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读facebook babi数据集的preprocess代码,感觉还是有必要记下,省不少事

2017-06-29 14:28 656 查看

import os
import re
import numpy as np

def load_task(data_dir, task_id, only_supporting=False):
'''Load the nth task. There are 20 tasks in total.

Returns a tuple containing the training and testing data for the task.
assert task_id > 0 and task_id < 21

files = os.listdir(data_dir)
files = [os.path.join(data_dir, f) for f in files]
s = 'qa{}_'.format(task_id)
train_file = [f for f in files if s in f and 'train' in f][0]
test_file = [f for f in files if s in f and 'test' in f][0]
train_data = get_stories(train_file, only_supporting)
test_data = get_stories(test_file, only_supporting)
return train_data, test_data

def tokenize(sent):
'''Return the tokens of a sentence including punctuation.
>>> tokenize('Bob dropped the apple. Where is the apple?')
['Bob', 'dropped', 'the', 'apple', '.', 'Where', 'is', 'the', 'apple', '?']
return [x.strip() for x in re.split('(\W+)?', sent) if x.strip()]

def parse_stories(lines, only_supporting=False):
'''Parse stories provided in the bAbI tasks format
If only_supporting is true, only the sentences that support the answer are kept.
data = []
story = []
for line in lines:
line = str.lower(line)
nid, line = line.split(' ', 1)
nid = int(nid)
if nid == 1:
story = []
if '\t' in line: # question
q, a, supporting = line.split('\t')
q = tokenize(q)
#a = tokenize(a)
# answer is one vocab word even if it's actually multiple words
a = [a]
substory = None

# remove question marks
if q[-1] == "?":
q = q[:-1]

if only_supporting:
# Only select the related substory
supporting = map(int, supporting.split())
substory = [story[i - 1] for i in supporting]
# Provide all the substories
substory = [x for x in story if x]

data.append((substory, q, a))
else: # regular sentence
# remove periods
sent = tokenize(line)
if sent[-1] == ".":
sent = sent[:-1]
return data

def get_stories(f, only_supporting=False):
'''Given a file name, read the file, retrieve the stories, and then convert the sentences into a single story.
If max_length is supplied, any stories longer than max_length tokens will be discarded.
with open(f) as f:
return parse_stories(f.readlines(), only_supporting=only_supporting)

def vectorize_data(data, word_idx, sentence_size, memory_size):
Vectorize stories and queries.

If a sentence length < sentence_size, the sentence will be padded with 0's.

If a story length < memory_size, the story will be padded with empty memories.
Empty memories are 1-D arrays of length sentence_size filled with 0's.

The answer array is returned as a one-hot encoding.
S = []
Q = []
A = []
for story, query, answer in data:
ss = []
for i, sentence in enumerate(story, 1):
ls = max(0, sentence_size - len(sentence))
ss.append([word_idx[w] for w in sentence] + [0] * ls)

# take only the most recent sentences that fit in memory
ss = ss[::-1][:memory_size][::-1]

# Make the last word of each sentence the time 'word' which
# corresponds to vector of lookup table
for i in range(len(ss)):
ss[i][-1] = len(word_idx) - memory_size - i + len(ss)

# pad to memory_size
lm = max(0, memory_size - len(ss))
for _ in range(lm):
ss.append([0] * sentence_size)

lq = max(0, sentence_size - len(query))
q = [word_idx[w] for w in query] + [0] * lq

y = np.zeros(len(word_idx) + 1) # 0 is reserved for nil word
for a in answer:
y[word_idx[a]] = 1

return np.array(S), np.array(Q), np.array(A)


from data_utils import load_task, vectorize_data
from sklearn import cross_validation, metrics

from itertools import chain
from six.moves import range, reduce

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

tf.flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate", 0.01, "Learning rate for SGD.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_float("anneal_rate", 25, "Number of epochs between halving the learnign rate.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_float("anneal_stop_epoch", 100, "Epoch number to end annealed lr schedule.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_float("max_grad_norm", 40.0, "Clip gradients to this norm.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("evaluation_interval", 10, "Evaluate and print results every x epochs")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 32, "Batch size for training.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("hops", 3, "Number of hops in the Memory Network.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("epochs", 100, "Number of epochs to train for.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("embedding_size", 20, "Embedding size for embedding matrices.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("memory_size", 50, "Maximum size of memory.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("task_id", 1, "bAbI task id, 1 <= id <= 20")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("random_state", None, "Random state.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "/home/gt/Relation-Network-Tensorflow/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/", "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Task:", FLAGS.task_id)

# task data
train, test = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.task_id)
data = train + test

vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean([ len(s) for s, _, _ in data ]))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)

# Add time words/indexes
for i in range(memory_size):
word_idx['time{}'.format(i+1)] = 'time{}'.format(i+1)

vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1 # +1 for nil word
sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size) # for the position
sentence_size += 1  # +1 for time words

print("Longest sentence length", sentence_size)
print("Longest story length", max_story_size)
print("Average story length", mean_story_size)

# train/validation/test sets
S, Q, A = vectorize_data(train, word_idx, sentence_size, memory_size)
trainS, valS, trainQ, valQ, trainA, valA = cross_validation.train_test_split(S, Q, A, test_size=.1, random_state=FLAGS.random_state)
testS, testQ, testA = vectorize_data(test, word_idx, sentence_size, memory_size)
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