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parallel_studio_xe_2015 安装方法说明

2017-05-01 12:25 495 查看
parallel_studio_xe_2015 安装



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备注:本文以2015为例,在linux 64位操作系统下安装。



tar zxvf parallel_studio_xe_2015.tgz
cd  parallel_studio_xe_2015


Please make your selection byentering an option.
Root access is recommended forevaluation. 

1. Run as a root for systemwide access for all users [default]
2. Run using sudo privilegesand password for system wide access for all users
3. Run as current user tolimit access to user level
h. Help
q. Quit
Please type a selection [1]: 3 # 默认是1,安装在root下(需要root权限),如果是普通账户,请选择3。
Proceeding in non-root mode.

Proceeding in non-root mode.
Initializing, please wait...
Step 1 of 7 | Welcome
Welcome to the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015 for Linux* installationprogram.
Install one of the following products:
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015 Cluster Edition for Linux*
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015 Professional Edition for Fortran and C++Linux*
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015 Professional Edition for C++ Linux*
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015 Professional Edition for Fortran Linux*
You will complete the steps below during this installation:
Step 1 : Welcome
Step 2 : License agreement
Step 3 : Activation
Step 4 : Intel(R) Software Improvement Program
Step 5 : Options
Step 6 : Installation
Step 7 : Complete
Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit: Enter # 直接按回车键即可,如果按“q”则表示quit,直接退出安装。
Checking the prerequisites. It can take several minutes. Please wait...
Step 1 of 7 |Prerequisites > Missing Optional Prerequisite(s)
There are one or more optionalunresolved issues. It is highly recommended to
resolve them all before youcontinue the installation. You can fix them without
exiting from the installationand re-check. Or you can quit from the
installation, fix them and runthe installation again.
Missing optional prerequisites
-- Intel(R) MPI Library,Development Kit 5.0 Update 1 for Linux* OS: Unsupported
-- Intel(R) Trace Analyzer andCollector 9.0 Update 1 for Linux* OS: Unsupported
-- Intel(R) VTune(TM)Amplifier XE 2015: Unsupported OS
-- Intel(R) Inspector XE 2015:Unsupported OS
-- Intel(R) Advisor XE 2015:Unsupported OS
-- Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE2015 Composer Edition for C++ Linux*: Unsupported
-- Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE2015 Composer Edition for Fortran Linux*:
Unsupported OS
-- Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE2015 Composer Edition for Fortran and C++ Linux*:
Unsupported OS
-- Driverless HardwareEvent-based Sampling (EBS) analysis is not available on
this system.
1. Skip missing optionalprerequisites [default]
2. Show the detailed infoabout issue(s)
3. Re-check the prerequisites
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:Enter [b] # 直接按回车键即可[/b]

Step 2 of 7 |License agreement
As noted in the Intel(R)Software Development Products End User License
Agreement, the Intel(R)Software Development Products you install will send
Intel the product's serialnumber and other system information to help Intel
improve the product andvalidate license compliance. No personal information
will be transmitted.
To continue with theinstallation of this product you are required to accept
the terms and conditions ofthe End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA
is displayed using the 'more'utility. Press the spacebar to advance to the
next page or enter 'q' to skipto the end. After reading the EULA, you must
enter 'accept' to continue theinstallation or 'decline' to return to the
previous menu.
Note: There are multiple EndUser License Agreements in this document.
Please read to the end:
Do not copy, install,distribute, public display, or use the Materials provided
under this license agreement("Agreement"), until you have carefully read the
following terms andconditions.
By copying, installing,distributing, publicly displaying, or otherwise using
the Materials, you agree to bebound by the terms of this Agreement.
If you do not agree to theterms of this Agreement, do not copy,
install, distribute, publiclydisplay, or use the Materials.
--More--[Press space tocontinue, 'q' to quit.]

一直 space [b] # 这部分是“License agreement”,我们只能选择接受... ...[/b]
Do you agree to be bound bythe terms and conditions of this license agreement?
Type 'accept' to continue or'decline' to go back to the previous menu:   accept  # 输入accept表示接受。 
Step 3 of 7 |Activation
If you have purchased thisproduct and have the serial number and a connection
to the internet you can chooseto activate the product at this time. Activation
is a secure and anonymousone-time process that verifies your software licensing
rights to use the product.Alternatively, you can choose to evaluate the product
or defer activation by choosingthe evaluate option. Evaluation software will
time out in about one month.You can also use license file or Intel(R) Software
License Manager.
1. Use existing license [default]
2. I want to activate myproduct using a serial number
3. I want to evaluate myproduct or activate later
4. I want to activate by usinga license file, or by using Intel(R) Software
License Manager
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:4  # 1是选择已经存在的license,2是用序列号激活,3是稍后激活,4是用license文件激活,或者使用证书管理器。这里我们有lic文件,所以选择4。
Step 3 of 7 |Activation > Alternative activation
Your license file is availablefor download from https://registrationcenter.intel.com.Further instructions are available at http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/offline-activation-of-intel-software-de velopment-products.
The Intel(R) Software LicenseManager User's Guide explains how to download,
install, configure andtroubleshoot the Intel(R) Software License Manager. The
guide is available at: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/license-manager-for-flexlm-users-guide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Activate offline [default]
2. Use Intel(R) SoftwareLicense Manager
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:1  # 输入数字“1”即可
Please type the full path toyour license file(s):  
# 输入lic文件所在目录及文件名,将“[b]$HOME/software/parallel_studio_xe_2015/”替换为实际lic所在目录,将“parallel_studio_tbe.lic”替换文实际的lic文件名称[/b]
Activation completedsuccessfully.
Press "Enter" key tocontinue:  Enter  [b]  # 直接按回车键即可[/b]
Step 4 of 7 |Intel(R) Software Improvement Program
Help improve your experiencewith Intel(R) software     
Participate in the design offuture Intel software. Select 'Yes' to give us
permission to learn about howyou use your Intel software and we will do the
    - No personallyidentifiable information is collected
    - There are noadditional follow-up emails by opting in
    - You can stopparticipating at any time
    Learn more aboutthe Intel(R) Software Improvement Program
With your permission, Intelmay automatically receive anonymous information
about how you use your currentand future Intel(R) Software Development
1. Yes, I am willing toparticipate and improve Intel software. (Recommended)
2. No, I don't want toparticipate in the Intel(R) Software Improvement Program
at this time.
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection: 2   # 输入数字“2”,我们无情的选择拒绝参加“ Improvement Program”。
Step 5 of 7 |Options
This product can be installedon cluster nodes.
1. Finish configuring cluster[default]
2. Configuration type                         [ Current node ]
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1 # 输入数字“1”,保持默认即可;输入数字“2”表示配置一些其他选项,通常不需要。
Step 5 of 7 | Options >Pre-install Summary
Install location:
1. Start installation Now[default]
2. Customize installation
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2  # 通常情况下按回车键即可,那么就会安装到$HOME/intel目录下;但如果想修改目录,则需要输入“2”
Step 5 of 7 |Options > Architecture selection
Select the architecture(s)where your applications will run. If unsure, accept
the default options below orsee http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/about-target-architecture-selection-dur ing-installation for moreinformation.
Target Architecture(s) of yourapplications:
1. [x]    IA-32
2. [x]    Intel(R)64
3. Finish architectureselection [default]
Note: This system is anIntel(R) 64 architecture system.   
Your application may be builtto run on either IA-32 or Intel(R) 64
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [3]: 3 # 按回车键(或者输入数字“3” ),此处保持默认即可。
Step 5 of 7 |Options
You are now ready to begininstallation. You can use all default installation
settings by simply choosingthe "Start installation Now" option or you can
customize these settings byselecting any of the change options given below
first. You can view a summaryof the settings by selecting "Show pre-install
1. Start installation Now[default]
2. Change installdirectory      [ $HOME/zhenggang/intel ]
3. Change components toinstall  [ Custom ]
4. Show pre-install summary
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2 # 这个才是我们的目的,选择安装目录,所以我们输入数字“2”
Please type the full path tothe installation root directory starting with /: 
# 在这里输入我们希望的安装目录,请将“$HOME/software/intel2015”修改为我们希望的安装目录即可。

Step 5 of 7 | Options
You are now ready to begininstallation. You can use all default installation
settings by simply choosing the"Start installation Now" option or you can
customize these settings byselecting any of the change options given below
first. You can view a summaryof the settings by selecting "Show pre-install
1. Start installation Now[default]
2. Change installdirectory      [$HOME/software/intel2015 ]
3. Change components toinstall  [ Custom ]
4. Show pre-install summary
h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:1  [b]# 按回车键(或者输入数字“1” ),保持默认即可。[/b]
Installation of Open SourceComponents
Open source componentsprovided under GNU General Public License v3, or Eclipse
Public License v.1.0 or PythonSoftware Foundation License will be installed.
GNU* GDB 7.7
    Provided underGNU General Public License v3
GDB Eclipse* Integration
    Provided underEclipse Public License v.1.0
For further details, pleaserefer to the product Release Notes.
1. Continue the installation[default]
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1  # 按回车键(或者输入数字“1”
Checking the prerequisites. Itcan take several minutes. Please wait...
Step 6 of 7 | Installation
Each component will beinstalled individually. If you cancel the installation,
some components might remainon your system. This installation may take several
minutes, depending on yoursystem and the options you selected.
Installing Intel(R) MPILibrary, Runtime Environment for applications running on
Intel(R) 64 Architecturecomponent... done
Installing Intel(R) MPILibrary, Runtime Environment for applications running on
Intel(R) Many Integrated CoreArchitecture component... done
Installing Intel(R) MPILibrary for applications running on Intel(R) 64
Architecture component...
... ...
Step 7 of 7 | Complete
Thank you for installing andfor using the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2015
Cluster Edition for Linux*.
Support services start fromthe time you install or activate your product. If
you have not already done so,please create your support account now to take
full advantage of your productpurchase.
Your support account gives youaccess to free product updates and upgrades as
well as interactive technicalsupport at Intel(R) Premier Support.
To create your supportaccount, please visit the Intel(R) Software Development
Products Registration Centerweb site https://registrationcenter.intel.com/RegCenter/registerexpress.aspx?media=JDD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
q. Quit
Please type a selection orpress "Enter" to accept default choice [q]:q # [b] 按回车键(或者输入字母“q” ),完成安装并退出。[/b]


source $HOME/intel/composer_xe_2015.0.090/bin/iccvars.shintel64
source $HOME/intel/composer_xe_2015.0.090/bin/ifortvars.shintel64
source $HOME/intel/composer_xe_2015.0.090/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64


source $HOME/software/intel2015/composer_xe_2015.0.090/bin/iccvars.sh intel64
source $HOME/software/intel2015/composer_xe_2015.0.090/bin/ifortvars.sh intel64
source $HOME/software/intel2015/composer_xe_2015.0.090/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64



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