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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

tpch audit run

-d             debug mode
-h, --help     show this help
-q, --query_program=  program for query streams, default to use mysql
-r, --root=    root directoy
-s, --scale=   scale factor (default 1, 1GB)
-p, --power    power test only
-t, --throughput  throughput test only
-u, --update   do update or rf1, rf2
--test_only     only test
--db=          database name


__author__ = "David Zhang"
__modifier__ = "tianbaochao"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2007/08/08 $"
__modify_date__ = "$Date: 2016/08/24 $"

import sys
import getopt
import re
import random
import copy
from threading import Thread
import difflib
import os
from sets import Set
import pdb
import time
import signal
import shutil
import inspect
import MySQLdb
import math

# global variables
#数据库名 must
tpch_db_name = "tpch"

_debug = 1
#数据库名 must
mysql_cmd = " cat %s | mysql --sock=" + mysock + " --database=%s --force  -u root -p123456 -h127.0.0.1 -v -v -v" % tpch_db_name

# global variables
#important!!!! 结果输出目录,每次测试一定要换
rf_tmp_file_name_template = "/data/test/tpch_2_17_0/dbgen/rf%s_%s.sql"

num_streams_scale ={1:2,10:3,30:4,100:5,300:6,1000:7,3000:8,10000:9}

use_mysql_client = False
use_mysql_client = True
tpch_conn = None
rf_throughput_concurrent=False    # if true start RF and throughput concurrently, or start throughput first then RF, concurrent may be better as query will not use CPU a lot
# this will cause deadlock
num_seqs=1                        # how many iterations
update_only = False              # only do update
no_cleanup = False               # do not cleanup
leave_server_up = False          # leave the server up after the run
gen_udf_call = False              # true if to use UDF instead of profiling

qtime=[]   # query time (seq, stream_id, qnum, start,end, time)
rftime=[]  # refresh time (seq, stream_id, rf_id, start, end, time)
streams_time=[]  # streams time  (seq, stream_id, start, end, duration)

# for reporting


class TimedOutExc(Exception):
def __init__(self, value = "Timed Out"):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)

def sys_call(cmd):
#    dbg_print(os.getcwd())
#    print (cmd)
dbg_print("%s:%s" % (os.getcwd(),cmd))

def sys_pipe_call(cmd):
dbg_print("%s:%s" % (os.getcwd(),cmd))
return os.popen(cmd).read()
#    return os.popen("echo " + cmd).read()
#    return cmd

def sys_pipe_call_1(cmd):
''' also return the errors '''
#    time.sleep(0.1)
#    return cmd
dbg_print("%s:%s" % (os.getcwd(),cmd))
return os.popen4(cmd)[1].read()
#return cmd

def sys_call_env(cmd):
dbg_print("cmds= %s " % cmds)
os.spawnv( os.P_WAIT, cmds[0], cmds[1:])

def usage():
caller_name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
#print "caller_name = %s " % caller_name
if (caller_name=='main'):
print __doc__
print globals()[caller_name].__doc__

def dbg_print(in_str):
if _debug:
print ("== " + sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name + " == " + str(in_str))

def whoami():
return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name

# tpch_
def tpch_error(s):
print ("TPCH Error:" + s)

def get_time():
return time.time()

def write_log(s,log_file_name=None,timestamp=True,pstdout=False):
if not log_file_name: pstdout = True  # print the master
if not log_file_name: log_file_name = script_log_file
#dbg_print("log_file_name=%s" % log_file_name)
#dbg_print("script_log_file=%s" % script_log_file)
#indent = "".join(["  " for i in range(len(inspect.stack()))])
indent = "".rjust((len(inspect.stack())-indent_start)*3)
ts = timestamp and "%s :" % time.strftime('%x %X') or ""
line = ts + indent + s + "\n"
if pstdout: sys.stdout.write(line)
if not log_file_name: dbg_print(line)

import distutils.dir_util

def setup_tpch():
global audit_dir, dbgen_dir, qgen, output_dir, script_log_file, harp_run_time_log

if not audit_dir: raise AssertionError, "AUDIT_DIR is not defined and not in a view\n"

if not dbgen_dir: dbgen_dir="%s/dbgen" % audit_dir

if not output_dir: output_dir = "%s/results/r%s" % (audit_dir, run_id)

except: pass

qgen = "%s/qgen" % dbgen_dir
# set this so qgen can find the query template
os.environ['DSS_QUERY'] = '%s/queries' % (dbgen_dir)
os.environ['DSS_PATH'] = output_dir    # this is where the update file is stored
os.environ['DSS_CONFIG'] = dbgen_dir

script_log_file = "%s/tpch.log" % (output_dir)
harp_run_time_log = "%s/harp_run_time.log" % (output_dir)

# setup_mysql()   # setup mysql related

def compute_result(power_run,seq,num_streams,duration,result):
if power_run:
run_time = [x[-1] for x in qtime if x[0] == seq and x[1] == 0 ]
run_time.extend([x[-1] for x in rftime if x[0] == seq and x[1] == 0 ])
run_time = [x[-1] for x in qtime if x[0] == seq and x[1] != 0 ]
run_time.extend([x[-1] for x in rftime if x[0] == seq and x[1] != 0 ])

num_queries_and_rfs = len(run_time)
write_log("%s Seq %s num queries and rfs = %s" % (power_run and "Power" or "Throughput", seq,num_queries_and_rfs), pstdout=True)
geo_mean = math.exp(sum([math.log(t) for t in run_time])*1.0/float(num_queries_and_rfs))
arith_mean = sum([t for t in run_time])/float(num_queries_and_rfs)
if power_run: result_number = 3600.0* geo_mean *scale_factor
else: result_number = (num_streams*22.0*3600)/duration*scale_factor
result.append((result_number, geo_mean, arith_mean))

def print_results():
''' print all the results '''
qtime.sort(lambda x,y: int(float(x[0]*10000+x[1]*100+x[2])-float(y[0]*10000+y[1]*100+y[2])))

write_log("TPCH Detailed Results")
for i in range(num_seqs):   # seq number
tmp_qtime = [list(x) for x in qtime if x[0]==i+1]
for q in tmp_qtime:
write_log("Seq %s, Streams %s, Query %s: start_time= %s, end_time = %s, duration = %s " % (tuple(q)))
tmp_qtime=([list(x) for x in rftime if x[0] ==i+1])
for q in tmp_qtime:
write_log("Seq %s, Streams %s, RF %s: start_time = %s, end_time=%s, duration = %s " % (tuple(q)))

write_log("TPCH Streams Results")
streams_time.sort(lambda x,y: int(float(x[0]*100+x[1])-float(y[0]*100+y[1])))
for x in streams_time:
#        write_log("Seq %s, Streams %s: start_time = %s , end_time = %s, duration = %s " % x)
(seq_id, stream_id, start_time, end_time, duration) = x
stream_rand_seed = rand_seed and long(rand_seed) + stream_id or 'default'
if stream_id<100: tmp_x = [seq_id, "Query Streams %s" % stream_id, "rand_seed = %s" % stream_rand_seed]
else: tmp_x = [seq_id, 'RF throughput streams','']   # RF is 1001 for sorting purpose
write_log("Seq %s, %s: %s, start_time = %s , end_time = %s, duration = %s " % tuple(tmp_x))

# aggregated results
if do_power:
write_log("TPCH Power Tests Results", pstdout=True)
for i in range(num_seqs):
write_log("  Power  Seq %s: (Power Metric, GeoMean, ArithMean) = %s  " % (i+1, tpch_power_numbers[i]), pstdout=True)
if do_throughput:
write_log("TPCH Throughput Tests Results",pstdout=True)
for i in range(num_seqs):
write_log("  ThroughPut Seq %s: (Throughput Metric, GeoMean, ArithMean) = %s " % (i+1, tpch_throughput_numbers[i]), pstdout=True)
if do_power and do_throughput:
write_log("TPCH QPH Results",pstdout=True)
for i in range(num_seqs):
qph = math.exp((math.log(tpch_power_numbers[i][0]) + math.log(tpch_throughput_numbers[i][0]))*0.5)
write_log("  TPCH QPH for Seq %s  = %s " % (i+1, qph), pstdout=True)

if server_is_up():
if leave_server_up: write_log("  Leave MySQL server up", pstdout=True)
else: shutdown_server()
write_log("  MySQL Server is down during the Run", pstdout=True)

def run_tpch_all():
#load_tpch()   # load the data
write_log("Start TPC-H Benchmark for Run id: %s " % run_id)
# if do_update:
#     gen_rfs()
for i in range(num_seqs):
if do_power: run_tpch_power_test(i+1)
if do_throughput: run_tpch_throughput_test(i+1)
#start_up_server_if_needed()   # restart server
write_log("End TPC-H Benchmark for Run id: %s " % run_id)
#    pdb.set_trace()

def parse_query_file(query_file):
sys_call("sed -i 's/(3)//' %s" % (query_file))
# sys_call("sed -i 's/limit -1/limit 1/' %s" % (query_file))
sys_call("sed -i 's/count(o_orderkey)/count(o_orderkey) as c_count/' %s" % (query_file))
sys_call("sed -i 's/) as c_orders (c_custkey, c_count)/) as c_orders/'  %s" % (query_file))
sys_call("sed -i 's/drop view revenue0 limit 1;/) as c_orders/' %s" % (query_file))

lines = [l.rstrip() for l in open(query_file,"r").readlines()]
query_begin_re = re.compile("TPC-H/TPC-R .* Query \(Q([0-9]+)\)")
query_end_re = re.compile("limit ([\-0-9]+);")
# query_end_re = re.compile("^set rowcount ([\-0-9]+)")
dbg_print("query_file = %s " % query_file)
query_begin = False
for l in lines:
dbg_print("l= %s" % l)
m = query_begin_re.search(l)
if m:
dbg_print("begin l= %s " % l)
query_begin = True
if query_begin:
m1 = query_end_re.search(l)
if m1:
query_begin = False
row_count = int(m1.group(1))
if row_count > 0:
last_line = cur_qry[-1]
cur_qry[-1] =  last_line.split(";")[0] + " limit %s;" % row_count
else:  cur_qry.append(l)

if len(queries) != 22:
print "queries = %s " % queries
raise AssertionError, "There should be 22 queries,%s" % len(queries)
return queries

def conv_to_date(t):
return time.strftime("%X %x",time.localtime(t))

def open_connection():
if (use_mysql_client): return None
global tpch_conn
tpch_conn = MySQLdb.connect (host="localhost", user="root", passwd="",db=tpch_db_name,unix_socket=mysock)
if not tpch_conn:  raise AssertionError, "Connection failure"
else: return tpch_conn

def close_connection():
if (use_mysql_client): return

def execute_one_query(seq, stream_id, qnum, q):
# to test rf, do not run any query     e they do not pass

if (test_only):
return "Fake results\n"
out_file = "%s/query_%s_s%s_q%s.log" % (output_dir,seq,stream_id,qnum)
if (use_mysql_client):
in_file = "%s/query_%s_s%s_q%s.sql" % (output_dir,seq,stream_id,qnum)
output = sys_pipe_call_1(mysql_cmd % in_file)
cursor = tpch_conn.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchall()
output = "\n".join(["|".join([str(f) for f in r]) for r in result])
return output

def run_query(seq, stream_id):
''' this is a wrapper. For now use mysql client. Later on can be a C client for query execution. Need to time each queries
For now, satisfy the requirement to run all queries in a single session. Will try to use python connection
may need to disable logging for throughput run
local_log = "%s/query_%s_s%s.log" % (output_dir, seq, stream_id)
dbg_print("local_log = %s" % local_log)
line_header="Query Stream"
queries=all_queries["%s_%s" % (seq,stream_id)]
global qtime
for (qnum, q) in queries:
write_log("%s %s seq %s qnum %s begin" % (line_header, stream_id, seq, qnum))
write_log("%s %s seq %s qnum %s begin" % (line_header, stream_id, seq, qnum), local_log)
output = execute_one_query(seq, stream_id, qnum, q)
dbg_print("output = %s" % output)
end_time = get_time()
duration = end_time - start_time
qtime.append((seq, stream_id, qnum, start_time, end_time, duration))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s start time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, start_time))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s start time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, start_time), local_log)
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s end time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, end_time))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s end time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, end_time), local_log)
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s duration %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, duration))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s qnum %s duration %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, qnum, duration), local_log)

def run_rf(rf_id, seq, stream_id):
''' oracle load the update in a temp table and do insert as select. For now, just get the file and run it.
insert into orders, lineitems (o_orderkey) '''
global rftime
if test_only:
rftime.append((seq, stream_id, rf_id, 1, 2, 3))
if not do_update:
#rftime.append((seq, stream_id, rf_id, 101, 10))  # fake it
dbg_print("begin run_rf %s " % rf_id)
tmp_file = rf_tmp_file_name_template % (rf_id,stream_id)
local_log = "%s/rf%s_%s_s%s.log" % (output_dir, rf_id, seq, stream_id)
line_header="RF %s" % rf_id
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s begin" % (line_header, seq, stream_id))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s begin" % (line_header, seq, stream_id), local_log)

output = sys_pipe_call_1(mysql_cmd % tmp_file)

# if not test_only: output = sys_pipe_call_1(mysql_cmd % tmp_file)
# else: output = "test only"
end_time = get_time()
duration = end_time - start_time
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s start time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, start_time), local_log)
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s start time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, start_time))
# no need to print out result for rf,
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s end time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, end_time))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s end time %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, end_time), local_log)
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s duration %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, duration))
write_log("%s seq %s stream %s duration %s" % (line_header, seq, stream_id, duration), local_log)
rftime.append((seq, stream_id, rf_id, start_time, end_time, duration))

def run_qgen(stream_id, seq):
query_parameter_file="%s/qp_%s_s%s.log" % (output_dir, seq, stream_id)
query_file= query_file_template % (output_dir, seq, stream_id)
dbg_print("run_qgen begin")
saved_cur_dir = os.getcwd()
except OSError:
if rand_seed:
stream_rand_seed = long(rand_seed) + stream_id
write_log("Generates query template file for streams %s with seed: %s " % (stream_id, stream_rand_seed))
sys_call("%s -c -r %s -p %s -s %s -l %s > %s" % (qgen, stream_rand_seed, stream_id, scale_factor, query_parameter_file, query_file))
write_log("Generates query template file for streams %s with seed: %s " % (stream_id, 'default'))
sys_call("%s -c -d -p %s -s %s -l %s > %s" % (qgen, stream_id, scale_factor, query_parameter_file, query_file))
line_header="Query Stream"
queries = parse_query_file(query_file)
global all_queries
all_queries["%s_%s" % (seq,stream_id)] = queries
# result files are in dbgen_dir/orders.tbl.u1 lineitem.tbl.u1. delete.1
dbg_print("run_qgen end")

def run_tpch_power_test(seq=1):
stream_id = 0   # power_test is stream 0
global streams_time
write_log("Start TPC-H Power test Run id: %s Seq: %s" % (run_id, seq))
run_qgen(stream_id, seq)
stream_start_time =get_time()
run_rf(1,seq, stream_id)
run_query(seq, stream_id)
run_rf(2, seq, stream_id)
stream_end_time = get_time()
stream_duration = stream_end_time - stream_start_time
streams_time.append((seq, stream_id, stream_start_time, stream_end_time, stream_duration))
write_log("End TPC-H Power test Run id: %s Seq: %s" % (run_id, seq))
#dbg_print("qtime = %s " % qtime)
global tpch_power_numbers
compute_result(True, seq, 1, 0, tpch_power_numbers)

class throughput_stream(Thread):
(rp, wp) = os.pipe()
def __init__ (self, seq, stream_id, stream_type='query'):
self.seq = seq
self.stream_id = stream_id
def run(self):
global streams_time
if self.stream_type == 'query':
stream_start_time =get_time()
run_query(self.seq, self.stream_id)
stream_end_time = get_time()
stream_duration = stream_end_time - stream_start_time
streams_time.append((self.seq, self.stream_id, stream_start_time, stream_end_time, stream_duration))
for i in range(num_streams_scale[scale_factor]):
write_log("RF unblocking")
stream_start_time =get_time()
for i in range(num_streams_scale[scale_factor]):
run_rf(1,self.seq, i+1)
run_rf(2, self.seq, i+1)
stream_end_time = get_time()
stream_duration = stream_end_time - stream_start_time
streams_time.append((self.seq, self.stream_id, stream_start_time, stream_end_time, stream_duration))

def run_tpch_throughput_test(seq=1):
''' number of query streams run concurrently with one refresh stream. sequential run rf1, rf2 for all the streams
Oracle waited all the query streams to finish before start rf.
But MS start rf same time as query streams'''
write_log("Start TPC-H Through Put test Run id: %s Seq: %s" % (run_id, seq))
num_streams = num_streams_scale[scale_factor]
for s in range(num_streams):
run_qgen(s+1, seq)
t_streams.append(throughput_stream(seq, s+1, 'query'))
#for s in range(num_streams):
t_streams.append(throughput_stream(seq, 1001, 'rf'))
#c = raw_input("continue? (Y/N)").upper()
if (rf_throughput_concurrent):
for t in t_streams: t.start()
for t in t_streams: t.join()
global streams_time
stream_start_time =get_time()
for t in t_streams: t.start()
for t in t_streams: t.join()

#for t in t_streams[0:num_streams]: t.start()   # start the query first
#for t in t_streams[0:num_streams]: t.join()
#for s in range(num_streams):
#t_streams[num_streams + s].start()   # start the rf last
#t_streams[num_streams + s].join()
#stream_end_time = get_time()
#stream_duration = stream_end_time - stream_start_time
#streams_time.append((seq, 1001, stream_start_time, stream_end_time, stream_duration))
throughput_duration = throughput_end_time - throughput_start_time
global tpch_throughput_numbers
compute_result(False, seq, num_streams, throughput_duration,tpch_throughput_numbers)
write_log("End TPC-H Through Put test Run id: %s, Seq: %s, Scale: %s, Number of Streams: %s" % (run_id, seq, scale_factor, num_streams))
write_log("Through Put duration  = %s" % (throughput_duration))

def server_is_up():
ret = sys_pipe_call_1("echo exit | mysql --sock=%s" % mysock)
#print "ret = %s " % ret
#    return True
return not re.compile("Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket").search(ret)

def start_up_server_if_needed():
# test if the server is up
#if test_only: return  # // dzhang_test
if not server_is_up():
write_log ("Cannot connect to MySQL server. Trying to start mysqld!", pstdout=True)
global master_err_file_handle, master_err_file
#master_err_file = "%s/var/log/master.err" % mysql_test_dir
master_err_file = "%s/master.err" % output_dir
#c2_config_file = "%s/c2_config.cnf" % audit_dir   # enable this in real audit
c2_config_file = "%s/c2_config.cnf" % mysql_test_dir
# work around bug 1687, remove log and control files
#c2_log_dir="/log/databases/tpch"   # this will be defined in c2_config_file
#sys_call("rm %s/*" % c2_log_dir)
sys_call ("%s/../sql/mysqld  --core-file --basedir=%s/.. --datadir=%s/var/master-data --language=%s/../sql/share/english --c2db_event_log_level=ERROR --socket=%s --c2db-config-file=%s>& %s &"
% (mysql_test_dir,mysql_test_dir,mysql_test_dir, mysql_test_dir, mysock, c2_config_file, master_err_file ))
max_wait_sec = 10
for i in range(max_wait_sec+1):
if server_is_up():
write_log("Mysqld started successfully on sock %s" % mysock,pstdout = True)
if (i == max_wait_sec): raise AssertionError, "Time out waiting for mysql server to start\n"
master_err_file_handle = open(master_err_file)
if not master_err_file_handle: raise AssertionError, "master.err is not created\n"
write_log("MySQL server is up. Use the existing one and continue", pstdout=True)

def shutdown_server():
if not server_is_up(): return
dbg_print("Begin shutdown sever")
sys_call("mysqladmin -u root -p123456 -h127.0.0.1 -S %s shutdown" % mysock)
max_wait_sec = 20
for i in range(max_wait_sec+1):
if not server_is_up():
write_log("Mysqld is shutdown successfully on sock %s" % mysock, pstdout=True)
if (i == max_wait_sec): raise AssertionError, "Time out waiting for mysql server to shutdown\n"

def main(argv):
''' may also need to specify seed, mysock. Also may need to take care of loading
# default
tpch_tables=('customer', 'supplier', 'nation', 'region', 'part', 'partsupp', 'orders', 'lineitem')
global _debug, scale_factor, do_power, do_throughput, do_update, tpch_db_name, test_only, do_loader, run_id, rand_seed, num_seqs, update_only, no_cleanup, leave_server_up

os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'

opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, "hdq:s:r:ptule:", ["help", "debug","query_program=", "scale=", "root=", "power", "throughput", "update","db=","test_only","loader","run_id=","rand_seed=","iter=","gen_rfs","update_only","no_cleanup","leave_server_up"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt == '-d':
_debug = 1
elif opt in ("-q", "--query_program"):
query_exec = arg
elif opt in ("-s", "--scale"):
scale_factor = int(arg)
elif opt in ("-r", "--root"):
audit_dir= arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--power"):
do_power = True
elif opt in ("-t", "--throughput"):
do_throughput = True
elif opt in ("-u", "--update"):
do_update = True
elif opt in ("-l", "--loader"):
do_loader = True
#print "do update"
elif opt in ("-e", "--rand_seed"):
rand_seed = int(arg)
elif opt in ("--test_only"):
test_only = True
elif opt in ("--db"):
tpch_db_name = arg
elif opt in ("--run_id"):
run_id = arg
elif opt in ("--iter"):
num_seqs = int(arg)
elif opt in ("--update_only"):
update_only = True
do_update = True
elif opt in ("--no_cleanup"):
no_cleanup = True
elif opt in ("--leave_server_up"):
leave_server_up = True

if __name__ == "__main__":
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  mysql python 测试 tpch