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记录下Ripple solution文档里的支付流程(英文)

2017-04-27 15:38 323 查看

1. The originator of the payment starts the process by providing information about the payment through an interface in the financial institution's client application (which could be part of an existing online banking system). At a minimum, this information
must include the following:

    a. Sender: The originator of the payment.

    b. Receiver: The beneficiary of the payment.

    c. The amount and currency of the payment, and whether this is a "sender" or "receiver" amount:

        • Sender Amount: The specified amount is debited from the sender's account. Ripple Connect calculates the fees and FX cost and debits them from the sender's account. The receiver's account is credited with the remaining amount.

        • Receiver Amount: The receiver's account is credited with the specified amount. The amount is debited from the sender's account in the sender's currency. Ripple Connect calculates the fees and FX cost and adds them to the amount debited from the sender's
account. The originating bank uses the information provided by the originator to make a Get Quote request to its own Ripple Connect instance.

2. The originating bank’s Ripple Connect instance makes a Get Quote request to the Ripple Connect instance at the beneficiary bank to get its portion of the payment, which includes its fees (€5 in the example above) and empty fields that indicate any additional
information the beneficiary bank requires to process the payment.

3. The Ripple Connect instance at the originating bank gets the FX rate posted by the Liquidity Provider from the FX Connector.

4. The originating bank aggregates the fees for its portion of the payment, which includes its fees($5 in the example above).

5. The originating bank receives a response to its Get Quote request and passes the quote to the initial sender to determine if the terms of the payment (which include the beneficiary and originating banks’ fees and the FX rate) are acceptable. If the terms
are acceptable, the originating bank makes an Accept Quote request.

If the configuration of the beneficiary bank's Ripple Connect has requested additional information about the payment, the originating bank provides that information in the Accept Quote request. (Additional payment information is not technically required, but
for regulatory reasons institutions often require information similar to fields in pacs.008 or MT 103 messages to process payments.) Ripple Connect generates a payment ID, which is included in the Accept Quote response.

The beneficiary bank reviews the quote and performs compliance checks to ensure that:

    a. The payment terms are acceptable.

    b. The additional payment information requested from the originating bank is present and sufficient to process the payment.

6. If the terms and additional payment information are acceptable, the beneficiary bank makes a Lock Quote request. A locked quote indicates that both parties intend to process the payment and deliver the funds as described in the contract fields of the payment.
The contract fields cannot be changed after the quote is locked.

7. The Ripple Connect instance at the originating bank receives a notification that the payment is now locked, and updates the payment state in its own database to reflect the new state.

Both institutions now have an identical payment object in a locked state, with all the information that both institutions need to execute the payment.


After both banks accept the quote, the originating bank can initiate the end-to-end payment, which is comprised of three sub-payments:

• Sending payment: The internal book transfer at the originating bank. The originating bank debits the originator's account and credits its own segregated account. Any fees charged by the originating bank are deducted from the originator's account in this transfer.

• Settlement payment: The transfers executed over the Interledger Protocol. The funds are transferred from the originating bank's transactional account (on its ILP Ledger) to the beneficiary bank's transactional account (on its ILP Ledger). This transfer is
triggered automatically when the originating bank makes the Submit Sub-Payment request.

Executing the settlement payment doesn't require any additional action on the part of the originating bank.

• Receiving payment: The internal book transfer at the beneficiary bank. The beneficiary bank debits its own segregated account and credits the beneficiary's account. Any fees charged by the beneficiary bank are deducted from the beneficiary's account in this

Executing the end-to-end payment involves the following steps:

    1. The originating bank makes an internal book transfer debiting the funds from the sender's account. In the example above, $125 is deducted: $120 for the payment and $5 for the originating bank’s fee.


    2. The originating bank makes a Submit Sending Payment request to Ripple Connect to acknowledge that the funds have been debited from the sender's account in the bank's internal systems. The request to Ripple Connect does not affect the bank's internal
systems. Typically,integration logic coordinates the transfer in the internal systems with executing the Submit Sending Payment request.


    3. The originating bank’s Ripple Connect instance notifies the beneficiary bank’s Ripple Connect instance that the funds have been debited from the sender’s account.


    4. The Submit Sending Payment request triggers the settlement payment, which transfers the funds through the Interledger Protocol (ILP) from the originating bank's ILP Ledger to the beneficiary bank's ILP Ledger.


    5. The originating bank’s Ripple Connect instance notifies the beneficiary bank’s Ripple Connect instance that the settlement payment has been sent.


    6. The beneficiary bank sees that the ILP transfers have been validated by the ILP Validator and makes an internal book transfer to deliver the funds to the beneficiary's account.


    7. The beneficiary bank makes a Submit Receiving Payment request to its Ripple Connect instance, which changes the state of the payment to succeeded in its database.


    8. The beneficiary bank's instance notifies the originating bank's Ripple Connect instance that the funds have been delivered to the beneficiary’s account.


    9. After receiving the notification, the originating bank's Ripple Connect instance changes the state of the payment to succeeded in its database.


    10. At this point, both parties consider the payment complete.

The payment is now complete. Alpha Corp. sent 125 USD and 100 EUR was delivered to Beta Corp’s account.
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