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剑指offer 面试题49 把字符串转换成整数

2017-06-04 21:20 357 查看

剑指offer 面试题49 把字符串转换成整数


package algorithm.foroffer.top50;

import org.junit.Test;

* description:
* @author liyazhou
* @create 2017-06-04 19:54
* 面试题 49:把字符串转换成整数
* 考查点:
*      1. 细节。空字符串,空指针,正负号,前几个数字是0(没啥影响),超出表示范围
* 思路:
*      1. 从低位往高位(从右往左)计算
public class Test49 {

public int strToInt(char[] chars){
String str = String.valueOf(chars);
return Integer.valueOf(str); // Integer.parseInt(str);

public int strToInt2(char[] chars){
if (chars == null || chars.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid input. chars can be null or length is 0.");

int sign = 1;
int start = 0;
if (chars[0] == '-') {
start = 1;
sign = -1;
else if (chars[0] == '+') start = 1;

return strToIntCore(chars, start, sign);

private int strToIntCore(char[] chars, int start, int sign) {
// int value = (int)Math.pow(2, 31); 2147483647,已经强转,表示int型最大值

long value = sign;
int base = 1;
for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= start; i --){
if (chars[i] < '0' || chars[i] > '9')
throw new NumberFormatException(String.valueOf(chars, start, chars.length-start) + ", Invalid input. Element of chars should range from '0' to '9' ");
// try {  intValue += (chars[i] - '0') * base;  }
// catch(Exception except){  throw new RuntimeException("beyond the range of int");  }
value += (chars[i] - '0') * base;
if (value < Integer.MIN_VALUE || value > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new NumberFormatException(String.valueOf(chars, start, chars.length-start) + ", beyond the range of int");
base *= 10;
return (int)value;

public void test(){
String[] strs = {
for (String str : strs){
// char[] chars = new char[0]; System.out.println(chars.length == 0);

2017-8-18 10:22:42

public int StrToInt(String str){
if (str == null || "".equals(str.trim())) return 0;

int flag = 1;
int i = 0;
if (str.charAt(0) == '-') {
flag = -1;
i = 1;
} else if (str.charAt(0) == '+')
i = 1;

for (; i < str.length(); i ++){
if (str.charAt(i) != '0') break;

int num = 0;
int base = 1;
char ch;
for (int j = str.length()-1; j >= i; j --){
ch = str.charAt(j);
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return 0;
num += (str.charAt(j)-'0') * base;
base *= 10;

return num * flag;


public int StrToInt0(String str) {
if (str == null || "".equals(str.trim())) return 0;
int result = 0;
result = Integer.valueOf(str);
}catch (Exception e){
return result;
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