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Linux openoffice安装方法

2017-03-30 15:18 344 查看

    tar  -zxvf OOo_3.3.0_Linux_x86-64_install-rpm-wJRE_zh-CN.tar.gz


1):进入到 OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_zh-CN.9567目录下,点击setup 进行安装就ok

2):进入到 OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_zh-CN.9567的RPMS中

安装所有 OpenOffice 组件

   rpm -ivh  o*.rpm


安装 OpenOffice 桌面控制台 desktop-integration



    rpm -ivh  openoffice.org3.3-redhat-menus-3.3-9556.noarch.rpm



/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice-headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard&




netstat-aon|findstr "8100" (winds)    netstat–an|grep

linux 下openoffice文件转换中文乱码问题


安装到目录 /usr/local





# mkfontscale

# mkfontdir


# fc-cache -f –v




<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM"fonts.dtd">

<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file toconfigure local fonts -->




  fonts alias settings



<match target="pattern">

<test name="family">



<edit name="family"mode="assign">




<match target="pattern">

<test name="family">



<edit name="family"mode="assign">






  Mark common families with their generics so we'll get

  something reasonable



   Sans-serif faces





<family>Trebuchet MS</family>

<family>Comic Sans MS</family>



<family>Arial UnicodeMS</family>




   Serif faces



<family>Times NewRoman</family>







   Monospace faces



<family>Courier New</family>

<family>Andale Mono</family>






  Provide required aliases for standard names








<family>Trebuchet MS</family>

<family>Comic Sans MS</family>



<family>Arial UnicodeMS</family>






<family>Times NewRoman</family>









<family>Courier New</family>

<family>Andale Mono</family>






  SimSun english portion substitutionsubstitution



<match target="pattern">

<test name="family" >



<edit name="family"mode="prepend" binding="strong">





  NSimSun english portion substitutionsubstitution



<match target="pattern">

<test name="family" >



<edit name="family"mode="prepend" binding="strong">

<string>Courier New</string>





  Courier substitution



<match target="pattern">

<test name="family" >



<edit name="family"mode="prepend" binding="strong">

<string>Courier New</string>




  Bold Tahoma/Verdana substitution:

  when its size more than 20px,substitution with Bold Arial



<match target="pattern">

<test name="family" >




<test name="weight"compare="more_eq">



<test name="pixelsize"compare="more_eq" >



<edit name="family"mode="prepend" binding="strong">





  Target dots per inch, change dpi to 96



<match target="pattern" >

<edit name="dpi"mode="assign" >





  Enable sub-pixel rendering.

   Ifyou are using CRT, set rgb -> none



<match target="font">

<edit name="rgba"mode="assign">






  Font size settings:

  set the apposite font size,so it's easy to be read



<match target="pattern" >

<test name="pixelsize"compare="more_eq" >



<test name="pixelsize"compare="less_eq" >



<edit name="pixelsize"mode="assign" >





  Artificial oblique for fonts without an italic or oblique version



<match target="font">

<!-- check to see if the font is roman-->

<test name="slant">



<!-- check to see if the patternrequested non-roman -->

<test target="pattern"name="slant" compare="not_eq">



<!-- multiply the matrix to slant thefont -->

<edit name="matrix"mode="assign">









<!-- pretend the font is oblique now-->

<edit name="slant"mode="assign">





  Synthetic emboldening for fonts that do not have bold face available



<match target="font">

<!-- check
to see if the font is justregular -->

<test name="weight"compare="less_eq">



<!-- check to see if the patternrequests bold -->

<test target="pattern"name="weight" compare="more_eq">



<!-- set the embolden flag -->

<edit name="embolden"mode="assign">






  Default Fonts setting

  here autohint = ture / hinting = false is for free fonts in your system

   wewill use autohint = false / hinting = true for MS core fonts



<match target="font" >

<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hintstyle"mode="assign" >





  The dual-width Asian fonts (spacing=dual) are not rendered correctly,

  apparently FreeType forces all widths to match. Trying to disable the

  width forcing code by setting globaladvance=false alone doesn't  help.

   Asa brute force workaround, also set spacing=proportional, i.e. handle

  them as proportional fonts:



<match target="font">

<test name="lang"compare="contains" >





<edit name="spacing"mode="assign" >



<edit name="globaladvance"mode="assign" >





  CJK antialias settings:

  when font size (in pixel) between 8 and 20px



<match target="font" >

<test name="lang"compare="contains" >





<test name="pixelsize"compare="more_eq" >



<test name="pixelsize"compare="less_eq" >



<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >





  CJK antialias settings:

  when font size (in pixel) more than 20px, enable AA.



<match target="font" >

<test name="lang"compare="contains" >





<test name="pixelsize"compare="more_eq" >



<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >





  Italic CJK fonts,enable AA



<match target="font">

<test name="lang"compare="contains" >





<test name="slant"compare="not_eq">



<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">






  Microsoft fonts settings




  default : smoothed and hinted


<match target="font" >

<test name="foundry" >




<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hintstyle"mode="assign" >






  Microsoft YaHei Enable AA

   20.MS YAHEI 字体AA设置


<match target="font" >

<test name="family"compare="eq" >



<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hintstyle"mode="assign" >






  Courier New:

  both enable autohint and hinting looks very well.

   21.Courier New 字体AA设置


<match target="font" >

<test name="family" >


<string>Courier New</string>


<edit name="antialias"mode="assign" >



<edit name="autohint"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hinting"mode="assign" >



<edit name="hintstyle"mode="assign" >





  Courier New font size

   22.Courier New 字体大小设置


<match target="font" >

<test name="family" >

<string>Courier New</string>


<test name="pixelsize"compare="less_eq" >



<edit name="pixelsize"mode="assign" >




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