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public static void Main (string[] args)
Meet ("China");
Meet ("Japan");

public static void SayHelloInChina()
Console.WriteLine ("吃了吗?");
public static void SayHelloInAmerica()
Console.WriteLine ("what is the weather?");
public static void SayHelloInJapan()
Console.WriteLine ("孔丽西瓦!");
public static void SayHelloInHanGuo()
Console.WriteLine ("……思密达");
public static void SayHelloInAnyCountry(){}

public static void Meet(string s)
if (s == "China")
SayHelloInChina ();
if (s == "America" )
SayHelloInAmerica ();
if (s == "Japan")
SayHelloInJapan ();
if (s == "HanGuo") {
SayHelloInHanGuo ();

public static void Main (string[] args)
Meet(SayHelloInChina);	//直接把需要执行的方法名字传进来,委托会自动匹配
Meet (SayHelloInHanGuo);


public static void SayHelloInChina()
Console.WriteLine ("吃了吗?");
public static void SayHelloInAmerica()
Console.WriteLine ("what is the weather?");
public static void SayHelloInJapan()
Console.WriteLine ("孔丽西瓦!");
public static void SayHelloInHanGuo()
Console.WriteLine ("……思密达");
public static void SayHelloInAnyCountry(){}

public static void Meet (SayHello say)//把委托传进来
say ();	//去执行这个委托

public delegate void kid();	//声明一个小弟的委托
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
Boss boss = new Boss ();
kid kid = new kid (boss.Robe);
kid += boss.Kill;	//委托链,
kid += boss.Fire;

kid -= boss.Kill;
kid -= boss.Fire;
kid -= boss.Robe;

if (kid != null)
kid ();	//执行委托


public class Boss
public void Fire(){
Console.WriteLine ("放火……");
public void Kill()
Console.WriteLine ("砍他……");
public void Robe()
Console.WriteLine ("抢劫了,把钱交粗来……");


/// <summary>
/// 计算器的委托
/// </summary>
public delegate double DlgtCounter (float a,float b);

class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)

Count ct = new Count ();
//			DlgtCounter dcer = new DlgtCounter(ct.Add);
Accountant ac = new Accountant ();
//			Console.WriteLine (ac.Operation (dcer, 4f, 5f));
Console.WriteLine (ac.Operation (ct.Add, 3f, 5f));
Console.WriteLine (ac.Operation (ct.Sub, 3f, 5f));
Console.WriteLine (ac.Operation (ct.Mul, 3f, 5f));
Console.WriteLine (ac.Operation (ct.Divide, 3f, 5f));


/// <summary>
/// 会计类,里面有操作的方法
/// </summary>
public class Accountant
public double Operation(DlgtCounter counter,float a, float b)
return counter (a, b);


/// <summary>
/// 计算类,里面有加减乘除的方fgfcr0法
/// </summary>
public class Count
public double Add(float a,float b)
return a + b;
public double Sub(float a,float b)
return a - b;
public double Mul(float a,float b)
return a * b;
public double Divide(float a,float b)
return a / b;

public static void Main (string[] args)

Action a = PrintHelloWorld;
a ();

Action<string> b = PrintString;
b ("shenmoyisi");

Action<int,int> c = PrintDoubleInt;
c (2, 4);

Action<int,int,string, bool> d = Print;
d (1, 2, "干什么", false);

public static void PrintHelloWorld()
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World.");
public static void PrintString(string str)
Console.WriteLine (str);
public static void PrintDoubleInt(int a, int b)
Console.WriteLine (a+ " "+ b);
public static void Print(int a, int b, string c, bool d)
Console.WriteLine (a+ " " + b+ " " +c+ " " + d);

//Func 代表具有返回值的委托,
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
Func<int> a = Test01;
Console.WriteLine (a ());
Func<string , int> b = Test02;
Console.WriteLine (b ("干什么"));
Func<int,int,int> c = Test03;
int res = c (12,45);
Console.WriteLine (res);

public static int Test01(){
return 1;
public static int Test02(string str)
return 2;
public static int Test03(int a,int b)
return a + b;


class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
Action a = Test01;
a += Test02;

//			a -= Test01;	//消除方法
//			a -= Test02;
if (a != null) {
a ();


//定义一个委托集合。 得到多播委托里面所有的单个委托
Delegate[] dlgts = a.GetInvocationList();

foreach (Delegate i in dlgts) {
i.DynamicInvoke ();
public static void Test01()
Console.WriteLine ("Test01");
//			throw new Exception ();		//抛出一个异常,执行不了,也就是说,委托连,中有一个异常就会执行不了

public static void Test02()
Console.WriteLine ("Test02");


class MainClass
public static int Plus(int a,int b)
return a + b;

public static void Main (string[] args)
Func<int,int,int> f1 = Plus;
int res1 = f1(12, 34);
Console.WriteLine ("通过f1得到: "+res1);

Func<int,int,int> f2 = delegate (int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int res2 = f2 (23, 45);
Console.WriteLine ("通过f2得到: " +res2);

Func<int,int,int> f3 = delegate(int a, int b) {
return a - b;
int qwe = f3(4,2);



public static void Main (string[] args)

Func<int,int,int> f2 = delegate (int a, int b) {
return a + b;

Func<int,int,int> f3 = (arg1, arg2) => {
return arg1 + arg2;

//			Func<int,int,int>f3 = (arg1, arg2) => arg1 + arg2;

Console.WriteLine (f3(12,12));

Func<int,int>f4 = arg => 456;
Console.WriteLine ("f4: " + f4(123));


Func<int,int> f5 = arg => ++arg;
Console.WriteLine ("f5 : " + f5(13));
Func <string,int> f6 = asdf => 1234;
int azxc = f6 ("干什么");



public delegate void MyDelegate();
class MainClass
//		public MyDelegate myDelegate;
public event MyDelegate myDelegate;

public static void Main (string[] args)
MainClass mc = new MainClass ();
mc.myDelegate = Test;
mc.myDelegate ();

public static void Test()
Console.WriteLine ("Test");

public delegate void MyDelegete();
class Test01
public event MyDelegate MyDelegete01;
public static void Main01(string[] args01){

Test01 t01 = new Test01 ();
t01.MyDelegete01 = Test02;
t01.MyDelegete01 ();
public static void Test02()
Console.WriteLine ("干什么");

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