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2017-04-27 10:30 344 查看
<!DOCTYPE html>


<head><title>Touch Test</title></head>

<style type="text/css">

    body {

        margin: 0;

        padding: 0;

        overflow-x: hidden;


    .work_area {

        width: 900px;

        height: 400px;

        border: solid 1px #06C;

        text-align: center;


    .work_area .button_area {

        width: 100%;

        height: 100px;

        background-color: #ff4500;

        text-align: right;


    .work_area .button_area .button {

        margin: 5px;

        height: 75px;

        width: 150px;

        font-size: 35px;

        border-radius: 15px;


        /* .work_area .button_area .button_r {

            margin: 5px 25px 5px 5px;


    .work_area .editing_area {

        width: 100%;

        height: 20px;

        border: none;


    .work_show {

        width: 100%;

        height: 300px;

        border: none;


        /*.work_show .preview {*/

        /*width: 300px;*/

        /*height: 126px;*/

        /*float: left;*/




<div class="work_area">

    <!-- 按钮区域 用来显示一些按钮 -->

    <div class="button_area">

        <input class="button" name="rewrite" type="button" value="取消" onClick="rewrite()"/>

        <input class="button" name="preview" type="button" value="确定" onClick="preview()"/>

        <!--<input class="button_r" name="save" type="button" value="保存" onClick="save()"/>-->


    <!-- 编辑区域 用来写字的 -->

    <div class="editing_area">

        <!--<canvas width="600" height="250" id="canvasEdit"></canvas>-->

        <canvas id="canvas" width="900" height="1300" style="border:none ;">

            Your browser does not support canvas element.



    <div class="work_show">

        <div id="preview
Show" class="preview"></div>

        <!--<div class="preview"><textarea id="textarea" style="width:299px; float:left;" rows="8"></textarea></div>-->






<pre id="log" style="border: 1px solid #ccc;"></pre>-->

<script type="text/javascript">

document.body.onload = startup; //文档加载完毕触发

var ongoingTouches = new Array(); //用来保存跟踪正在发送的触摸事件


function startup() {

    var el = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

    el.addEventListener("touchstart", handleStart, false);

    el.addEventListener("touchend", handleEnd, false);

    el.addEventListener("touchcancel", handleCancel, false);

    el.addEventListener("touchleave", handleEnd, false);

    el.addEventListener("touchmove", handleMove, false);




var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

var linex = new Array();

var liney = new Array();

var linen = new Array();

var lastX = 1;

var lastY = 30;

var flag = 0;

function onMouseMove(evt) {

    if (flag == 1) {





        context.translate(context.canvas.width / 2, context.canvas.height / 2);

        context.translate(-context.canvas.width / 2, -context.canvas.height / 2 - 33);


        context.lineWidth = 2;

        for (var i = 1; i < linex.length; i++) {

            lastX = linex[i];

            lastY = liney[i];

            if (linen[i] == 0)

                context.moveTo(lastX, lastY);


                context.lineTo(lastX, lastY);


        //context.strokeStyle = 'hsl(50%, 50%, 50%)';

        //context.shadowColor = 'white';

        context.shadowBlur = 10;






function handleStart(evt) {

    evt.preventDefault(); //阻止事件的默认行为


    var el = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

    var ctx = el.getContext("2d");

    var touches = evt.changedTouches;

    for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {

        //log("touchstart:" + i + "...");


        var color = colorForTouch(touches[i]);


        ctx.arc(touches[i].pageX, touches[i].pageY, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);  // a circle at the start

        ctx.fillStyle = color;


        //log("touchstart:" + i + ".");




function handleMove(evt) {


    var el = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

    var ctx = el.getContext("2d");

    var touches = evt.changedTouches;

    for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {

        var color = colorForTouch(touches[i]);

        var idx = ongoingTouchIndexById(touches[i].identifier);

        if (idx >= 0) {

            //log("continuing touch " + idx);


            //log("ctx.moveTo(" + ongoingTouches[idx].pageX + ", " + ongoingTouches[idx].pageY + ");");

            ctx.moveTo(ongoingTouches[idx].pageX, ongoingTouches[idx].pageY);

            //log("ctx.lineTo(" + touches[i].pageX + ", " + touches[i].pageY + ");");

            ctx.lineTo(touches[i].pageX, touches[i].pageY);

            ctx.lineWidth = 6;

            ctx.strokeStyle = color;


            ongoingTouches.splice(idx, 1, copyTouch(touches[i]));  // swap in the new touch record


        } else {

            log("can't figure out which touch to continue");





function handleEnd(evt) {



    var el = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

    var ctx = el.getContext("2d");

    var touches = evt.changedTouches;

    for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {

        var color = colorForTouch(touches[i]);

        var idx = ongoingTouchIndexById(touches[i].identifier);

        if (idx >= 0) {

            ctx.lineWidth = 6;

            ctx.fillStyle = color;


            ctx.moveTo(ongoingTouches[idx].pageX, ongoingTouches[idx].pageY);

            ctx.lineTo(touches[i].pageX, touches[i].pageY);

            ctx.fillRect(touches[i].pageX - 4, touches[i].pageY - 4, 8, 8);  // and a square at the end

            ongoingTouches.splice(idx, 6);  // remove it; we're done

        } else {

            log("can't figure out which touch to end");





function handleCancel(evt) {



    var touches = evt.changedTouches;

    for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {

        ongoingTouches.splice(i, 1);  // remove it; we're done




function colorForTouch(touch) {

    var r = touch.identifier % 16;

    var g = Math.floor(touch.identifier / 3) % 16;

    var b = Math.floor(touch.identifier / 7) % 16;

    r = r.toString(16); // make it a hex digit

    g = g.toString(16); // make it a hex digit

    b = b.toString(16); // make it a hex digit

    var color = "#" + r + g + b;

    //log("color for touch with identifier " + touch.identifier + " = " + color);

    return color;



function copyTouch(touch) {

    return { identifier:touch.identifier, pageX:touch.pageX, pageY:touch.pageY };



function ongoingTouchIndexById(idToFind) {

    for (var i = 0; i < ongoingTouches.length; i++) {

        var id = ongoingTouches[i].identifier;

        if (id == idToFind) {

            return i;



    return -1;    // not found



function log(msg) {

    var p = document.getElementById('log');

    //p.innerHTML = msg + "\n" + p.innerHTML;


// 重画

function rewrite() {

    linex = new Array();

    liney = new Array();

    linen = new Array();

    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);



function preview() {

    var show = document.getElementById("previewShow");

    show.innerHTML = "";


    // window.history.go(-1);


    setTimeout("location.href='../pageApp/index.html'", 3000);

    //location.href="../index.html" ;


//    function save() {

//        var textarea = document.getElementById("textarea");

//        textarea.innerHTML = "";

//        textarea.appendChild(convertCanvasToImage(canvas));

//    }

function convertCanvasToImage(canvas) {

    var image = new Image();

    image.width = 300;

    image.height = 125;

    image.src = canvas.toDataURL("i/png");

    console.log("image" + image);

    return image;




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