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解决问题:ERROR: cannot launch node of type [warehouse_ros/mongo_wrapper_ros.py]

2017-03-30 15:23 1006 查看


#!/usr/bin/env python

# This is a ros node wrapper for the mongod database server that
# sets various things using ROS parameters:
# - Parent namespace
# - warehouse_host: hostname used by db
# - warehouse_port: port used by db
# - Private namespace
# - ~database location: where the db is stored. Defaults to /tmp/db.
# - ~overwrite: whether to overwrite existing db. Defaults to false.

import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('warehouse_ros')
import rospy
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import os
from os import path
import shutil

def is_oneiric():
if path.exists('/etc/issue'):
rospy.logdebug('/etc/issue exists')
with open('/etc/issue') as f:
contents = f.readline()
rospy.logdebug('contents are {0}'.format(contents))
return '11.10' in contents
rospy.logdebug('/etc/issue does not exist')

def is_lucid_or_maverick():
if path.exists('/etc/issue'):
rospy.logdebug('/etc/issue exists')
with open('/etc/issue') as f:
contents = f.readline()
rospy.logdebug('contents are {0}'.format(contents))
return '10.04' in contents or '10.10' in contents
rospy.logdebug('/etc/issue does not exist')

def print_help_message():
print """
Usage: rosrun warehouse_ros_mongo mongo_wrapper_ros.py
Start the mongodb database server. Configured using the following ROS parameters.

Parameters in parent namespace
- warehouse_port: port used by db. Defaults to 27017.
- warehouse_host: doesn't directly affect server, but used by clients to know where the db is.
Parameters in parent namespace
- db_path: where the db is stored on the filesystem. Defaults to /tmp/db.
- database_path: same as db_path. For backward compatibility.
- overwrite: whether to overwrite existing database if it exists. Defaults to false.

if __name__ == '__main__':

if '--help' in sys.argv:

path_param = rospy.get_param('~database_path' , '/tmp/db')
if path_param=='/tmp/db':
path_param = rospy.get_param('~db_path' , '/tmp/db')
dbpath = path.expanduser(path_param)
overwrite = rospy.get_param('~overwrite', False)

if '--repair' in sys.argv:
rospy.loginfo("Repairing database")
lock_file = '{0}/mongod.lock'.format(dbpath)
if path.exists(lock_file):
rospy.loginfo(" Removing lock file")
sp.check_call(['mongodb', 'mongod', '--repair', '--dbpath', dbpath.format(dbpath)])
rospy.loginfo(" Successfully repaired.")

# The defaults here should match the ones used by each client library
port = rospy.get_param('warehouse_port', 27017)
host = rospy.get_param('warehouse_host', 'localhost')

rospy.loginfo('Starting mongodb with db location {0} listening on {2}:{1}'.\
format(dbpath, port, host))

if overwrite and path.exists(dbpath):
rospy.loginfo('Removed existing db at %s', dbpath)

if not path.exists(dbpath):
rospy.loginfo('{0} did not exist; creating it.'.format(dbpath))

# OK, now actually run mongod
cmd = "mongod"
sp.check_call("{2} --dbpath {0} --port {1}".\
format(dbpath, port, cmd).split())
except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode==12:
rospy.loginfo("Ignoring mongod's nonstandard return code of 12")
rospy.logerr("Mongo process exited with error code {0}".format(e.returncode))
except OSError, e:
rospy.logerr("Execution failed: %s", e)
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