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2017-04-24 23:46 453 查看


select ename from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='allen')

--子查询-单行子查询:只返回一行结果,关键词:> = <等。若返回多个结果,则报错。


select ename from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp)


  in  :符合所有结果,

  any :与每个结果比较。如小于最大的,或大于最小的

  all :与每个结果比较。如小于最小的,或大于最大的


select * from b where where exists(select * from b where b.aid=1);






select rownum,deptno,deptname from dept;


select empno,enme from (select  rownum tempid,empno,ename from emp t) t where t.tempid between 5 and  ;




select rowid,empno,ename,from emp where rowid='AAAR3qAAEAAAACHAAA';





delete from  tb_test where rowid in(select a.rowid as id) from  tb_test a,tb_test b

where a.rowid>b.rowid and a.name=b.name and a.age=b.age;

   --方法三:not in 效率最低 因为 not 不带索引

delete from tb_test a where rowid not in (select  max(b.rowid) from tb_test b where

a.name=b.name and a.age=b.age;
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