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纯干货7 Domain Adaptation视频教程(附PPT)及经典论文分享

2017-06-22 22:35 1021 查看

领域适应性Domain Adaptation、One-shot/zero-shot Learning概述》中,介绍了关于Domain Adaptation的相关基础知识,并没有深入介绍Domain Adaptation相关算法的原理。今天,分享一个与Domain

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    Domain Adaptation相关的经典论文分享。按原理分类:

Covariate Shift Based:

[1] James Heckman.  Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error.  1979. Nobel
prize-winning paper which introduced Sample Selection Bias.

[2] Arthur Gretton et al.  Covariate Shift by Kernel Mean Matching.  2008.  Describes
a procedure for computing the optimal source weights, given infinite unlabeled data and a universal kernel.  Also provides target
error bounds when learning under the labeled source distribution.

[3] Corinna Cortes et al.  Sample Selection Bias Correction Theory.  2008. Analyzes
the case when we have only finite unlabeled data, so that we cannot   determine the optimal weights exactly.  This leads to a bias
when learning from

      the source domain.

[4] Steffen Bickel.  Discriminative Learning under Covariate Shift.  2009. 
Introduces the logistic regression model for learning source weights directly from unlabeled data.


Representation Learning Based:

[5] John Blitzer et al.  Domain Adaptation with Structural Correspondence Learning.  2006. Describes
the projection-learning technique from this section.

[6] Shai Ben-David et al.  Analysis of Representations for Domain Adaptation.  2007. Gives
an early version of the discrepancy distance and its relation to adaptation error.

[7] John Blitzer et al.  Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification.  2007. Describes
an application of projection learning to sentiment classification.  These are the results from the previous section.

[8] Yishay Mansour et al.  Domain Adaptation: Learning Bounds and Algorithms.  2009. Generalizes
the discrepancy distance to arbitrary losses and gives a tighter bound than above.  Also describes techniques for learning instances
weights to directly minimize  discrepancy distance.


Feature Based Supervised Adaptation Based:

[9] T. Evgeniou and M. Pontil.  Regularized Multi-task Learning.  2004.     

[10] Hal Daume III.  Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation.  2007. Describes
the feature replication algorithm from this section.

[11] Kilian Weinberger et al.  Feature Hashing for Large Scale Multitask Learning.  2009. Describes
the feature hashing technique for handling millions of domains or tasks simultaneously.

[12] A. Kumar et al.  Frustratingly Easy Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation.  2010.Shows
how to incorporate unlabeled data in the feature replication framework.  


Parameter Based Supervised Adaptation Based:

[13] Olivier Chapelle et al.  A machine learning approach to conjoint analysis.  2005.     

[14] Kai Yu et al.  Learning Gaussian Processes from Multiple Tasks.  2005. Kernelized
multi-task learning with parameters linked via GP prior.

[11] Ya Xue et al.  Multi-task Learning for Classification with Dirichlet Process Priors.  2007. Learning
with parameters linked via DP clustering.

[12] Hal Daume III.  Bayesian Multitask Learning with Latent Hierarchies.  2009. Describes
the latent hierarchical modeling.


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