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2017-05-12 14:39 369 查看
1.Note also that the Input flags are not reset until "Update()", so its suggested you make all the Input Calls in the Update Loop.
注意:Input flags只有在Update()中才会重置,所以建议大家将所有的Input 调用都放在Update循环中。
2.If you are using input for any kind of movement behaviour use Input.GetAxis. It gives you smoothed and configurable input that can be mapped to keyboard, joystick or mouse. Use Input.GetButton for action like
events only. Don't use it for movement, Input.GetAxis will make the script code smaller and simpler.
3.To read an axis use Input.GetAxis with one of the following default axes: "Horizontal" and "Vertical" are mapped to joystick,
the arrow keys. "Mouse X" and "Mouse Y" are mapped to the mouse delta. "Fire1", "Fire2" "Fire3" are mapped to
 keys and three mouse or joystick buttons. New input
axes can be added in theInput Manager.
想要读取轴向使用Input.GetAxis方法获取下列默认轴: "Horizontal" 和"Vertical" 映射于控制杆、A、W、S、D和箭头键(方向键)。 "Mouse X" 和"Mouse Y" 映射于鼠标增量,"Fire1", "Fire2" "Fire3"映射于键盘的Ctrl、Alt、Cmd键和三个鼠标键(鼠标左键,中键和右键)或控制器的按钮。新的输入轴可以使用Input Manager来添加。


All the axes that you set up in the Input Manager serve two purposes:在Input Manager中设置的轴有2个目的:

They allow you to reference your inputs by axis name in scripting让你可以在脚本中通过轴的名称来使用Input。

They allow the players of your game to customize the controls to their liking让游戏玩家可以自定义游戏的输入。

All defined axes will be presented to the player in the game launcher, where they will see its name, detailed description, and default buttons. From here, they will have the option to change any of the buttons defined in the axes. Therefore, it is best to write
your scripts making use of axes instead of individual buttons, as the player may want to customize the buttons for your game.



Using Input Axes from Scripts

You can query the current state from a script like this:

value = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); 按下左右方向键,或a、d键,value会由0渐变为1或-1,渐变的时间由sensitivity决定。不按的话该值为0。这种情况用于操纵杆输入和键盘输入。

An axis has a value between -1 and 1. The neutral position is 0. This is the case for joystick input and keyboard input.

However, Mouse Delta and Window Shake Delta are how much the mouse or window moved during the last frame. This means it can be larger than 1 or smaller than -1 when the user moves the mouse quickly.然而,鼠标增量和Window Shake增量是鼠标或窗口从上一帧到现在的移动。这意思是当用户快速移动鼠标时,它可能大于1或小于-1。

鼠标增量移动:Input.GetAxis("Mouse X")或Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"),值为一帧内实际的鼠标移动增量乘以sensitivity


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        if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y")>0.2f)  









It is possible to create multiple axes with the same name. When getting the input axis, the axis with the largest absolute value will be returned. This makes it possible to assign more than one input device to one axis name. For example, create one axis for
keyboard input and one axis for joystick input with the same name. If the user is using the joystick, input will come from the joystick, otherwise input will come from the keyboard. This way you don't have to consider where the input comes from when writing


6.Input.GetAxis():This is frame-rate independent; you do not need to be concerned about varying frame-rates when using this value.

unity基础篇 输入控制
        这一篇说一下Unity3d的输入控制,在我们的游戏开发中或者是虚拟现实中,都需要相应输入的,其中输入设备包括 鼠标 摇杆等设备!
           1.1 如何打开InputManager界面

                通过 Edit-> Project Settings->Input可以打开InputManager界面!
           1.2 InputManager界面

其中,Axes(轴),下面有很多输入,Horizontal是名称,Negative Button 的值是left,Positive Button的值是right,Alt Negative Button值的是a
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