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#define T 1

#define F -1

typedef int type;

struct Node


  type value;

  struct Node* next;


int init(struct Node** head);

int insert_tail(struct Node* head,type value); 

int insert_head(struct Node* head,type value);

int insert_index(struct Node* head,type value,int index);

int delete_index(struct Node* head,int index);

int delete_value(struct Node* head,type value); 

int update_index(struct Node* head,int index,type value);

int update_value(struct Node* head,type ole_value, type new_value);

int query_index(struct Node* head,int index);

int query_value(struct Node* head,type value);

int length(struct Node*head);

void print(struct Node* head);



    int ret;

    int i;

    struct Node* head;

    ret = init(&head);

    if(F == ret)


        return -1;


    for(i = 0;i < 10;i++)


     insert_tail(head, i);


    for(i = 0;i < 10;i++)


       insert_head(head, i);




       printf("length = %d  \n",length(head));




















       printf("the value is %d",query_index(head,16));




    return 0;


int init(struct Node** head)


    struct Node* newnode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    if(newnode == NULL)


        return F;


    newnode->value = 0;

    newnode->next = NULL;

    (*head) = newnode;

    return T;


int insert_tail(struct Node* head,type value) 


     struct Node* newnode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

     if(NULL == newnode)


        return F;


     newnode->value = value;

     newnode->next = NULL;

     while(head->next!= NULL)


         head = head->next;


     head->next = newnode;

     return T;


int insert_head(struct Node* head,type value)


   struct Node* newnode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

   if(newnode == NULL)


      return F;


   newnode->value = value;

   newnode->next = head->next;

   head->next = newnode;

   return T;


int insert_index(struct Node* head,type value,int index)


   struct Node* newnode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

   if(NULL == newnode)


      return F;


   int i;

   if(index < 0 || index > length(head))


      printf("out of range");

      return F;


   for(i = 0;i < index;i++)


       head = head->next;


   newnode->value = value;

   newnode->next = head->next;

   head->next = newnode;

   return T;


int delete_index(struct Node* head,int index)


    int i;

    if(index < 0 || index >= length(head))


       printf("out of r

       return F;


    for(i = 0;i < index;i++)

        head = head->next;


    struct Node* temp = head->next->next;


    head->next = temp;

    return T;


int delete_value(struct Node* head,type value)


    int index ,i;

    int len;

    len = length(head);

     for(index = 0 ;index < len-1;index++)


        if(head->next->value == value)


           struct Node* temp = head->next->next;


           head->next = temp;
head = head->next;

     return T;


int update_index(struct Node* head,int index,type value)


    if(index < 0 || index > length(head))


       printf("out of the range");


    int i;

    for(i = 0;i <= index;i++)


        head = head->next;


    head->value = value;

    return T;


int update_value(struct Node* head,type old_value, type new_value)


   int count=0,i;

   int len;

   len = length(head);

   for(i = 0;i < len;i++)


       if(head->value == old_value)



          head->value = new_value;


          head = head->next;



    if(0 == count)


        printf("no number\n");


    return T;


int query_index(struct Node* head,int index)


    int i;

    for(i = 0;i <= index; i++)


        head = head->next;


    return head->value;


int query_value(struct Node* head,type value)


    int i,count=0;

    int len;

     len = length(head);

    for(i = 0;i < len-1; i++)


        if(head->next->value == value)

   printf("there are in the %d\n",i);
head = head->next;



int length(struct Node* head)


    int count = 0 ;

    while(head!= NULL)



       head = head->next;


    return count;


void print(struct Node* head)




        printf("%d  ",head->next->value);
head = head->next;


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