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HHC6003: Error: The file Itircl.dll has not been

2017-06-01 10:45 399 查看
说明:本文应用于Windows XP SP3,其他系统未经测试
最近使用Html HelpWorkshop编译html文件的时候经常弹出这么一条语句,经检验它导致的后果是编译出来的CHM文件不支持全文搜索。于是到百度上查找,但知道的人凤毛麟角,于是google了一下:原来老外早在1998年就已经发现了该问题。今天就来谈谈如何解决该问题。
由于我们在Microsoft下载的HTML HelpWorkshop中已经包含Itcc.dll,将其拷贝到C:\Program Files即可。最后到网上下载Itircl.dll,复制到SYSTEM32目录。
regsvr32 C:\Progra~1\itcc.dll

同时,您也可以到 这里 下载。

Fix For Error HHC6003(itircl.dll) 
UpdatedJune 8, 2000

One of the most annoying problems in HTML Help isan error message which states "HHC6003: The file itircl.dll has notbeen registered correctly". I had brought this
to Ralph Walden'sattention sometime in 1998, and he said to have the individualre-register itcc.dll on the system, as there is some interactionthat needs to occur between the two files that isn't occurring.Since then, I've assisted about a dozen people with
this problem inthis manner, explaining what Ralph told me.

One thing that's quite interesting is that, in some cases, itcc.dllisn't even on the system. I've brought this to the HTML Helpdevelopment team's attention, and while I was told they've heard ofthe problem, they've yet to be able to duplicate it. Also, up untilrecently,
every time I've heard of the problem, the system's beenrunning NT. However, I've received an email about someone who hadto use this fix on a Win98 SE system (thanks, Stuart!), so this isno longer true.

Ok, on to the fix:
Look for itcc.dll on your system. If it's there,register it using:

regsvr32 c:\windows\system\itcc.dll

Make sure you substitute the correct path for the location ofitcc.dll on your system.
However, if itcc.dll is not on the system at all,you can download a copy by clicking here(it's
about 75k zipped). Unzip it to either c:\windows\system orc:\winnnt\system32, whichever is appropriate for yoursystem.  You can then get it registered using thesame process as above and HTML Help should work fine onceagain.
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