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2017-06-10 17:03 267 查看

1 插入数据

INSERT INTO table_name (column_list) VALUES (value_list1)[, (value_list2)...];

2 修改数据

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1 = value1,
WHERE (condition);

3 删除数据

若无where 条件则删除所有数据
DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition] ;

4 查询数据

a 单表查询
SELECT {*|<字段列表>} [
from <表1>, <表2>...
[where <condition>]
[group by <group by definition>]
[having <expression> [{<operator> <expression>...}]]
[order by <order by definition>]
[limit [<offset>,] <row count>]
1. 查询所有字段
select * from mytable1;
2. 查询指定字段
select id, name from mytable1;
3. 筛选
select id, name from mytable1 where id=3;
select id, name from mytable1 where id in (1, 2);
select id, name from mytable1 where id between 1 and 3; //这里包括1-3之间的所有值
select id, name from mytable1 where name like 'b%';
select id, name from mytable1 where name like 'b__';
select id, name from mytable1 where name is not null;
select id, name from mytable1 where id in (1, 2) and name is not null;
select id, name from mytable1 where id=1 or id=2; //可以实现in功能,不过in效率更高
select distinct name from mytable1;  //消除重复值
4. 排序,desc只对其前面的一个字段生效,如果要对每一个字段都降序,则每个字段后都要加desc
select age from mytable1 order by age;
select age, score from mytable1 order by score, age;
5. 分组

select id, group_concat(name) as names from mytable1 group by id having count(name)>1;
group by id with rollup;(该命令无法与order by一起使用)
6. 限制返回结果
limit 3,5; //第四行开始,共5行
7. 集合函数
count(), sum(), avg(),min(), max()等等,他们不包含NULL所在的行。
b 多表查询
1. 内连接查询
select mytable1.id, mytable1.name, mytable2.id, mytable2.name
from mytable1 inner join mytable2
on mytable1.id=mytable2.id;
2. 外连接查询
select mytable1.id, mytable1.name, mytable2.id, mytable2.name
from mytable1 left outer join mytable2
on mytable1.id=mytable2.id;
select mytable1.id, mytable1.name, mytable2.id, mytable2.name
from mytable1 right outer join mytable2
on mytable1.id=mytable2.id;
c 子查询
1. ANY, SOME为同义词,表示有一个满足即可
2. all 表示要满足所有条件才行
3. exits 存在为true, 否则为false
4. in 内层查询返回列表与外层比较
5. 带比较运算符的子查询
d 合并查询
union 重复的行被删除
union all 重复的行不被删除,效率比union高
e 使用正则表达式查询regexp
select * from mytable1 where name regexp '^b*a$';
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