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2017-04-01 09:47 344 查看
在caffe-cudnn 中添加样本扩增的功能


考虑到我的caffe的版本太多了。所以把所有的功能都merge 到一起。

首先merge 的是样本扩增的功能。

因为只有在imagedata 层里面用到样本扩增。里面用到了data_transfer 这一层。

data_transfer 这一层有四个函数。


template<typename Dtype>

void DataTransformer<Dtype>::Transform(const cv::Mat& img, Blob<Dtype>* transformed_blob)


template<typename Dtype>
void DataTransformer<Dtype>::Transform(const cv::Mat& img,
Blob<Dtype>* transformed_blob) {
cv::Mat cv_img;
const int crop_size = param_.crop_size();
const bool display = param_.display();
const bool contrast_adjustment = param_.contrast_adjustment();
const bool smooth_filtering = param_.smooth_filtering();
const bool jpeg_compression = param_.jpeg_compression();

const int img_channels = cv_img.channels();
const int img_height = cv_img.rows;
const int img_width = cv_img.cols;

// Check dimensions.
const int channels = transformed_blob->channels();
const int height = transformed_blob->height();
const int width = transformed_blob->width();
const int num = transformed_blob->num();

CHECK_EQ(channels, img_channels);
CHECK_LE(height, img_height);
CHECK_LE(width, img_width);
CHECK_GE(num, 1);

CHECK(cv_img.depth() == CV_8U) << "Image data type must be unsigned byte";

const Dtype scale = param_.scale();
//const bool do_mirror = param_.mirror() && Rand(2);
const bool has_mean_file = param_.has_mean_file();
const bool has_mean_values = mean_values_.size() > 0;

CHECK_GT(img_channels, 0);
CHECK_GE(img_height, crop_size);
CHECK_GE(img_width, crop_size);

// param for rotation
const float rotation_angle_interval = param_.rotation_angle_interval();

if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Source", cv_img);

// Flipping and Reflection -----------------------------------------------------------------
int flipping_mode = (Rand(4)) - 1; // -1, 0, 1, 2
bool apply_flipping = (flipping_mode != 2);
if (apply_flipping) {
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Flipping and Reflection", cv_img);

// Smooth Filtering -------------------------------------------------------------
int smooth_param1 = 3;
int apply_smooth = Rand(2);
if ( smooth_filtering && apply_smooth ) {
int smooth_type = Rand(4); // see opencv_util.hpp
smooth_param1 = 3 + 2*(Rand(1));
case 0:
//cv::Smooth(cv_img, cv_img, smooth_type, smooth_param1);
cv::GaussianBlur(cv_img, cv_img, cv::Size(smooth_param1,smooth_param1),0);
case 1:
cv::blur(cv_img, cv_img, cv::Size(smooth_param1,smooth_param1));
case 2:
cv::medianBlur(cv_img, cv_img, smooth_param1);
case 3:
cv::boxFilter(cv_img, cv_img, -1, cv::Size(smooth_param1*2,smooth_param1*2));
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Smooth Filtering", cv_img);
cv::RNG rng;
// Contrast and Brightness Adjuestment ----------------------------------------
float alpha = 1, beta = 0;
int apply_contrast = Rand(2);
if ( contrast_adjustment && apply_contrast ) {
float min_alpha = 0.8, max_alpha = 1.2;
alpha = rng.uniform(min_alpha, max_alpha);
beta = (float)(Rand(6));
// flip sign
if ( Rand(2) ) beta = - beta;
cv_img.convertTo(cv_img, -1 , alpha, beta);
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Contrast Adjustment", cv_img);
LOG(INFO) << "JPEG Compression";
// JPEG Compression -------------------------------------------------------------
// DO NOT use the following code as there is some memory leak which I cann't figure out
int QF = 100;
int apply_JPEG = Rand(2);
if ( jpeg_compression && apply_JPEG ) {
// JPEG quality factor
QF = 95 + 1 * (Rand(6));
int cp[] = {1, QF};
vector<int> compression_params(cp,cp + 2);
vector<unsigned char> img_jpeg;
//cv::imencode(".jpg", cv_img, img_jpeg);
cv::imencode(".jpg", cv_img, img_jpeg, compression_params);
cv::Mat temp = cv::imdecode(img_jpeg, 1);
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("JPEG Compression", cv_img);
LOG(INFO) << "crop";
// Cropping -------------------------------------------------------------
int h_off = 0;
int w_off = 0;
cv::Mat cv_cropped_img = cv_img;
if (crop_size) {
CHECK_EQ(crop_size, height);
CHECK_EQ(crop_size, width);
// We only do random crop when we do training.
if (phase_ == TRAIN) {
h_off = Rand(img_height - crop_size + 1);
w_off = Rand(img_width - crop_size + 1);
} else {
h_off = (img_height - crop_size) / 2;
w_off = (img_width - crop_size) / 2;
cv::Rect roi(w_off, h_off, crop_size, crop_size);
cv_cropped_img = cv_img(roi);
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Cropping", cv_cropped_img);
} else {
CHECK_EQ(img_height, height);
CHECK_EQ(img_width, width);

// Rotation -------------------------------------------------------------
double rotation_degree;
if ( rotation_angle_interval!=1 ) {
cv::Mat dst;
int interval = 360/rotation_angle_interval;
int apply_rotation = Rand(interval);

cv::Size dsize = cv::Size(cv_cropped_img.cols*1.5,cv_cropped_img.rows*1.5);
cv::Mat resize_img = cv::Mat(dsize,CV_32S);
cv::resize(cv_cropped_img, resize_img,dsize);

cv::Point2f pt(resize_img.cols/2., resize_img.rows/2.);
rotation_degree = apply_rotation*rotation_angle_interval;
cv::Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, rotation_degree, 1.0);
warpAffine(resize_img, dst, r, cv::Size(resize_img.cols, resize_img.rows));

cv::Rect myROI(resize_img.cols/6, resize_img.rows/6, cv_cropped_img.cols, cv_cropped_img.rows);
cv::Mat crop_after_rotate = dst(myROI);
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Rotation", crop_after_rotate);


if (display && phase_ == TRAIN)
cv::imshow("Final", cv_img);

//--------------------!! for debug only !!-------------------
if (display && phase_ == TRAIN) {
LOG(INFO) << "----------------------------------------";
LOG(INFO) << "src width: " << width << ", src height: " << height;
LOG(INFO) << "dest width: " << crop_size << ", dest height: " << crop_size;
if (apply_flipping) {
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for flipping: ";
LOG(INFO) << "  flipping_mode: " << flipping_mode;
if ( smooth_filtering && apply_smooth ) {
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for smooth filtering: ";
//LOG(INFO) << "  smooth type: " << smooth_type << ", smooth param1: " << smooth_param1;
if ( contrast_adjustment && apply_contrast ) {
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for contrast adjustment: ";
LOG(INFO) << "  alpha: " << alpha << ", beta: " << beta;
if ( jpeg_compression && apply_JPEG ) {
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for JPEG compression: ";
LOG(INFO) << "  QF: " << QF;
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for cropping: ";
LOG(INFO) << "  w: " << w_off << ", h: " << h_off;
LOG(INFO) << "  roi_width: " << crop_size << ", roi_height: " << crop_size;
LOG(INFO) << "* parameter for rotation: ";
LOG(INFO) << "  angle_interval: " << rotation_angle_interval;
LOG(INFO) << "  angle: " << rotation_degree;

Dtype* mean = NULL;
if (has_mean_file) {
CHECK_EQ(img_channels, data_mean_.channels());
CHECK_EQ(img_height, data_mean_.height());
CHECK_EQ(img_width, data_mean_.width());
mean = data_mean_.mutable_cpu_data();

if (has_mean_values) {
CHECK(mean_values_.size() == 1 || mean_values_.size() == img_channels) <<
"Specify either 1 mean_value or as many as channels: " << img_channels;
if (img_channels > 1 && mean_values_.size() == 1) {
// Replicate the mean_value for simplicity
for (int c = 1; c < img_channels; ++c) {

Dtype* transformed_data = transformed_blob->mutable_cpu_data();
int top_index;
for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
const uchar* ptr = cv_img.ptr<uchar>(h); // here!!
int img_index = 0;
for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
for (int c = 0; c < img_channels; ++c) {
//if (do_mirror) {
//  top_index = (c * height + h) * width + (width - 1 - w);
//} else {
top_index = (c * height + h) * width + w;
// int top_index = (c * height + h) * width + w;
Dtype pixel = static_cast<Dtype>(ptr[img_index++]);
if (has_mean_file) {
int mean_index = (c * img_height + h) * img_width + w;
transformed_data[top_index] =
(pixel - mean[mean_index]) * scale;
} else {
if (has_mean_values) {
transformed_data[top_index] =
(pixel - mean_values_[c]) * scale;
} else {
transformed_data[top_index] = pixel * scale;


同时在caffe.proto 把transformer 层改成:

message TransformationParameter {

  // For data pre-processing, we can do simple scaling and subtracting the

  // data mean, if provided. Note that the mean subtraction is always carried

  // out before scaling.

  optional float scale = 1 [default = 1];

  // Specify if we want to randomly mirror data.

  optional bool mirror = 2 [default = false];

  // Specify if we would like to randomly crop an image.

  optional uint32 crop_size = 3 [default = 0];

  // mean_file and mean_value cannot be specified at the same time

  optional string mean_file = 4;

  // if specified can be repeated once (would subtract it from all the channels)

  // or can be repeated the same number of times as channels

  // (would subtract them from the corresponding channel)

  repeated float mean_value = 5;

  // Force the decoded image to have 3 color channels.

  optional bool force_color = 6 [default = false];

  // Force the decoded image to have 1 color channels.

  optional bool force_gray = 7 [default = false];

   // change by ggj 20170331

  optional bool self_preprocess = 15 [default = false];

    // Specify the range of scaling factor for doing resizing 

   // 下面的部分是需要添加的部分

  optional float min_scaling_factor = 8 [default = 0.75];

  optional float max_scaling_factor = 9 [default = 1.50];

  // Specify the angle interval for doing rotation

  optional float rotation_angle_interval = 10 [default = 1];

  optional bool contrast_adjustment = 11 [default = false];

  optional bool smooth_filtering = 12 [default = false];

  optional bool jpeg_compression = 13 [default = false];

  optional bool display = 14 [default = false];


然后make clean && make all -j8 如果报错,就按照错误一步步看下去,看哪里出现问题,然后改掉
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