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2017-04-10 03:32 309 查看
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>  //头文件
#include <sstream>
using namespace cv;  //包含cv命名空间
using namespace std;
int g_Height = 100;
int g_Width = 100;
int g_InnerHeigh = 6;
int g_InnerWidth = 9;
Size g_imgSize;//影像的大小
bool CreateCalibImg()
Mat img = Mat(g_Height * 7, g_Width * 10, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255));//标靶内角点大小是Size(9,6)
if (img.empty())
cout << "创建标靶影像失败" << endl;
return false;
string tile("标靶影像");
for (int i = 0; i < 7;++i)
for (int j = (i&1)?0:1; j < 10;j+=2)//i&1 如果是偶数,则结果为false,否则为true
Mat SmallRect = img(Rect(Point(j*g_Width, i*g_Height), Point((j + 1)*g_Width, (i + 1)*g_Height)));
namedWindow(tile, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);//无缩放显示,以免影像每个方格的大小
imshow(tile, img);
return true;
//@param filename 影像的名字
//@param ImgCoor 影像中每个角点坐标
//@param ObjCoor 影像中每个角点的物理坐标
//这个函数要使用/MDd 模式,不然的可能会出现 _pfirstblock == phead的错误
bool CalcImgAndObjCoor(vector<string> filename, vector<vector<Point2f> > &ImgCoor, vector<vector<Point3f> > &ObjCoor)
Mat img;
for (size_t i = 0; i < filename.size();++i)
img = imread(filename[i], IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);//以灰度读取影像,函数只能处理灰度影像
g_imgSize = img.size();
if (img.empty())
vector<Point2f> corner;
vector<Point3f> ObjCorner;
bool result = findChessboardCorners(img, Size(g_InnerWidth, g_InnerHeigh), corner, CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE);
if (!result)
cornerSubPix(img, corner, Size(11, 11), Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::EPS | TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 30, 0.01));
//drawChessboardCorners(img, Size(g_InnerWidth, g_InnerHeigh), corner, result);
//HORZRES Width, in pixels, of the screen; or for printers, the width, in pixels, of the printable area of the page.
//VERTRES Height, in raster lines, of the screen; or for printers, the height, in pixels, of the printable area of the page.
//屏幕的物理尺寸 30cm 17cm ,但是不知道精度如何。
HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
double xRadio=  17.0/GetDeviceCaps(dc,VERTRES);
double yRadio=  30.0/ GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES);
for (int row = 0; row < g_InnerHeigh;++row)
for (int col = 0; col < g_InnerWidth;++col)

double x = col*g_Width*xRadio;//转换为以mm为单位
double y = row*g_Height*yRadio;
ObjCorner.push_back(Point3f(x, y, 0));
return true;
int main()
string Prefilename = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\标准测试图片\\M5相机\\";//影像的前缀路径
vector<string> filename;
for (int i = 1; i < 14;++i)
ostringstream os;
os << i;
string temp = Prefilename + os.str() + ".jpg";
vector<vector<Point2f> >  ImgCoor;
vector<vector<Point3f> > ObjCoor;
CalcImgAndObjCoor(filename, ImgCoor, ObjCoor);
Mat CameraMatrix;//相机的内参数 3*3矩阵
Mat DisCoeffs;//相机的畸变参数
vector<Mat> RotationMatrix;//旋转矩阵
vector<Mat> TransMatrix;//平移变换矩阵
calibrateCamera(ObjCoor, ImgCoor, g_imgSize, CameraMatrix, DisCoeffs, RotationMatrix, TransMatrix);
cout << "相机参数" << '\n' << CameraMatrix << endl;
cout << "畸变参数" << '\n' << DisCoeffs << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < RotationMatrix.size();++i)
cout << "第" << i << "个影像" << endl;
cout << "旋转向量" << '\n' << RotationMatrix[i] << endl;
Mat temp;//保存旋转矩阵---可以使用罗德里格变换,将其转换为旋转矩阵
Rodrigues(RotationMatrix[i], temp);
cout << "旋转矩阵" << temp << endl;
cout << "平移矩阵" << '\n' << TransMatrix[i] << endl;

return 0;
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标签:  相机标定