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Microsoft Edge 针对 Web 开发人员更新日志

2017-06-15 10:48 465 查看

Windows 10 build16215 之 Edge 新功能



增加了对CSS object-fit/object-position 的支持

增加对CSS position: sticky 的支持



DevTools 开发者工具的改进

在DOM资源管理器中,将“布局”选项卡合并到“Computed 计算”选项卡中

支持了 Ctrl+Shift+I 快捷键启动。

DOM 事件侦听



CSS @规则



“样式”标签栏,现在将显示 @media 中的css

Console 控制台的改进


命令行输入现在与日志视图相符。通过按Shift + Enter,开发人员现在可以转到多行模式并使用Enter提交命令。







增加了 Console.table 的支持,以便以表格形式显示数据

控制台现在利用了为 VS Code 提供支持的 Monaco 编辑器的特性和特点。这提供了语法着色和更快,更丰富的IntelliSense(智能感知)体验在命令行输入。


WebDriver 支持了以InPrivate模式启动Microsoft Edge,功能为“InPrivate”:true


New platform features:

Added support for advanced Event Listeners (“once” and “passive”)

Added support for CSS object-fit/object-position

Added support for CSS position: sticky

New JavaScript features:

ES2017 Shared Memory and Atomics are now on by default (previously behind the Experimental JavaScript Features flag)

Developer Tools improvements:

In DOM Explorer, merged the Layout tab into the Computed tab

Added Ctrl-Shift-I as a supported shortcut to launch the developer tools.

Ancestor Event Listeners

Inspect event listeners for ancestor elements

Group by Event or Element to see a list of events or list of elements, with the most specific element events first

CSS At-Rules

Styles tab will now display @keyframes for related animations (read-only currently),

Styles tab will now show the @supports statement being met for the given CSS

Styles tab will now show css from an @media in its own section

Console improvements

Added custom input filter and improved overall filtering experience

The command line input is now in-line with the logs view. By pressing Shift + Enter, developers can now move to multi-line mode and submit their command with Enter.

Optimized logging experience:

Duplicate logs are now stacked

Sources are now right-aligned

Added background colors

Added custom CSS styling of logs

Content is now wrapped to fit nicely within the console viewport

Added support for the Console.table API to visualize data in a tabular layout

The Console now leverages features and characteristics of Monaco editor that powers VS Code. This provides syntax colorization and a faster, richer IntelliSense experience in command line input.

WebDriver Improvements:

WebDriver now supports launching Microsoft Edge in InPrivate mode with capability “InPrivate”: true
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