby, with commercial components added, such as “docker data center / universal control plane”


Docker Images

Docker Compose (Define and run multi-container applications with Docker)

Docker Machine (Machine management for a container-centric world)

Docker Registry (The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content)

Docker Swarm (Swarm: a Docker-native clustering system)

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

Awesome-ciandcd - Not specific to docker but relevant.

Buddy - The best of Git, build & deployment tools combined into one powerful tool that supercharged our development.

Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker containers ready for Continuous Delivery by @harbur.

Cyclone - A cloud native CI/CD platform built for container workflow by @caicloud.

Docker plugin for Jenkins - The aim of the docker plugin is to be able to use a docker host to dynamically provision a slave, run a single build, then tear-down that slave.

Dockunit - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By @dockunit

DockerSpec - A small Ruby Gem to run RSpec and Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfiles or Docker images easily. By @zuazo

Drone - Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files.

GitLab CI - GitLab has integrated CI to test, build and deploy your code with the use of GitLab runners.

GOCD-DockerGo Server and Agent in docker containers to provision.

InSpec - InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance, security and policy requirements. By @chef

Microservices Continuous Deployment - Continuous deployment of a microservices application.

Screwdriver - Yahoo’s OpenSource buildplatform designed for Continous Delivery.

Skipper - Easily dockerize your Git repository by @Stratoscale

SwarmCI - Create a distributed, isolated task pipeline in your Docker Swarm.

Watchtower - Automatically update running Docker containers by @CenturyLinkLabs

CI Services

CircleCI - Push or pull Docker images from your build environment, or build and run containers right on CircleCI.

CodeFresh - Everything you need to build, test, and share your Docker applications. Provides automated end to end testing.

CodeShip - Work with your established Docker workflows while automating your testing and deployment tasks with our hosted platform dedicated to speed and security.

ConcourseCI - A CI SaaS platform for developers and DevOps teams pipeline oriented.

Semaphore CI — A high-performance cloud solution that makes it easy to build, test and ship your containers to production.

Shippable - A SaaS platform for developers and DevOps teams that significantly reduces the time taken for code to be built, tested and deployed to production.

IBM DevOps Services - Continuous delivery using a pipeline deployment onto IBM Containers on Bluemix.

TravisCI - A Free github projects continuous integration Saas platform for developers and Devops.

Wercker - A Docker-Native continous integration & deployment Automation platform for Kubernetes & Microservice Deployments.

Deployment and Infrastructure

Centurion - Centurion is a mass deployment tool for Docker fleets. It takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings. By @newrelic

Clocker - Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure. Clocker supports single-click deployments and runtime management of multi-node applications that run as containers distributed across multiple hosts, on both Docker and Marathon. It leverages Calico and Weave for networking and Brooklyn for application blueprints. By @brooklyncentral

Conduit - Experimental deployment system for Docker by @ehazlett

depcon - Depcon is written in Go and allows you to easily deploy Docker containers to Apache Mesos/Marathon, Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. By @gonodr

deploy - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration. Declarative configuration and short commands for managing (syncing, building, running) of infrastructures of more than a few services. Able to deploy whole preconfigured server or system of services with a single line (without having to scroll the line).

Docket - Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by @netvarun

dockit - Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers! By @humblec

Longshoreman - Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By longshoreman

rocker-compose - Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers. By @grammarly

Zodiac - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By @CenturyLinkLabs

Developer Tools

ahab - Docker event handling with Python by @instacart

bocker (1) - Docker implemented in 100 lines of bash by p8952

construi - Run your builds inside a Docker defined environment by @lstephen

Docker Client for JVM - A Docker remote api client library for the JVM, written in Groovy by @gesellix

docker-it-scala - Docker integration testing kit with Scala by @whisklabs

docker-maven-plugin (1) - A Maven plugin for building and pushing Docker images by @spotify

docker-maven-plugin (2) - A Maven plugin for running and creating Docker images by @fabric8io

Docker-PowerShell - PowerShell Module for Docker

Docker.DotNet - C#/.NET HTTP client for the Docker remote API by @ahmetalpbalkan

dockerode - Docker Remote API node.js module by @apocas

go-dockerclient - Go HTTP client for the Docker remote API by @fsouza

is-docker - Check if the process is running inside a Docker container by @sindresorhus

Gradle Docker plugin - A Docker remote api plugin for Gradle by @gesellix

powerstrip - A tool for prototyping Docker extensions by @clusterhq

sbt-docker - Create Docker images directly from sbt by @marcuslonnberg

sbt-docker-compose - Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt by @kurtkopchik

Development Environments

Binci - Containerize your development workflow. (formerly DevLab by @TechnologyAdvice)

Devstep - Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks by @fgrehm

Docker osx dev - A productive development environment with Docker on OS X by @brikis98

Docker-sync - Drastically improves performance (50-70x) when using Docker for development on Mac OS X/Windows and Linux while sharing code to the container. By @EugenMayer

Stacker - Docker Compose Templates. Stacker provides an abstraction layer over Docker Compose and a better DX (developer experience).

Vagga - Vagga is a containerisation tool without daemons. It is a fully-userspace container engine inspired by Vagrant and Docker, specialized for development environments by @tailhook

Docker Compose file


chaperone-docker - A set of images using the Chaperone process manager, including a lean Alpine image, LAMP, LEMP, and bare-bones base kits.

Collection of Dockerfiles by @crosbymichael

Collection of Dockerfiles 2 by @pandrew

Collection of Dockerfiles 3 by @vimagick

Collection of Dockerfiles 4 by @ondrejmo

Collection of Dockerfiles 5 by @arun-gupta

docker-alpine - A super small Docker base image (5MB) using Alpine Linux by @gliderlabs

Docker Compose Example by @llitfkitfk

Dockerfile Project : Trusted Automated Docker Builds. Dockerfile Project maintains a central repository of Dockerfile for various popular open source software services runnable on a Docker container.

Dockerfile Example by @komljen

Dockerfile Example 2 by @kstaken

Vektorcloud - A collection of minimal, Alpine-based Docker images

Garbage Collection

caduc - A docker garbage collector cleaning stuff you did not use recently

Docker Clean - A script that cleans Docker containers, images and volumes by @zzrotdesign

docker-garby - Docker garbage collection script by @konstruktoid.

docker-gc - A cron job that will delete old stopped containers and unused images by @spotify

sherdock - Automatic GC of images based on regexp by @rancher

Hosting Images (registries)

Services to securely store your Docker images.

* Amazon EC2 Container Registry Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) is a fully-managed Docker container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images.

* Atomic Registry - Red Hat Atomic Registry is an open source enterprise registry based on the Origin and Cockpit projects, enhancing the Docker registry library.

* Azure Container Registry Manage a Docker private registry as a first-class Azure resource

* CargoOS A bare essential OS for running the Docker Engine on bare metal or Cloud.

* Cycle.io Bare-metal container hosting.

* Docker Hub provided by Docker Inc.

* Docker Registry v2 - The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content

* GCE Container Registry Fast, private Docker image storage on Google Cloud Platform

* GitLab Container Registry - Repositories focused on using it images in GitLab CI

* Quay.io (part of CoreOS) - Secure hosting for private Docker repositories

* Rescoyl - Private Docker registry (free and open source) by @noteed

* Sonatype Nexus - Repository with Universal Support, also for Docker images

* TreeScale - Build and Distribute container based applications.

* VMWare Harbor Project Harbor by VMWare is an enterprise-class registry server that stores and distributes Docker images. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by an enterprise, such as security, identity and management.

Image Builder

bocker (2) - Write Dockerfile completely in Bash. Extensible and simple. –> Reusable by @icy

box - Build Dockerfile images with a mruby DSL, includes flattening and layer manipulation

container-factory - Produces Docker images from tarballs of application source code by @mutable

dlayer - Stats collector for Docker layers by @wercker

docker-companion - A command line tool written in Golang to squash and unpack docker images by @mudler

docker-make - Build, tag,and push a bunch of related docker images via a single command.

DockerSlim shrinks fat Docker images creating the smallest possible images.

elsy - An opinionated, multi-language, build tool based on Docker and Docker Compose

flyimg - Docker image resizing, cropping, and compression on the fly.

habitus - A Build Flow Tool for Docker http://www.habitus.io by @cloud66

MicroBadger - Analyze the contents of images and add metadata labels

packer - Hashicorp tool to build machine images including docker image integrated with configuration management tools like chef, puppet, ansible

portainer - Apache Mesos framework for building Docker images by @duedil-ltd

rocker - Extended Dockerfile builder. Supports multiple FROMs, MOUNTS, templates, etc. by grammarly.

SkinnyWhale Skinnywhale helps you make smaller (as in megabytes) Docker containers.

Whales - A tool to automatically dockerize your applications by @icalialabs.

Linter / Validator

dockerfile_lint - A rule-based ‘linter’ for Dockerfiles by @redhataccess

Hadolint - A Dockerfile linter written in Haskell by @lukasmartinelli

Whale-linter - A simple and small Dockerfile linter written in Python3+ without dependencies by @jeromepin

Local Container Manager

Ansible - manage docker containers.

Azk - Orchestrate development enviornments on your local machine by @azukiapp

Beluga - CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. By @cortextmedia

Boot2Docker - Docker for OSX and Windows

crowdr - Tool for managing multiple Docker containers (
alternative) by @polonskiy

Dinghy - An alternative way to use Docker on Mac OS X using Docker Machine with virtualbox, vmware, xhyve or parallels

DLite - Simplest way to use Docker on OSX, no VM needed. By @nlf

docker-vm - Simple and transparent alternative to boot2docker (backed by Vagrant) by @shyiko

Dray - An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows by @CenturyLinkLabs

Dusty - Managed Docker development environments on OS X

FuGu - Docker run wrapper without orchestration by @mattes

libcompose - Go library for Docker Compose.

percheron - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by @ashmckenzie

SaltStack Docker module - SaltStack Docker module

Shutit - Tool for building and maintaining complex Docker deployments by @ianmiell

subuser - Makes it easy to securely and portably run graphical desktop applications in Docker

Turbo - Simple and Powerful utility for docker. By @ramitsurana

Vagrant - Docker provider - Good starting point is vagrant-docker-example by @bubenkoff

Vessel - Automates the setup & use of dockerized development environments by @awvessel

Monitoring & Logging

cAdvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. Created by @Google

Docker-Fluentd - Docker container to Log Other Containers’ Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd by @kiyoto

Docker-mon - Console-based Docker monitoring by @icecrime

Dockerana - packaged version of Graphite and Grafana, specifically targeted at metrics from Docker.

DoMonit - A simple Docker Monitoring wrapper For Docker API

Dynatrace - Monitor containerized applications without installing agents or modifying your Run commands

Glances - A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python by @nicolargo

Grafana Docker Dashboard Template - A template for your Docker, Grafana and Prometheus stack @vegasbrianc

InfluxDB, cAdvisor, Grafana - InfluxDB Time series DB in combination with Grafana and cAdvisor by @vegasbrianc

LogJam - Logjam is a log forwarder designed to listen on a local port, receive log entries over UDP, and forward these messages on to a log collection server (such as logstash) by @gocardless

Logsene for Docker Monitoring of Metrics, Events and Logs implemented in Node.js. Integrated logagent-js to detect and parse various log formats. @sematext

Logspout - Log routing for Docker container logs by @gliderlabs

Out-of-the-box Host/Container Monitoring/Logging/Alerting Stack - Docker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertmanager for alerting. Set up in 5 Minutes. Secure mode for production use with built-in Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy (jwilder’s).

Seagull - Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon. by @tobegit3hub

Zabbix Docker module - Zabbix module that provides discovery of running containers, CPU/memory/blk IO/net container metrics. Systemd Docker and LXC execution driver is also supported. It’s a dynamically linked shared object library, so its performance is (~10x) better, than any script solution.

Zabbix Docker - Monitor containers automatically using zabbix LLD feature.

Docker-Alertd - Monitor and send alerts based on docker container resource usage/statistics

Monitoring & Logging Services

AppDynamics - AppDynamics gives enterprises real-time insights into application performance, user performance, and business performance so they can move faster in an increasingly sophisticated, software-driven world.

Axibase Time-Series Database - Long-term retention of container statistics and built-in dashboards for Docker. Collected with native Google cAdvisor storage driver.

CA Technologies Docker Monitoring - $$$ - Agile Operations solutions from CA deliver the modern Docker monitoring businesses need to accelerate and optimize the performance of microservices and the dynamic Docker environments running them. Monitor both the Docker environment and apps that run inside them.

Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk

CoScale - Full stack monitoring for containerized applications and microservices. Powered by anomaly detection to find performance problems faster.

Datadog - Datadog is a full-stack monitoring service for large-scale cloud environments that aggregates metrics/events from servers, databases, and applications. It includes support for Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos.

Meros - Analyzes containers resources, captures logs, remote web SSH terminal and powerful DevOps alerts.

Prometheus - Open-source service monitoring system and time series database

Sysdig - An open source troubleshooting tool that provides a rich set of real-time, system-level information. It has container-specific features and is very useful in Docker environments.

Site24x7 - Docker MOnitoring for DevOps and IT is a SaaS Pay per Host model

SPM for Docker - Monitoring of host and container metrics, Docker events and logs. Automatic log parser. Anomaly Detection and alerting for metrics and logs. @sematext


Calico-Docker - Calico is a pure layer 3 virtual network that allows containers over multiple docker-hosts to talk to each other.

Flannel - Flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes. By @coreos

netshoot - The netshoot container has a powerful set of networking tools to help troubleshoot Docker networking issues by @nicolaka

Weave (The Docker network) - Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts.


Atlantis - Atlantis is an Open Source PaaS for HTTP applications built on Docker and written in Go

Convox Rack - Convox Rack is open source PaaS built on top of expert infrastructure automation and devops best practices.

Dcw - Docker-compose SSH wrapper: a very poor man PaaS, exposing the docker-compose and custom-container commands defined in container labels.

Dokku - Docker powered mini-Heroku that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications (originally by @progrium)

Empire - A PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)

Flynn - A next generation open source platform as a service

Nanobox - A micro-PaaS (μPaaS) for creating consistent, isolated, development environments deployable anywhere

OpenShift - An open source PaaS built on Kubernetes and optimized for Dockerized app development and deployment by Red Hat

Tsuru - Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software

Workflow - The open source PaaS for Kubernetes by Deis. Formerly Deis v1.

Remote Container Manager / Orchestration

Awesome Kubernetes by @ramitsurana

autodock - Daemon for Docker Automation by @prologic

blimp - Uses Docker Machine to easily move a container from one Docker host to another, show containers running against all of your hosts, replicate a container across multiple hosts and more by @defermat and @schvin

Capitan - Composable docker orchestration with added scripting support by @byrnedo.

CloudSlang - CloudSlang is a workflow engine to create Docker process automation

clusterdock - Docker container orchestration to enable the testing of long-running cluster deployments

ContainerShip A simple container management platform

CoreOS - Linux for Massive Server Deployments

Crane - Control plane based on docker built-in swarm @Dataman-Cloud

Deploying a Containerized App on a Public Node with Mesos - Docker plus Mesosphere provides an easy way to automate and scale deployment of containers in a production environment

ElasticKube - Open source management platform for Kubernetes

Fleet - A Distributed init System providing low-level orchestration by @coreos

Flocker - Flocker is a data volume manager and multi-host Docker cluster management tool by @ClusterHQ

gantryd - A framework for easy management of docker-based components across machines by @DevTable

Haven - Haven is a simplified container management platform that integrates container, application, cluster, image, and registry managements. By @codeabovelab

Helios - A simple platform for deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet of servers by @spotify

Kontena - Application Containers for Masses https://www.kontena.io/

Kubernetes - Open source orchestration system for Docker containers by Google

Maestro - Maestro provides the ability to easily launch, orchestrate and manage mulitiple Docker containers as single unit by @tascanini

Mantl - Mantl is a modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services

Marathon - Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is “always on”

MCollective Docker Agent - Uses MCollective to orchestrate your Docker containers and images by @m4ce

Nomad - Easily deploy applications at any scale. A Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler by @hashicorp

Panamax - An open-source project that makes deploying complex containerized apps as easy as Drag-and-Drop by @CenturyLinkLabs.

Portainer - A lightweight management UI for managing your Docker host or Docker Swarm cluster (previously DockerUI by @kevana)

Rancher - An open source project that provides a complete platform for operating Docker in production by @rancher.

Serf - Service orchestration and management tool by @hashicorp

Shipyard - Composable Docker Management

Swarmpit - Lightweight Docker Swarm orchestration. Swarmpit provides clean way to manage your Docker Swarm cluster with various handful features such Service management, smart search, shared access and private registries.

Reverse Proxy

docker-proxy - Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container. By @silarsis

fabio - A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul. By @magiconair (Frank Schroeder)

h2o-proxy - Automated H2O reverse proxy for Docker containers. An alternative to jwilder/nginx-proxy by @zchee

Let’s Encrypt Nginx-proxy Companion - A lightweight companion container for the nginx-proxy. It allow the creation/renewal of Let’s Encrypt certificates automatically. By @JrCs

muguet - DNS Server & Reverse proxy for Docker environments. By @mattallty

nginx-proxy - Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen by @jwilder

Swarm Ingress Router - Route DNS names to Swarm services based on labels. By @tpbowden

Træfɪk - Automated reverse proxy and load-balancer for Docker, Mesos, Consul, Etcd… By @EmileVauge


CIS Docker Benchmark - This InSpec compliance profile implement the CIS Docker 1.12.0 Benchmark in an automated way to provide security best-practice tests around Docker daemon and containers in a production environment. By @dev-sec

Clair - Clair is an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in appc and docker containers. By @coreos

docker-bench-security - script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. By @docker

notary - a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By @docker

oscap-docker - OpenSCAP provides oscap-docker tool which is used to scan Docker containers and images. By RedHat

Twistlock $$$ - Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.


AMP - The open source unified CaaS/FaaS platform for Docker, batteries included. By @Appcelerator

Apache OpenWhisk - a serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale. By @apache

Docker-Lambda - Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment. By @lamb-ci

FaaS - Docker Serverless/Functions as a Service (on Docker Swarm). By @alexellis

Funker - Functions as Docker containers example voting app. By @bfirsh

IronFunctions - The serverless microservices platform FaaS (Funcitons as a Service) which uses Docker containers to run Any language or AWS Lambda functions

SCAR - Serverless Container-aware Architectures (SCAR) is a serverless framework that allows easy deployment and execution of containers (e.g. Docker) in Serverless environments (e.g. Lambda) by @grycap

Service Discovery

Docker Grand Ambassador - This is a fully dynamic docker link ambassador. + Article by @cpuguy83

docker-consul by @progrium

etcd - A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery by @coreOS

proxy - lightweight nginx based load balancer self using service discovery provided by registrator. by @factorish

registrator - Service registry bridge for Docker by @progrium

Services for running containers

Amazon ECS - A management service on EC2 that supports Docker containers.

Arukas - Heroku-inspired CaaS

Azure ACS - A management service on Azure Virtual Machines that supports Docker containers.

Cloud 66 - Full-stack hosted container management as a service

Codenvy - One-click Docker environments and cloud workspace for development teams

ContainerShip Cloud - Multi-Cloud Container Hosting Automation Platform.

DataMC - DataMc is a PaaS for Production ready and fully managed Data Platform

Docker Cloud - Former Tutum

Dockhero - Dockhero is a Heroku add-on which turns a Docker image into a microservice attached to the Heroku app. Currently in beta.

Giant Swarm - Simple microservice infrastructure. Deploy your containers in seconds.

Google Container Engine - Docker containers on Google Cloud Computing powered by Kubernetes.

Hyper_ - Secure container hosting service with “nano-containers” and per-second billing.

IBM Bluemix Container Service - Run Docker containers in a hosted cloud environment on IBM Bluemix.

OpenShift Dedicated - A hosted OpenShift cluster for running your Docker containers managed by Red Hat.

Sloppy.io - all-in-one solution for container deployment and hosting – made and hosted in Germany

Triton - Elastic container-native infrastructure by Joyent.

Terminal User Interface

ctop (1) - A command line / text based Linux Containers monitoring tool that works just like you expect (Python) by @yadutaf

ctop (2) - Top-like interface for container metrics (Golang) by @bcicen

dockercraft - Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft by @docker

dockersql - A command line interface to query Docker using SQL by @crosbymichael

dockly - An interactive shell UI for managing Docker containers by @lirantal

dry - An interactive CLI for Docker containers by @moncho

sen - Terminal user interface for docker engine, by @TomasTomecek

wharfee - Autocompletion and syntax highlighting for Docker commands. by @j-bennet

tsaotun - Python based Assistance for Docker by @qazbnm456


dgoss - A fast YAML based tool for validating docker containers.

Pumba - Chaos testing tool for Docker. Can be deployed on Kubernets and CoreOS clusters.


athena - An automation platform with a plugin architecture that allows you to easily create and share services.

Chaperone - A single PID1 process designed for docker containers. Does user management, log management, startup, zombie reaping, all in one small package. by @garywiz

codelift - CodeLift is an automated Docker image build utility for ‘dockerizing’ services by @BoozAllen

Composerize - Convert docker run commands into docker-compose files

dexec - Command line interface written in Go for running code with Docker Exec images.

dext-docker-registry-plugin - Search the Docker Registry with the Dext smart launcher.

Docker meets the IDE - Integrating your favorite containers in the editor of your choice by domeide

Docker Volume Clone Utility - A Docker Utility to Clone Volumes @gdiepen

docker-compose-search - A search engine for Docker Compose application stacks by @francescou

docker-do - hassle-free docker run, like
but for docker by @benzaita

docker-gen - Generate files from docker container meta-data by @jwilder

docker-ls - CLI tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries by @mayflower

docker-replay - Generate
docker run
command and options from running containers. By bcicen

docker-volumes - Docker Volume Manager by @cpuguy83

dockerize - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers by @jwilder

Dockly - Dockly is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application in Docker by @swipely

dockramp - Proof of Concept: A Client Driven Docker Image Builder by @jlhawn

draw-compose - Utility to draw a schema of a docker compose by @Alexis-benoist

DVM - Docker version manager by @howtowhale

Eclipse Che - Developer workspace server with Docker runtimes, cloud IDE, next-generation Eclipse IDE

forward2docker - Utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers running in a boot2docker VM by @bsideup

GoSu - Run this specific application as this specific user and get out of the pipeline (entrypoint script tool) by @tianon

ns-enter - no more ssh, enter name spaces of container by @jpetazzo

OctoLinker - A browser extension for GitHub that makes the image name in a
clickable and redirect you to the related Docker Hub page.

percheron - Organise your Docker containers with muscle and intelligence by @ashmckenzie

Powerline-Docker - A Powerline segment for showing the status of Docker containers by @adrianmo

Squid-in-a-can - in case of proxy problem by @jpetazzo

TrivialRC - A minimalistic Runtime Configuration system and process manager for containers @vorakl

udocker - A tool to execute simple docker containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges by @inidigo-dc

Volume management and plugins

Blockbridge - The Blockbridge plugin is a volume plugin that provides access to an extensible set of container-based persistent storage options. It supports single and multi-host Docker environments with features that include tenant isolation, automated provisioning, encryption, secure deletion, snapshots and QoS. By @blockbridge

Convoy - an open-source Docker volume driver that can snapshot, backup and restore Docker volumes anywhere. By @rancher

Docker Unison A docker volume container using Unison for fast two-way folder sync. Created as an alternative to slow boot2docker volumes on OS X. By @leighmcculloch

Netshare A Docker volume plugin written in Go that supports mounting NFS, AWS EFS & CIFS volumes within a container. By @gondor

Docker Machine NFS Activates NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Docker Machine on OS X.

REX-Ray Vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine to provide persistent storage for Docker containers as well as Mesos frameworks and tasks.

Local Persist Specify a mountpoint for your local volumes (created via
docker volume create
) so that files will always persist and so you can mount to different directories in different containers.

Minio - S3 compatible object storage server in Docker containers

Web Interface

Docker Registry Browser - Web Interface for the Docker Registry HTTP API v2 by @klausmeyer

Docker Registry UI - A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration by @atc-

docker-registry-web - Web UI, authentication service and event recorder for private docker registry v2 by @mkuchin

docker-swarm-visualizer - Visualizes Docker services on a Docker Swarm (for running demos).

dockering-on-rails - Simple Web-Interface for Docker with a lot of features by @Electrofenster

Portus - Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2) by @SUSE

Rapid Dashboard - A simple query dashboard to use Docker Remote API by @ozlerhakan

Useful Resources

Awesome Linux Container more general about container than this repo, by @Friz-zy.

Awesome Selfhosted list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally by running in a classical way (setup local web server and run applications from there) or in a Docker container. By @Kickball

Awesome Sysadmin by @n1trux

Blog of @crosbymichael

Blog of @gliderlabs

Blog of @jwilder

Blog of @jpetazzo

Blog of @progrium

Blog of @sebgoa

Blog of @codeship

Blog of @jessfraz

Container solutions


Docker Cheat Sheet by @JensPiegsa (updated for Docker 1.13)

Docker Cheat Sheet by @wsargent MUST SEE

Docker Ecosystem (PDF) MUST SEE find it on blog by Bryzgalov Peter.

Docker Ecosystem (Mind Map) MUST SEE

Docker Kubernetes Lab Handbook

Docker Printable Refcard by @dimonomid

Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability Nirvana

Docker Weekly Huge resource

Project Web Dev : (Article series) How to create your own website based on Docker

ToolsOfTheTrade a list of SaaS and On premise applications by @cjbarber

Valuable Docker Links High quality articles about docker! MUST SEE

Good Tips

10 practical docker tips (Dec 2015) by @josdirksen

10 Things Not To Forget Before Deploying Docker In Production

24 random docker tips by @csabapalfi

6 Million Ways To Log In Docker by @raychaser

A Simple Way to Dockerize Applications by @jwilder

Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker by @jwilder

Building good docker images by @jbergknoff

Container Best Practices - Red Hat’s Project Atomic created a Container Best Practices guide which applies to everything and is updated regurlary.

Dealing with linked containers dependency in docker-compose by @rochacbruno

Docker CIFS – How to Mount CIFS as a Docker Volume

Docker on Windows behind a firewall by @kaitoedter

Docker Tips by @jmervine

Dockerfile Generator (ruby script)

GUI Apps with Docker by @fgrehm

Kubernetes Cheatsheet - A great resource for managing your Kubernetes installation

Nginx Proxy for Docker (written 9 JUL 2015)

Production Meteor and Node Using Docker, Part I by @projectricochet

Pulling Git into a Docker image without leaving SSH keys behind by @khash

Resource Management in Docker by @marekgoldmann

Running Production Hadoop Clusters in Docker Containers

Using NSEnter with Boot2Docker


Docker Team


WebOps weekly



Bringing new security features to Docker

CVE Scanning Alpine images with Multi-stage builds in Docker 17.05 by @tomwillfixit

Docker and SELinux

Docker Secure Deployment Guidelines

Docker Security Cheat Sheet

Docker Security: Are Your Containers Tightly Secured to the Ship? SlideShare

How CVE’s are handled on Offical Docker Images

Improving Docker Security with Authenticated Volumes

Lynis is an open source security auditing tool including Docker auditing

Security Best Practices for Building Docker Images

Tuning Docker with the newest security enhancements

Understanding Docker security and best practices (written 5 MAY 2015)

Raspberry Pi & ARM

Docker Pirates ARMed with explosive stuff Huge resource on clustering, swarm, docker, pre-installed image for SD card on Raspberry Pi

Get Docker up and running on the RaspberryPi in three steps

git push docker containers to linux devices Modern DevOps for IoT, leveraging git and Docker.

Installing, running, using Docker on armhf (ARMv7) devices


Main Account

Docker Youtube Account

CenturyLink Labs Docker Interviews

Container Camp Conference about containers!!! @containercamp

Quoi d’neuf Docker FRENCH chronique vidéo sur Youtube proposant de courtes vidéos (maximum 15 minutes) sur la thématique “Docker et son écosystème” Site Web

Useful videos

Contributing to Docker by Andrew “Tianon” Page (InfoSiftr) (34:31)

Deploying and scaling applications with Docker, Swarm, and a tiny bit of Python magic (3:11:06) by @jpetazzo

Docker and SELinux by Daniel Walsh from Red Hat (40:23)

Docker for Developers (54:26) by @jpetazzo <== Good introduction, context, demo

Docker in Production by @jpetazzo (36:05)

Docker: How to Use Your Own Private Registry (15:01)

Extending Docker with Plugins (15:21)

From Local Docker Development to Production Deployments by @jpetazzo @ AWS re:Invent 2015

Immutable Infrastructure with Docker and EC2 by Michael Bryzek (Gilt) (42:04)

Introduction to Docker and containers (3:09:00) by @jpetazzo

Logging on Docker: What You Need to Know (51:27)

Performance Analysis of Docker - Jeremy Eder (1:36:58)

Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes Free Udacity course

State of containers: a debate with CoreOS, VMware and Google (27:38)

SysAdminCasts: Introduction to Docker (15:49)

Interesting Twitter Accounts

CenturyLink Labs

Docker Captains Twitter List



OpenShift by Red Hat

Project Atomic

The New Stack

Communities and Meetups


Docker BR on Telegram

Docker BR on Slack - Auto invite url


DockerOne Docker Community (in Chinese) by @LiYingJie


Docker Community

Docker On Line Meetup

Docker Regional Meetup List


Docker Russian-speaking Community
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