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In all robot applications, completion of a generic task requires the execution of a specific motion prescribed to the robot. The correct execution of suchmotion is entrusted to the control system which should provide the robot’s actuators with the commands consistent with the desired motion. Motion control demands an accurate analysis of the characteristics of the mechanical structure, actuators, and sensors. The goal of such analysis is the derivation of the mathematical models describing the input/output relationship characterizing the robot components. Modelling a robot manipulator is therefore a necessary premise to finding motion control strategies.


Significant topics in the study of modelling, planning and control of robots which constitute the subject of subsequent chapters are illustrated below.


1. Modelling

1. 建模

Kinematic analysis of the mechanical structure of a robot concerns the description of the motion with respect to a fixed reference Cartesian frame by ignoring the forces and moments that cause motion of the structure. It is meaningful to distinguish between kinematics and differential kinematics.With reference to a robot manipulator, kinematics describes the analytical relationship between the joint positions and the end-effector position and orientation.Differential kinematics describes the analytical relationship between the joint motion and the end-effector motion in terms of velocities, through the manipulator Jacobiann.


The formulation of the kinematics relationship allows the study of two key problems of robotics, namely, the direct kinematics problem and the inverse kinematics problem. The former concerns the determination of a systematic,general method to describe the end-effector motion as a function of the joint motion by means of linear algebra tools. The latter concerns the inverse problem; its solution is of fundamental importance to transform the desired motion, naturally prescribed to the end-effector in the workspace, into the corresponding joint motion.


The availability of a manipulator’s kinematic model is also useful to determine the relationship between the forces and torques applied to the joints and the forces and moments applied to the end-effector in static equilibrium configurations.


Chapter 2 is dedicated to the study of kinematics. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of differential kinematics and statics, whereas Appendix A provides a useful brush-up on linear algebra.


Kinematics of a manipulator represents the basis of a systematic, general derivation of its dynamics, i.e., the equations of motion of the manipulator as a function of the forces and moments acting on it. The availability of the dynamic model is very useful for mechanical design of the structure, choice of actuators, determination of control strategies, and computer simulation of manipulator motion. Chapter 7 is dedicated to the study of dynamics, whereas Appendix B recalls some fundamentals on rigid body mechanics.


Modelling of mobile robots requires a preliminary analysis of the kinematic constraints imposed by the presence of wheels. Depending on the mechanical structure, such constraints can be integrable or not; this has direct consequence on a robot’s mobility. The kinematic model of a mobile robot is essentially the description of the admissible instantaneous motions in respect of the constraints. On the other hand, the dynamic model accounts for the reaction forces and describes the relationship between the above motions and the generalized forces acting on the robot. These models can be expressed in a canonical form which is convenient for design of planning and control techniques. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of mobile robots is developed in Chap. 11, while Appendix D contains some useful concepts of differential geometry.

移动机器人的建模需要对轮子的存在所产生的运动学约束进行初步分析。根据机械结构,这种约束可以是可积分的; 这对机器人的移动性有直接的影响。移动机器人的运动学模型基本上是关于约束的容许瞬时运动的描述。另一方面,动力学模型反映了反作用力,并描述了上述动作与作用于机器人的广义力之间的关系。这些模型可以用规范形式表达,便于规划和控制。移动机器人的运动和动力学分析在第 11,附录D包含微分几何的一些有用的概念。

2. Planning

2. 规划

With reference to the tasks assigned to a manipulator, the issue is whether to specify the motion at the joints or directly at the end-effector. In material handling tasks, it is sufficient to assign only the pick-up and release locations of an object (point-to-point motion), whereas, in machining tasks, the endeffector has to follow a desired trajectory (path motion). The goal of trajectory planning is to generate the timing laws for the relevant variables (joint or endeffector) starting from a concise description of the desired motion. Chapter 4 is dedicated to trajectory planning for robot manipulators.


The motion planning problem for a mobile robot concerns the generation of trajectories to take the vehicle from a given initial configuration to a desired final configuration. Such a problem is more complex than that of robot manipulators, since trajectories have to be generated in respect of the kinematic constraints imposed by the wheels. Some solution techniques are presented in Chap. 11, which exploit the specific differential structure of the mobile robots’kinematic models.

移动机器人的运动规划问题涉及生成将车辆从给定的初始配置带到期望的最终配置的轨迹。这种问题比机器人操纵器的问题更为复杂,因为必须根据车轮施加的运动学约束产生轨迹。一些解决技术在第 11章,利用移动机器人运动模型的具体微分结构。

Whenever obstacles are present in a mobile robot’s workspace, the planned motions must be safe, so as to avoid collisions. Such a problem, known as motion planning, can be formulated in an effective fashion for both robot manipulators and mobile robots utilizing the configuration space concept. The solution techniques are essentially of algorithmic nature and include exact, probabilistic and heuristic methods. Chapter 12 is dedicated to motion planning problem, while Appendix E provides some basic concepts on graph search algorithms.


3. Control

3. 控制

Realization of the motion specified by the control law requires the employment of actuators and sensor
s. The functional characteristics of the most commonly used actuators and sensors for robots are described in Chap. 5.

由控制法规定的运动的实现需要使用执行器和传感器。最常用的机器人执行器和传感器的功能特征在第 5章介绍.

Chapter 6 is concerned with the hardware/software architecture of a robot’s control system which is in charge of implementation of control laws as well as of interface with the operator.


The trajectories generated constitute the reference inputs to the motion control system of the mechanical structure. The problem of robot manipulator control is to find the time behaviour of the forces and torques to be delivered by the joint actuators so as to ensure the execution of the reference trajectories. This problem is quite complex, since a manipulator is an articulated system and, as such, the motion of one link influences the motion of the others.Manipulator equations of motion indeed reveal the presence of coupling dynamic effects among the joints, except in the case of a Cartesian structure with mutually orthogonal axes. The synthesis of the joint forces and torques cannot be made on the basis of the sole knowledge of the dynamic model, since this does not completely describe the real structure. Therefore, manipulator control is entrusted to the closure of feedback loops; by computing the deviation between the reference inputs and the data provided by the proprioceptive sensors, a feedback control system is capable of satisfying accuracy requirements on the execution of the prescribed trajectories.

生成的轨迹构成了这个机械结构体的参考输入。机器人控制器控制的问题是得到在不同时间节点上传递到各个关节执行器的力和扭矩,以确保参考轨迹的执行。这个问题是相当复杂的,因为操纵器是关节系统,因此,一个关节的运动影响其他关节的运动。除了笛卡尔结构的具有相互正交的轴的情况,机械臂的运动方程确实揭示了关节之间耦合动态效应的存在。关节力和扭矩的合成不能仅在动态模型的基础上进行,因为这并不能完全描述实际结构。因此,操纵器控制被委托给闭合反馈回路; 通过计算参考输入和传感器提供的数据之间的偏差,反馈控制系统能够满足执行规定轨迹的精度要求。

Chapter 8 is dedicated to the presentation of motion control techniques, whereas Appendix C illustrates the basic principles of feedback control .


Control of a mobile robot substantially differs from the analogous problem for robot manipulators. This is due, in turn, to the availability of fewer control inputs than the robot has configuration variables. An important consequence is that the structure of a controller allowing a robot to follow a trajectory (tracking problem) is unavoidably different from that of a controller aimed at taking the robot to a given configuration (regulation problem). Further, since a mobile robot’s proprioceptive sensors do not yield any data on the vehicle’s configuration, it is necessary to develop localization methods for the robot in the environment. The control design problem for wheeled mobile robots is treated in Chap. 11.


If a manipulation task requires interaction between the robot and the environment, the control problem should account for the data provided by the exteroceptive sensors; the forces exchanged at the contact with the environment, and the objects’ position as detected by suitable cameras. Chapter 9 is dedicated to force control techniques for robot manipulators, while Chap. 10 presents visual control techniques.

如果操纵任务需要机器人与环境之间的交互,则控制问题应该解释由外部感应传感器提供的数据; 与环境接触交换的力量以及由适当摄像机检测到的物体的位置。第9章专门用于机器人操纵器的力控技术。10展示了视觉控制技术。
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