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Two-Stream SR-CNNs for Action Recognition in Videos

2017-06-01 15:36 507 查看



Two-Stream SR-CNNs for Action Recognition in Videos

dataset : UCF101 JHMDB(split 1)

accuracy: 92.6 53.77



The inputs are first passed through standard convolutional and pooling layers.We replace the last pooling layer with a RoiPooling [2] layer, which separate features for different semantic cues into parallel fully connected layers (called channels) using bounding boxes proposed from a Faster R-CNN [18] object detector (see subsection 3.2).

每个channel都会得到独立的分数,由于有多个物体,作者采用了MIL((Multiple Instance Learning)来结合最有用的信息。最后所有的score都通过一个fusion layer,得到最终的预测结果。



Max fusing takes the maximum score value among all channels for each class, essentially picking the strongest channel.

Sum fusion directly adds up the scores from different channels, i.e. each channel is treated equal.

Category-wise weighted fusion (Weighted-1) combines channel scores via weighted sum, aiming to represent varied relative contribution of each channel for different classes using their corresponding weights.

As for correlationwise weighted fusion (Weighted-2), the scores of other classes are also taken into consideration, implicitly encoding the correlation information between classes.

Given L classes and C channels, the number of weights for Weighted Sum-1 and Weighted Sum-2 are L×C andL×L×Crespectively. All weights are trained together with the main parameters of networks through back-propagation process.

Semantic channels

Detector. We extend the original Faster R-CNN model [18] from 20 object categories to 118 categories (listed in supplement) selected from ILSVRC2014 [19] (200 categories) and VOC 2007+2012 [1] detection challenge (20 categories), excluding categories such as small objects, food and most of animals. The complete training data is comprised of 196,780 images.

Objects detection. Objects detection in video dataset is challenging due to low resolution and motion blur. 所以作者制定了一些条件来过滤:

prediction 置信度低于阈值(0.1)



Person detection. 同样需要:



refine bounding box的位置

Implementation details

basic network : VGG16

follow the setting of two-stream()

input size : 256x340

spactial stream :RGB

temporal: 10-frame stacking of optical flow fieds

data augmentation: corner cropping scheme


dropout rate : 0.8 (for both fc layers)

spation : 10000 iterations

lr: 1×10−3 (decrease every 4000 iterations)

temporal: 19000 iterations

lr :5×10−3 (reduced every 8,000 iterations)

batch size : 256 for both


For testing, we follow the same routine as [20], which selects 10 samples from 5 crops and 2 flips for each frame. The final classification result for one video is given by averaging the classification scores of 25 evenly sampled frames with their all valid crops.


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