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2017-06-26 15:16 260 查看

vals =c(5,6,7)

for(v in vals){





1. paste() 命令是把几个字符连接起来,如paste("A","B","C",sep=" ")得到的就是“A B C”,在次基础上写如下for loop:

partnumber = c(1,2,5,78)

for(i in partnumber){

 print(paste("participant number",i, sep = " ")) 


#就可以得到一串参与者号码,根据上面给定的几个值, 从"participant number 1" 到"participant number 8" 

2. 双重loop

partnumber = c(1,2,5,78)

institution =c("cancer center", "RMH", "Florey")

for(i in partnumber){

  for(j in institution){

  print(paste("participant number",i,", institution",j,sep = " "))



# 先对j循环,后对i循环,得到如下结果

[1] "participant number 1 , institution cancer center"

[1] "participant number 1 , institution RMH"

[1] "participant number 1 , institution Florey"

[1] "participant number 2 , institution cancer center"

[1] "participant number 2 , institution RMH"

[1] "participant number 2 , institution Florey"

[1] "participant number 5 , institution cancer center"

[1] "participant number 5 , institution RMH"

[1] "participant number 5 , institution Florey"

[1] "participant number 78 , institution cancer center"

[1] "participant number 78 , institution RMH"

[1] "participant number 78 , institution Florey"

# 两个loop的话,output得放最中心的loop里面,如果只要要第一层loop,就放在靠外一层括号里面,第二层括号就保留最后的一个值

3. 数据库实例演示

 Titanic=read.csv("https://goo.gl/4Gqsnz")  #从网络读取数据<0.2, 0.2-0.6还是>0.6。


A<- sort(unique(Pclass))   #sort可以把类别按大小顺序排,unique()命令是把分类变量的种类提取出来

B<- sort(unique(Sex))

for(i in A){ 

  for(j in B){


    print(paste("for class",i,"sex",j,"mean survival is less than 0.2"))

  } else if (mean(Survived[Pclass==i&Sex==j])>0.6){

    print(paste("for class",i,"sex",j,"mean survival is more than 0.6"))

  } else {

    print(paste("for class",i,"sex",j,"mean survival is between 0.2 and 0.6"))}






[1] "for class 1 sex female mean survival is more than 0.6"

[1] "for class 1 sex male mean survival is between 0.2 and 0.6"

[1] "for class 2 sex female mean survival is more than 0.6"

[1] "for class 2 sex male mean survival is less than 0.2"

[1] "for class 3 sex female mean survival is between 0.2 and 0.6"

[1] "for class 3 sex male mean survival is less than 0.2"
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