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2017-04-28 17:35 696 查看



import threading
from time import sleep, ctime

the process that have mode of thread
_max_link = 30
# A pool of thread max-link
thread_pool = []
# A list for saving instantiations of thread
lock_pool = []
# A list for saving instantiation of Lock
count = 0
# A global var

def loop(*args):
'''A function for sleep sometime s ,and make global count ++'''
_index,_lock_Semaphore,_event_sign = args
print "start loop %s at: " % _index, ctime()
global count
count += 1
print "end loop %s at: " % _index, ctime()

def Thread_Pool(*arg):
"""A function that create instantiations of threading"""
_func, _LN ,_Lock,_Event_Local= arg
for i in range(_LN):
t = threading.Thread(target=_func, args=(i,_Lock,_Event_Local))#可能不能直接传列表元素,只能传列表
#    t.setDaemon(True)
#    print t.isDaemon()

def Thread_Start(arg):
"""A function that represents a thread of control.
And by calling them instantiations ,that produced from
'threading.Thread', from list thread_pool ,
And block the main thread
for i in range(arg):

def main():
"""A function of main"""

_event_obj = threading.Event()
_Semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5)
print "process start at: ".upper(), ctime()

Thread_Pool(loop, _max_link,_Semaphore,_event_obj)
inp = raw_input("---$:")
if inp == "True":
print "process end at: ".upper(), ctime(),"now count :",count

if __name__ == '__main__':


PROCESS START AT:  Fri Apr 28 17:27:08 2017
PROCESS END AT: start loop 2 at:  start loop 3 at:  Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017start loop 6 at:  Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017 start loop 4 at: Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017
Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017start loop 0 at:
now count :
Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017start loop 7 at:  Fri Apr 28 17:27:18 2017

end loop 28 at: end loop 26 at: end loop 27 at: end loop 5 at: end loop 29 at:      Fri Apr 28 17:27:20 2017Fri Apr 28 17:27:20 2017Fri Apr 28 17:27:20 2017Fri Apr 28 17:27:20 2017Fri Apr 28 17:27:20 2017
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