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2017-07-10 14:49 295 查看
#第一步:程序引用包import  cv2import selectivesearchimport matplotlib.pyplot as  pltimport matplotlib.patches as  mpatchesimport  numpy as  np

#第二步:执行搜索工具,展示搜索结果image2="test2.png"#用cv2读取图片img = cv2.imread(image2)#白底黑字图 改为黑底白字图img=255-img
#selectivesearch 调用selectivesearch函数 对图片目标进行搜索img_lbl, regions =selectivesearch.selective_search(    img, scale=500, sigma=0.9, min_size=20)
print (regions[0])  #{'labels': [0.0], 'rect': (0, 0, 585, 301), 'size': 160699}  第一个为原始图的区域print (len(regions)) #共搜索到199个区域
# 接下来我们把窗口和图像打印出来,对它有个直观认识fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))ax.imshow(img)
for reg in regions:    x, y, w, h = reg['rect']    rect = mpatches.Rectangle(        (x, y), w, h, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1)    ax.add_patch(rect)plt.show()#搜索完成后展示图

#第三步:过滤掉冗余的窗口#1)第一次多虑candidates = []for r in regions:    # 重复的不要    if r['rect'] in candidates:        continue# 太小和太大的不要    if r['size'] < 200 or r['size']>20000:        continue
x, y, w, h = r['rect']    # 太不方的不要    if w / h > 1.2 or h / w > 1.2:        continuecandidates.append((x,y,w,h))
##('len(candidates)', 34) 一次过滤后剩余34个窗print ('len(candidates)',len(candidates))
#2)第二次过滤 大圈套小圈的目标 只保留大圈num_array=[]for  i  in  candidates:    if len(num_array)==0:        num_array.append(i)    else:        content=Falsereplace=-1        index=0        for j  in num_array:            ##新窗口在小圈 则滤除            if i[0]>=j[0] and i[0]+i[2]<=j[0]+j[2] 		and i[1]>=j[1] and i[1]+i[3]<=j[1]+j[3]:                 content=True                break##新窗口不在小圈 而在老窗口外部 替换老窗口            elif i[0]<=j[0] and i[0]+i[2]>=j[0]+j[2] 		and i[1]<=j[1] and i[1]+i[3]>=j[1]+j[3]:                 replace=index                breakindex+=1
if not content:            if replace>=0:                num_array[replace]=i            else:                num_array.append(i)#窗口过滤完之后的数量len=len(num_array)#二次过滤后剩余10个窗print 'len====',len
#3)对过滤完的窗口进行展示fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))ax.imshow(img)for x, y, w, h in num_array:    rect = mpatches.Rectangle(        (x, y), w, h, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1)    ax.add_patch(rect)plt.show()

#第四步:搜索完后的窗口,上下是有序的  左右是无序的,所以上下分别进行排序 并合并L1=num_array[0:len//2]L2=num_array[len//2:]
L1.sort(lambda  x,y:cmp(x[0],y[0]))print  'L1',L1L2.sort(lambda  x,y:cmp(x[0],y[0]))print  'L2',L2L1.extend(L2)print  'num_array===',num_arrayprint u"最终筛选后的窗口是:",L1
#第五步:提取窗口图片后转化为28*28的标准图Width=28Height=28#横向图片数组img_sample = np.zeros((len, Width*Height))i = 0for rect in num_array:    x, y, w, h = rect    #大图中截图窗口图片    img_cut = img[y :y+h, x:x +w,:]    #截取后的小图添加padding  生成方形图    if w > h:        real_size=w    else:        real_size=h    top_padding=int( (real_size - h) / 2)    left_padding=int( (real_size - w) /2)    #加padding方法    img_cut = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img_cut,top_padding,top_padding,left_padding,left_padding,borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
#把方形图 压缩成28*28的图    img_resize = cv2.resize(img_cut, (Width, Height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)    #压缩后的图转化成灰度图    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_resize, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)    #生成的小图保存到本地    cv2.imwrite('images/img_'+str(i)+'.png',gray)    #生成的小图展平 放到img_sample里    img_sample[i, :] = gray.ravel()    i += 1
#第六步:把转换后的数据用长图来显示img_s = np.zeros((Width, Height * img_sample.shape[0]))for i in xrange(img_sample.shape[0]):    img_s[:, i * Width:Height * (i + 1)] = 		img_sample[i, :].reshape(Width, Height)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))ax.imshow(img_s, cmap='gray')plt.savefig("number.jpg", bbox_inch="tight")plt.show()

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