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stanford coreNLP CRFClassifier 模型加载和序列化

2017-07-05 09:52 567 查看


loadClassifier(String loadPath, Properties props)

* Loads a classifier from the file, classpath resource, or URL specified by loadPath. If loadPath ends in
* .gz, uses a GZIPInputStream.
//seg here ,ner here
public void loadClassifier(String loadPath, Properties props) throws ClassCastException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
InputStream is = IOUtils.getInputStreamFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(loadPath);
Timing t = new Timing();
loadClassifier(is, props);
t.done(log, "Loading classifier from " + loadPath);

loadClassifier(ObjectInputStream ois, Properties props)

* Loads a classifier from the specified InputStream. This version works
* quietly (unless VERBOSE is true). If props is non-null then any properties
* it specifies override those in the serialized file. However, only some
* properties are sensible to change (you shouldn't change how features are
* defined).
* <p>
* <i>Note:</i> This method does not close the ObjectInputStream. (But earlier
* versions of the code used to, so beware....)
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked" })
// can't have right types in deserialization
//seg here,ner here
public void loadClassifier(ObjectInputStream ois, Properties props) throws ClassCastException, IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
Object o = ois.readObject();
// TODO: when we next break serialization, get rid of this fork and only read the List<Index> (i.e., keep first case)
if (o instanceof List) {
labelIndices = (List<Index<CRFLabel>>) o;
} else {
Index<CRFLabel>[] indexArray = (Index<CRFLabel>[]) o;
labelIndices = new ArrayList<>(indexArray.length);
Collections.addAll(labelIndices, indexArray);
classIndex = (Index<String>) ois.readObject();
featureIndex = (Index<String>) ois.readObject();
flags = (SeqClassifierFlags) ois.readObject();
if (flags.useEmbedding) {
embeddings = (Map<String, double[]>) ois.readObject();
Object featureFactory = ois.readObject();
if (featureFactory instanceof List) {
featureFactories = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(featureFactories);
// int i = 0;
// for (FeatureFactory ff : featureFactories) { // XXXX
// System.err.println("List FF #" + i + ": " + ((NERFeatureFactory) ff).describeDistsimLexicon()); // XXXX
// i++;
// }
} else if (featureFactory instanceof FeatureFactory) {
featureFactories = Generics.newArrayList();
featureFactories.add((FeatureFactory) featureFactory);
// System.err.println(((NERFeatureFactory) featureFactory).describeDistsimLexicon()); // XXXX
} else if (featureFactory instanceof Integer) {
// this is the current format (2014) since writing list didn't work (see note in serializeClassifier).
int size = (Integer) featureFactory;
featureFactories = Generics.newArrayList(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
featureFactory = ois.readObject();
if (!(featureFactory instanceof FeatureFactory)) {
throw new RuntimeIOException("Should have FeatureFactory but got " + featureFactory.getClass());
// System.err.println("FF #" + i + ": " + ((NERFeatureFactory) featureFactory).describeDistsimLexicon()); // XXXX
featureFactories.add((FeatureFactory) featureFactory);

// log.info("properties passed into CRF's loadClassifier are:" + props);
if (props != null) {
flags.setProperties(props, false);

windowSize = ois.readInt();
weights = (double[][]) ois.readObject();

// WordShapeClassifier.setKnownLowerCaseWords((Set) ois.readObject());
Set<String> lcWords = (Set<String>) ois.readObject();
if (lcWords instanceof MaxSizeConcurrentHashSet) {
knownLCWords = (MaxSizeConcurrentHashSet<String>) lcWords;
} else {
knownLCWords = new MaxSizeConcurrentHashSet<>(lcWords);


if (flags.labelDictionaryCutoff > 0) {
labelDictionary = (LabelDictionary) ois.readObject();

if (VERBOSE) {
log.info("windowSize=" + windowSize);
log.info("flags=\n" + flags);


* Serialize the classifier to the given ObjectOutputStream.
* <br>
* (Since the classifier is a processor, we don't want to serialize the
* whole classifier but just the data that represents a classifier model.)
public void serializeClassifier(ObjectOutputStream oos) {
try {
if (flags.useEmbedding) {
// For some reason, writing out the array of FeatureFactory
// objects doesn't seem to work.  The resulting classifier
// doesn't have the lexicon (distsim object) correctly saved.  So now custom write the list
for (FeatureFactory ff : featureFactories) {
// oos.writeObject(WordShapeClassifier.getKnownLowerCaseWords());

if (labelDictionary != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(e);
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