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Webrtc delay-base-bwe代码分析(3): OveruseEstimator模块

2017-05-22 19:32 766 查看
@(webrtc)[webrtc, congestion control]

Webrtc delay-base-bwe代码分析(3): OveruseEstimator模块


0. 卡尔曼滤波基础公式




1. OveruseEstimator的卡尔曼滤波公式

2. 代码分析

2.1 update

void OveruseEstimator::Update(int64_t t_delta,
double ts_delta,
int size_delta,
BandwidthUsage current_hypothesis) {
const double min_frame_period = UpdateMinFramePeriod(ts_delta);
const double t_ts_delta = t_delta - ts_delta;
double fs_delta = size_delta;

if (num_of_deltas_ > kDeltaCounterMax) {
num_of_deltas_ = kDeltaCounterMax;

// Update the Kalman filter.
// 误差矩阵
// 加上协方差,为配置初始化值。
// process_noise_ Q
// P(k) = AP(k - 1)AT + Q
// 预测方程2
// 2.3
E_[0][0] += process_noise_[0];
E_[1][1] += process_noise_[1];

if ((current_hypothesis == kBwOverusing && offset_ < prev_offset_) ||
(current_hypothesis == kBwUnderusing && offset_ > prev_offset_)) {
E_[1][1] += 10 * process_noise_[1];

// h观测矩阵
// 2.2
const double h[2] = {fs_delta, 1.0};
// P * h转置
// 2.4
const double Eh[2] = {E_[0][0]*h[0] + E_[0][1]*h[1],
E_[1][0]*h[0] + E_[1][1]*h[1]};

// t_ts_delta 为 zk,residual为 zk - H * xk
// 2.7
const double residual = t_ts_delta - slope_*h[0] - offset_;

const bool in_stable_state = (current_hypothesis == kBwNormal);
const double max_residual = 3.0 * sqrt(var_noise_);
// We try to filter out very late frames. For instance periodic key
// frames doesn't fit the Gaussian model well.
if (fabs(residual) < max_residual) {
UpdateNoiseEstimate(residual, min_frame_period, in_stable_state);
} else {
UpdateNoiseEstimate(residual < 0 ? -max_residual : max_residual,
min_frame_period, in_stable_state);

// denom = h * P * ht + R,var_noise为测量噪声协方差
// 2.5
const double denom = var_noise_ + h[0]*Eh[0] + h[1]*Eh[1];

// K卡尔曼增益矩阵
// K(k) = Eh / (HPkHT + R)
// 校正方程3
// 2.6
const double K[2] = {Eh[0] / denom,
Eh[1] / denom};

// Ikh I-Kh
// 2.9
const double IKh[2][2] = {{1.0 - K[0]*h[0], -K[0]*h[1]},
{-K[1]*h[0], 1.0 - K[1]*h[1]}};
const double e00 = E_[0][0];
const double e01 = E_[0][1];

// Update state.
// 使用IKh更新误差矩阵
// P(k) = (I - Kh)P(k - 1)
// 校准方程5
// 2.10
E_[0][0] = e00 * IKh[0][0] + E_[1][0] * IKh[0][1];
E_[0][1] = e01 * IKh[0][0] + E_[1][1] * IKh[0][1];
E_[1][0] = e00 * IKh[1][0] + E_[1][0] * IKh[1][1];
E_[1][1] = e01 * IKh[1][0] + E_[1][1] * IKh[1][1];

// The covariance matrix must be positive semi-definite.
bool positive_semi_definite = E_[0][0] + E_[1][1] >= 0 &&
E_[0][0] * E_[1][1] - E_[0][1] * E_[1][0] >= 0 && E_[0][0] >= 0;
if (!positive_semi_definite) {
LOG(LS_ERROR) << "The over-use estimator's covariance matrix is no longer "

// 2.8
slope_ = slope_ + K[0] * residual;
prev_offset_ = offset_;
offset_ = offset_ + K[1] * residual;

2.2 噪声更新

// 这个函数主要提供下面函数需要用到的ts_delta,这里不是直接使用
// 本次的ts_delta,而是根据历史时间窗口中最小时间值作为噪声估计中的ts_delta
// 这个函数就是在一个固定的时间窗口中按时间顺序存放每一个ts_delta
// 当数量超过时就从最早的时间开始pop
// 然后遍历整个时间窗口选择最小的时间差值。
double OveruseEstimator::UpdateMinFramePeriod(double ts_delta) {
double min_frame_period = ts_delta;
if (ts_delta_hist_.size() >= kMinFramePeriodHistoryLength) {
std::list<double>::iterator it = ts_delta_hist_.begin();
for (; it != ts_delta_hist_.end(); it++) {
min_frame_period = std::min(*it, min_frame_period);
return min_frame_period;

void OveruseEstimator::UpdateNoiseEstimate(double residual,
double ts_delta,
bool stable_state) {
// 仅在Normal状态下更新噪声值。
if (!stable_state) {
// Faster filter during startup to faster adapt to the jitter level
// of the network. |alpha| is tuned for 30 frames per second, but is scaled
// according to |ts_delta|.
double alpha = 0.01;
if (num_of_deltas_ > 10*30) {
alpha = 0.002;
// Only update the noise estimate if we're not over-using. |beta| is a
// function of alpha and the time delta since the previous update.
// 时间差越大,残差的比重越小
// 由于上面函数控制一个时间窗口,因此一个时间窗口内,其权重基本固定。
const double beta = pow(1 - alpha, ts_delta * 30.0 / 1000.0);
// 更新均值
avg_noise_ = beta * avg_noise_
+ (1 - beta) * residual;
// 利用方差更新噪声值。
var_noise_ = beta * var_noise_
+ (1 - beta) * (avg_noise_ - residual) * (avg_noise_ - residual);
if (var_noise_ < 1) {
var_noise_ = 1;


1 卡尔曼滤波简介
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