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2017-05-24 18:52 337 查看

1. Regression


2. Linear Regression

Linear Regression is the most popular and basic regression. In the junior period, most of us touched this function: 

This is the most basic type of linear function. For example, the height and weight of human may obey a kind of relationship. Provided the height is H cm and the weight is W kg, there is: 

To satisfy the data set (W, H), we need to find a (k, b) which can make this model map the W and H accurately. This is linear regression.
Nevertheless, there is no (k, b) satisfying all (W1, H1), (W2, H2), ... (Wn, Hn). We have to find the most proper (k, b) making this model reach the result as near as possible. That means, for all these data, given a W, this model can predict the H and very near to the fact. In this example, the difference between the truth value of height y and the H we calculate is the error of this linear regression model. We hope that the total sum of error on all data is as few as possible. Therefore, there is a function named loss function:

Generally, many dimensions are being considered while a model is building so that the linear regression is always as: 


Because both the THETA and X are vectors, we have:


Or we can use y stand for the fact value:

This EPSILON is the difference between the value of predict and fact, which is normal distribution and the mean value is 0. Therefore, a normal distribution function can be obtained and the pdf is:

Because the y is iid, the joint pdf of y is the product of all margin pdf. Using the function, we have the likelihood function:

3. Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent is a popular method to modify the parameters in machine learning area. The formula we obtained which is shown as:

can be also understood as:

To let this J be the minimum, we need to find the stationary point of J, which could be obtained when:

This is the result that we calculate the partial derivative of THETA. Sometimes there is a LAMBDA added to avoid overfitting:

Gradient descent is to update the THETA making the error minimum. The update method can be always as:

In this equation, THETA is updated by the gradient. ALPHA is the rate of the updating.

4. Normalization

To avoid over fitting, there is always a normalization in the formula:

This is l2-norm, also named RIDGE, which supposed that the THETA is under Gaussian Distribution. Normalization is aiming to reduce the weight of high order term. Another popular normalization is l1-norm, also known as LASSO. Because of the sparsity, LASSO is de facto used to choose feature all the time. LASSO can be shown as:

Nevertheless, LASSO can choose features but RIDGE performs better so that we sometimes combine them as Elastic Net:


5. Batch/Stochastic Gradient Descent

Since the THETA is updated by gradient descent as:

and we have:

Therefore, for each term in THETA, the partial derivative can be shown as:

When we try to train the THETA, batch gradient descent(BGD) can be a proper way which update the THETA by a batch of input data, being understood as:
While THETA is not convergence {

Obviously, BGD need a batch of data which indicates that BGD cannot be used to do online learning. Stochastic gradient descent(SGD) performs better on this case. SGD do not need to scan each data so that if the m is very large, SGD can save time compared to BGD. Meanwhile, SGD make the gradient descent for each data so that it can solve the online learning problem. SGD can be shown as:
For i=1:m {

In fact, sometimes we use mini-batch SGD, which means that we modify the THETA for few data input.

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