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2017-05-05 15:55 330 查看
这次作业,老师让我们仿制一个简单的dotween,扩展一下transform中的方法,在这里我扩展了三个方法,使得例如调用transform.DoTranslate, transform.DoRotate,Transform.DoScale分别实现物体的平移,旋转和大小的改变。这里老师上课的网站上重点介绍了要实现这几个功能,需要用到协程,动态方法和lambda表达式。lambda表达式在这次作业中我还没有用到,但是协程和动态方法这次是必须要用的。首先我来谈一下我对协程的理解。协程,可以说是伪线程。即它看上去像线程,但它的中断是显式的,直到指定的事件发生,由ReActor调度程序从当前断点继续执行。 也即是说当我们一般在执行函数调用时,函数会在一帧的时间内完成,若我们不想函数在一帧的时间内完成,而是分步执行,每次只执行一部分,下次执行时由上次执行的最后一句的下一句开始,这时我们就要用到协程。协程定义的方式为:IEnumerator+函数名(参数列表),同时要在返回语句前加上关键字yield,下面我们来看一个具体例子,就是潘老师的网站上所写的。IEnumerator Fade() {for (float f = 1f; f >= 0; f -= 0.1f) {Color c = renderer.material.color;c.a = f;renderer.material.color = c;yield return null;}}
上述程序表示每当启动Fade启动后就会获得cpu时间,知道yield中断语句的执行。return null表示下次update事件发生时,自动从下一条语句执行。上述函数是一个渐变的改
void Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("f")) {
扩展方法的格式为:public static 返回类型 函数名(this Typeanme class, 参数){}这样就扩展出了一个方法,以下引用一段微软官方的对扩展方法的解释。
扩展方法使你能够向现有类型“添加”方法,而无需创建新的派生类型、重新编译或以其他方式修改原始类型。 扩展方法是一种特殊的静态方法,但可以像扩展类型上的实例方法一样进行调用。
public static class extend_method_test{
//This is Extened Method, The first parameter beging with (this Type name, args)
public static bool NextBool(this System.Random random)
return random.NextDouble() > 0.5;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
System.Random rand = new System.Random();
print (rand.NextBool ());

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

public class dotween{
	public string name;//对应的动作名public Coroutine coroutine = null;// 要添加的协程public Transform trans = null;public float time;public bool isPause = false;public bool autoKill = true;public Vector3 target;public delegate void OnComplete();// 相应的委托public OnComplete onComplete = null;public dotween(string s, Transform t, Vector3 v, float ti, Coroutine c) {name = s;trans = t;target = v;time = ti;//Dotween.getInstance ().Add (this);}
public void setCoroutine(Coroutine c) {
coroutine = c;
//杀死协程,此时只是第一步,我们先求实现一个动作,不添加工厂管理这些动作,将与工厂有关的代码先注释掉public void Kill() {MonoBehaviour mono = trans.GetComponent<MonoBehaviour> ();mono.StopCoroutine (coroutine);//Dotween.getInstance ().Remove (this);}public void play() {isPause = false;}public void Pause() {isPause = true;}//设置回调函数,可以设置多个回调函数public void setOnComplete(OnComplete OnC) {onComplete += OnC;}public void runOnComplete() {if (onComplete != null) {onComplete ();}if (autoKill) {Kill ();}}
public void setAutoKill(bool b) {
autoKill = b;
public static class extension_method{
public static IEnumerator DoRotate(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 angle = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.Rotate (angle*Time.deltaTime);
//Debug.Log ("rotate:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoRotate(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoRotate", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoRotate (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;

public class DotweenFactory {
private static List<dotween> dotList = new List<dotween> ();
private static DotweenFactory dot = null;
public static DotweenFactory getInstance() {
if (dot == null) {
dot = new DotweenFactory ();
return dot;
public void Add(dotween d) {
dotList.Add (d);
public void Remove(dotween d) {
dotList.Remove (d);
public static void PauseAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].Pause ();
public static void Pause(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].Pause ();
Debug.Log (s, "has been paused");
public static void playAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].play ();
public static void play(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].play ();
Debug.Log (s, "has been played");
public static void KillAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].Kill ();
public static void Kill(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].Kill ();
Debug.Log (s, "has been killed");
public static IEnumerator DoTranslate(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 dis = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.Translate (dis * Time.deltaTime);
//Debug.Log ("transform:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoTranslate(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoTranslate", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoTranslate (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;
public static IEnumerator DoScale(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 scale = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.localScale += scale * Time.deltaTime;
//Debug.Log ("changeScale:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoScale(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoScale", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoScale (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Dotween.MyDotween;

namespace Dotween.MyDotween{

public class DotweenFactory {
private static List<dotween> dotList = new List<dotween> ();
private static DotweenFactory dot = null;
public static DotweenFactory getInstance() {
if (dot == null) {
dot = new DotweenFactory ();
return dot;
public void Add(dotween d) {
dotList.Add (d);
Debug.Log ("success add");
public void Remove(dotween d) {
dotList.Remove (d);
public static void PauseAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].Pause ();
public static void Pause(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].Pause ();
Debug.Log("dot has been paused");
public static void playAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].play ();
public static void play(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].play ();
Debug.Log ("dot has been played");
public static void KillAll() {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
dotList [i].Kill ();
public static void Kill(string s) {
int count = dotList.Count - 1;
for (int i = count; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dotList [i].name == s) {
dotList [i].Kill ();
Debug.Log ( "dot has been killed");

public class dotween{
public string name;
public Coroutine coroutine = null;
public Transform trans = null;
public float time;
public bool isPause = false;
public bool autoKill = true;
public Vector3 target;
public delegate void OnComplete();
public OnComplete onComplete = null;

public dotween(string s, Transform t, Vector3 v, float ti, Coroutine c) {
name = s;
trans = t;
target = v;
time = ti;
DotweenFactory.getInstance ().Add (this);
public void setCoroutine(Coroutine c) {
coroutine = c;
public void Kill() {
MonoBehaviour mono = trans.GetComponent<MonoBehaviour> ();
mono.StopCoroutine (coroutine);
//Dotween.getInstance ().Remove (this);
public void play() {
isPause = false;
public void Pause() {
isPause = true;

public void setOnComplete(OnComplete OnC) {
onComplete += OnC;
public void runOnComplete() {
if (onComplete != null) {
onComplete ();
if (autoKill) {
Kill ();
public void setAutoKill(bool b) {
autoKill = b;

public static class extension_method{
public static IEnumerator DoTranslate(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 dis = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.Translate (dis * Time.deltaTime);
//Debug.Log ("transform:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoTranslate(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoTranslate", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoTranslate (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;
public static IEnumerator DoRotate(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 angle = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.Rotate (angle*Time.deltaTime);
//Debug.Log ("rotate:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoRotate(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoRotate", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoRotate (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;
public static IEnumerator DoScale(this MonoBehaviour mono, dotween dot) {
Vector3 scale = (dot.target - dot.trans.position) / dot.time;
for (float f = 0.0f; f <= dot.time; f += Time.deltaTime) {
dot.trans.localScale += scale * Time.deltaTime;
//Debug.Log ("changeScale:");
yield return null;
while (dot.isPause == true) {
yield return null;
dot.runOnComplete ();
public static dotween DoScale(this Transform transform, Vector3 target, float time) {
MonoBehaviour mono = transform.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour> () [0];
dotween dot = new dotween ("DoScale", transform, target, time, null);
Coroutine coroutine = mono.StartCoroutine (mono.DoScale (dot));
dot.setCoroutine (coroutine);
return dot;

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Dotween.MyDotween;
public class test : MonoBehaviour {
dotween dot1,dot2,dot3;
DotweenFactory dotFact;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
//transform.Rotate (Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime);
dotFact = DotweenFactory.getInstance();
dot1 = transform.DoRotate (new Vector3 (50, 50, 50), 5.0f);
dotFact.Add (dot1);
dot2 = transform.DoTranslate (new Vector3 (3, 4, 5), 5.0f);
dotFact.Add (dot2);
dot3 = transform.DoScale (new Vector3 (5, 5, 5), 5.0f);
dotFact.Add (dot3);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//transform.Rotate (Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime);
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