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2017-06-23 16:32 423 查看



SetDevicePower (coredll)

coredll is for smart devices, not desktop Windows. Therefore, this information only applies to code using the .NET Compact Framework. To see if information for SetDevicePower in other DLLs exists, click on Find References to the right.

Often used to control the backlight

C# Signature:

[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern int SetDevicePower(
string pvDevice,
int dwDeviceFlags,
DevicePowerState DeviceState);

VB Signature:

<DllImport("coredll")> _
Private Shared Function SetDevicePower(ByVal pvDevice As String, ByVal dwDeviceFlags As Integer, ByVal DeviceState As DevicePowerState) As Integer
End Function

User-Defined Types:

public enum DevicePowerState : int
Unspecified = -1,
D0 = 0, // Full On: full power, full functionality
D1, // Low Power On: fully functional at low power/performance
D2, // Standby: partially powered with automatic wake
D3, // Sleep: partially powered with device initiated wake
D4, // Off: unpowered

private const int POWER_NAME = 0x00000001;



Tips & Tricks:

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Sample Code:

This turns the backlight off
SetDevicePower("BKL1:", POWER_NAME, DevicePowerState.D4);
This holds the backlight on until the device turns off
SetDevicePower("BKL1:", POWER_NAME, DevicePowerState.D0);

Alternative Managed API:

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SetDevicePower on MSDN

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