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2017-03-29 10:45 337 查看
1. 在主节点上安装ganglia-webfrontend和ganglia-monitor

sudo apt-get install ganglia-webfrontend ganglia-monitor



sudo ln -s /usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend /var/www/ganglia


2. 安装ganglia-monitor


sudo apt-get install ganglia-monitor


3. Ganglia配置



sudo vim /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf



globals {

daemonize = yes ##以后台的方式运行

setuid = yes

user = ganglia #运行Ganglia的用户

debug_level = 0

max_udp_msg_len = 1472

mute = no

deaf = no

host_dmax = 0 /*secs */

cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */

gexec = no

send_metadata_interval = 10 #发送数据的时间间隔


/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped inside

* of a <CLUSTER> tag. If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS> will

* NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */

cluster {

name = "hadoop-cluster" #集群名称

owner = "ganglia" #运行Ganglia的用户

latlong = "unspecified"

url = "unspecified"


/* The host section describes attributes of the host, like the location */

host {

location = "unspecified"


/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like. Gmond

used to only support having a single channel */

udp_send_channel {

#mcast_join = #注释掉组播

host = master #发送给安装gmetad的机器

port = 8649 #监听端口

ttl = 1


/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */

udp_recv_channel {

#mcast_join = #注释掉组播

port = 8649

#bind =


/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share

an xml description of the state of the cluster */

tcp_accept_channel {

port = 8649






sudo vim /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf


data_source "hadoop-cluster" 10 master:8649 slave:8649

setuid_username "nobody"

rrd_rootdir "/var/lib/ganglia/rrds"

gridname "hadoop-cluster"

注:master:8649 slave:8649为要监听的主机和端口,data_source中hadoop-cluster与gmond.conf中name一致


4. Hadoop配置


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with

# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details



# default sampling period, in seconds


# The namenode-metrics.out will contain metrics from all context


# Specifying a special sampling period for namenode:



# the following example split metrics of different

# context to different sinks (in this case files)



















5. Hbase配置


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details


# default sampling period


# Below are some examples of sinks that could be used

# to monitor different hbase daemons.

# hbase.sink.file-all.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file-all.filename=all.metrics

# hbase.sink.file0.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file0.context=hmaster

# hbase.sink.file0.filename=master.metrics

# hbase.sink.file1.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file1.context=thrift-one

# hbase.sink.file1.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file2.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file2.context=thrift-two

# hbase.sink.file2.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file3.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file3.context=rest

# hbase.sink.file3.filename=rest.metrics






6. 启动hadoop、hbase集群





7. 启动Ganglia

先需要重启hadoop和hbase 。在各个节点上启动gmond服务,主节点还需要启动gmetad服务。


sudo service ganglia-monitor start(每台机器都需要启动)

sudo service gmetad start(在安装了ganglia-webfrontend的机器上启动)


8. 检验

登录浏览器查看:http://master/ganglia,如果Hosts up为9即表示安装成功。


以调试模式启动gmetad:gmetad -d 9

查看gmetad收集到的XML文件:telnet master 8649

9. 截图


# This is an example of a Ganglia Meta Daemon configuration file

# http://ganglia.sourceforge.net/



# Setting the debug_level to 1 will keep daemon in the forground and

# show only error messages. Setting this value higher than 1 will make

# gmetad output debugging information and stay in the foreground.

# default: 0

# debug_level 10



# What to monitor. The most important section of this file.


# The data_source tag specifies either a cluster or a grid to

# monitor. If we detect the source is a cluster, we will maintain a complete

# set of RRD databases for it, which can be used to create historical

# graphs of the metrics. If the source is a grid (it comes from another gmetad),

# we will only maintain summary RRDs for it.


# Format:

# data_source "my cluster" [polling interval] address1:port addreses2:port ...


# The keyword 'data_source' must immediately be followed by a unique

# string which identifies the source, then an optional polling interval in

# seconds. The source will be polled at this interval on average.

# If the polling interval is omitted, 15sec is asssumed.


# If you choose to set the polling interval to something other than the default,

# note that the web frontend determines a host as down if its TN value is less

# than 4 * TMAX (20sec by default). Therefore, if you set the polling interval

# to something around or greater than 80sec, this will cause the frontend to

# incorrectly display hosts as down even though they are not.


# A list of machines which service the data source follows, in the

# format ip:port, or name:port. If a port is not specified then 8649

# (the default gmond port) is assumed.

# default: There is no default value


# data_source "my cluster" 10 localhost my.machine.edu:8649

# data_source "my grid" 50 grid.org:8651 grid-backup.org:8651

# data_source "another source"

data_source "hadoop-cluster" 10 master:8649 slave:8649

setuid_username "nobody"

rrd_rootdir "/var/lib/ganglia/rrds"

gridname "hadoop-cluster"


# Round-Robin Archives

# You can specify custom Round-Robin archives here (defaults are listed below)


# Old Default RRA: Keep 1 hour of metrics at 15 second resolution. 1 day at 6 minute

# RRAs "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:168:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:672:244" \

# "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5760:374"

# New Default RRA

# Keep 5856 data points at 15 second resolution assuming 15 second (default) polling. That's 1 day

# Two weeks of data points at 1 minute resolution (average)

#RRAs "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:5856" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:4:20160" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:40:52704"



# Scalability mode. If on, we summarize over downstream grids, and respect

# authority tags. If off, we take on 2.5.0-era behavior: we do not wrap our output

# in <GRID></GRID> tags, we ignore all <GRID> tags we see, and always assume

# we are the "authority" on data source feeds. This approach does not scale to

# large groups of clusters, but is provided for backwards compatibility.

# default: on

# scalable off



# The name of this Grid. All the data sources above will be wrapped in a GRID

# tag with this name.

# default: unspecified

# gridname "MyGrid"



# The authority URL for this grid. Used by other gmetads to locate graphs

# for our data sources. Generally points to a ganglia/

# website on this machine.

# default: "http://hostname/ganglia/",

# where hostname is the name of this machine, as defined by gethostname().

# authority "http://mycluster.org/newprefix/"



# List of machines this gmetad will share XML with. Localhost

# is always trusted.

# default: There is no default value

# trusted_hosts my.gmetad.org



# If you want any host which connects to the gmetad XML to receive

# data, then set this value to "on"

# default: off

# all_trusted on



# If you don't want gmetad to setuid then set this to off

# default: on

# setuid off



# User gmetad will setuid to (defaults to "nobody")

# default: "nobody"

# setuid_username "nobody"



# Umask to apply to created rrd files and grid directory structure

# default: 0 (files are public)

# umask 022



# The port gmetad will answer requests for XML

# default: 8651

# xml_port 8651



# The port gmetad will answer queries for XML. This facility allows

# simple subtree and summation views of the XML tree.

# default: 8652

# interactive_port 8652



# The number of threads answering XML requests

# default: 4

# server_threads 10



# Where gmetad stores its round-robin databases

# default: "/var/lib/ganglia/rrds"

# rrd_rootdir "/some/other/place"



# In earlier versions of gmetad, hostnames were handled in a case

# sensitive manner

# If your hostname directories have been renamed to lower case,

# set this option to 0 to disable backward compatibility.

# From version 3.2, backwards compatibility will be disabled by default.

# default: 1 (for gmetad < 3.2)

# default: 0 (for gmetad >= 3.2)

case_sensitive_hostnames 0


# It is now possible to export all the metrics collected by gmetad directly to

# graphite by setting the following attributes.


# The hostname or IP address of the Graphite server

# default: unspecified

# carbon_server "my.graphite.box"


# The port on which Graphite is listening

# default: 2003

# carbon_port 2003


# A prefix to prepend to the metric names exported by gmetad. Graphite uses dot-

# separated paths to organize and refer to metrics.

# default: unspecified

# graphite_prefix "datacenter1.gmetad"


# Number of milliseconds gmetad will wait for a response from the graphite server

# default: 500

# carbon_timeout 500


master-gmond.conf.md Raw



/* This configuration is as close to 2.5.x default behavior as possible

The values closely match ./gmond/metric.h definitions in 2.5.x */

globals {

daemonize = yes

setuid = yes

user = ganglia

debug_level = 0

max_udp_msg_len = 1472

mute = no

deaf = no

host_dmax = 0 /*secs */

cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */

gexec = no

send_metadata_interval = 10


/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped inside

* of a <CLUSTER> tag. If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS> will

* NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */

cluster {

name = "hadoop-cluster"

owner = "ganglia"

latlong = "unspecified"

url = "unspecified"


/* The host section describes attributes of the host, like the location */

host {

location = "unspecified"


/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like. Gmond

used to only support having a single channel */

udp_send_channel {

#mcast_join =

host = master

port = 8649

ttl = 1


/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */

udp_recv_channel {

#mcast_join =

port = 8649

#bind =


/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share

an xml description of the state of the cluster */

tcp_accept_channel {

port = 8649


/* Each metrics module that is referenced by gmond must be specified and

loaded. If the module has been statically linked with gmond, it does not

require a load path. However all dynamically loadable modules must include

a load path. */

modules {

module {

name = "core_metrics"


module {

name = "cpu_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so"


module {

name = "disk_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/moddisk.so"


module {

name = "load_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modload.so"


module {

name = "mem_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modmem.so"


module {

name = "net_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modnet.so"


module {

name = "proc_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modproc.so"


module {

name = "sys_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modsys.so"



include ('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')

/* The old internal 2.5.x metric array has been replaced by the following

collection_group directives. What follows is the default behavior for

collecting and sending metrics that is as close to 2.5.x behavior as

possible. */

/* This collection group will cause a heartbeat (or beacon) to be sent every

20 seconds. In the heartbeat is the GMOND_STARTED data which expresses

the age of the running gmond. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 20

metric {

name = "heartbeat"



/* This collection group will send general info about this host every 1200 secs.

This information doesn't change between reboots and is only collected once. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 1200

metric {

name = "cpu_num"

title = "CPU Count"


metric {

name = "cpu_speed"

title = "CPU Speed"


metric {

name = "mem_total"

title = "Memory Total"


/* Should this be here? Swap can be added/removed between reboots. */

metric {

name = "swap_total"

title = "Swap Space Total"


metric {

name = "boottime"

title = "Last Boot Time"


metric {

name = "machine_type"

title = "Machine Type"


metric {

name = "os_name"

title = "Operating System"


metric {

name = "os_release"

title = "Operating System Release"


metric {

name = "location"

title = "Location"



/* This collection group will send the status of gexecd for this host every 300 secs */

/* Unlike 2.5.x the default behavior is to report gexecd OFF. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 300

metric {

name = "gexec"

title = "Gexec Status"



/* This collection group will collect the CPU status info every 20 secs.

The time threshold is set to 90 seconds. In honesty, this time_threshold could be

set significantly higher to reduce unneccessary network chatter. */

collection_group {

collect_every = 20

time_threshold = 90

/* CPU status */

metric {

name = "cpu_user"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU User"


metric {

name = "cpu_system"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU System"


metric {

name = "cpu_idle"

value_threshold = "5.0"

title = "CPU Idle"


metric {

name = "cpu_nice"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU Nice"


metric {

name = "cpu_aidle"

value_threshold = "5.0"

title = "CPU aidle"


metric {

name = "cpu_wio"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU wio"


/* The next two metrics are optional if you want more detail...

... since they are accounted for in cpu_system.

metric {

name = "cpu_intr"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU intr"


metric {

name = "cpu_sintr"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU sintr"




collection_group {

collect_every = 20

time_threshold = 90

/* Load Averages */

metric {

name = "load_one"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "One Minute Load Average"


metric {

name = "load_five"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Five Minute Load Average"


metric {

name = "load_fifteen"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Fifteen Minute Load Average"



/* This group collects the number of running and total processes */

collection_group {

collect_every = 80

time_threshold = 950

metric {

name = "proc_run"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Total Running Processes"


metric {

name = "proc_total"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Total Processes"



/* This collection group grabs the volatile memory metrics every 40 secs and

sends them at least every 180 secs. This time_threshold can be increased

significantly to reduce unneeded network traffic. */

collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 180

metric {

name = "mem_free"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Free Memory"


metric {

name = "mem_shared"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Shared Memory"


metric {

name = "mem_buffers"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Memory Buffers"


metric {

name = "mem_cached"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Cached Memory"


metric {

name = "swap_free"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Free Swap Space"



collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 300

metric {

name = "bytes_out"

value_threshold = 4096

title = "Bytes Sent"


metric {

name = "bytes_in"

value_threshold = 4096

title = "Bytes Received"


metric {

name = "pkts_in"

value_threshold = 256

title = "Packets Received"


metric {

name = "pkts_out"

value_threshold = 256

title = "Packets Sent"



/* Different than 2.5.x default since the old config made no sense */

collection_group {

collect_every = 1800

time_threshold = 3600

metric {

name = "disk_total"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Total Disk Space"



collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 180

metric {

name = "disk_free"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Disk Space Available"


metric {

name = "part_max_used"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Maximum Disk Space Used"



master-hadoop-metrics2-hbase.properties.md Raw


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details


# default sampling period


# Below are some examples of sinks that could be used

# to monitor different hbase daemons.

# hbase.sink.file-all.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file-all.filename=all.metrics

# hbase.sink.file0.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file0.context=hmaster

# hbase.sink.file0.filename=master.metrics

# hbase.sink.file1.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file1.context=thrift-one

# hbase.sink.file1.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file2.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file2.context=thrift-two

# hbase.sink.file2.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file3.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file3.context=rest

# hbase.sink.file3.filename=rest.metrics





master-hadoop-metrics2.properties.md Raw



# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with

# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details


# default sampling period, in seconds


# The namenode-metrics.out will contain metrics from all context


# Specifying a special sampling period for namenode:



# the following example split metrics of different

# context to different sinks (in this case files)


















slave-gmond.conf.md Raw


/* This configuration is as close to 2.5.x default behavior as possible

The values closely match ./gmond/metric.h definitions in 2.5.x */

globals {

daemonize = yes

setuid = yes

user = ganglia

debug_level = 0

max_udp_msg_len = 1472

mute = no

deaf = no

host_dmax = 0 /*secs */

cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */

gexec = no

send_metadata_interval = 10


/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped inside

* of a <CLUSTER> tag. If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS> will

* NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */

cluster {

name = "hadoop-cluster"

owner = "ganglia"

latlong = "unspecified"

url = "unspecified"


/* The host section describes attributes of the host, like the location */

host {

location = "unspecified"


/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like. Gmond

used to only support having a single channel */

udp_send_channel {

#mcast_join =

host = master

port = 8649

ttl = 1


/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */

udp_recv_channel {

#mcast_join =

port = 8649

#bind =


/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share

an xml description of the state of the cluster */

tcp_accept_channel {

port = 8649


/* Each metrics module that is referenced by gmond must be specified and

loaded. If the module has been statically linked with gmond, it does not

require a load path. However all dynamically loadable modules must include

a load path. */

modules {

module {

name = "core_metrics"


module {

name = "cpu_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so"


module {

name = "disk_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/moddisk.so"


module {

name = "load_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modload.so"


module {

name = "mem_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modmem.so"


module {

name = "net_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modnet.so"


module {

name = "proc_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modproc.so"


module {

name = "sys_module"

path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modsys.so"



include ('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')

/* The old internal 2.5.x metric array has been replaced by the following

collection_group directives. What follows is the default behavior for

collecting and sending metrics that is as close to 2.5.x behavior as

possible. */

/* This collection group will cause a heartbeat (or beacon) to be sent every

20 seconds. In the heartbeat is the GMOND_STARTED data which expresses

the age of the running gmond. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 20

metric {

name = "heartbeat"



/* This collection group will send general info about this host every 1200 secs.

This information doesn't change between reboots and is only collected once. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 1200

metric {

name = "cpu_num"

title = "CPU Count"


metric {

name = "cpu_speed"

title = "CPU Speed"


metric {

name = "mem_total"

title = "Memory Total"


/* Should this be here? Swap can be added/removed between reboots. */

metric {

name = "swap_total"

title = "Swap Space Total"


metric {

name = "boottime"

title = "Last Boot Time"


metric {

name = "machine_type"

title = "Machine Type"


metric {

name = "os_name"

title = "Operating System"


metric {

name = "os_release"

title = "Operating System Release"


metric {

name = "location"

title = "Location"



/* This collection group will send the status of gexecd for this host every 300 secs */

/* Unlike 2.5.x the default behavior is to report gexecd OFF. */

collection_group {

collect_once = yes

time_threshold = 300

metric {

name = "gexec"

title = "Gexec Status"



/* This collection group will collect the CPU status info every 20 secs.

The time threshold is set to 90 seconds. In honesty, this time_threshold could be

set significantly higher to reduce unneccessary network chatter. */

collection_group {

collect_every = 20

time_threshold = 90

/* CPU status */

metric {

name = "cpu_user"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU User"


metric {

name = "cpu_system"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU System"


metric {

name = "cpu_idle"

value_threshold = "5.0"

title = "CPU Idle"


metric {

name = "cpu_nice"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU Nice"


metric {

name = "cpu_aidle"

value_threshold = "5.0"

title = "CPU aidle"


metric {

name = "cpu_wio"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU wio"


/* The next two metrics are optional if you want more detail...

... since they are accounted for in cpu_system.

metric {

name = "cpu_intr"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU intr"


metric {

name = "cpu_sintr"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "CPU sintr"




collection_group {

collect_every = 20

time_threshold = 90

/* Load Averages */

metric {

name = "load_one"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "One Minute Load Average"


metric {

name = "load_five"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Five Minute Load Average"


metric {

name = "load_fifteen"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Fifteen Minute Load Average"



/* This group collects the number of running and total processes */

collection_group {

collect_every = 80

time_threshold = 950

metric {

name = "proc_run"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Total Running Processes"


metric {

name = "proc_total"

value_threshold = "1.0"

title = "Total Processes"



/* This collection group grabs the volatile memory metrics every 40 secs and

sends them at least every 180 secs. This time_threshold can be increased

significantly to reduce unneeded network traffic. */

collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 180

metric {

name = "mem_free"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Free Memory"


metric {

name = "mem_shared"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Shared Memory"


metric {

name = "mem_buffers"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Memory Buffers"


metric {

name = "mem_cached"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Cached Memory"


metric {

name = "swap_free"

value_threshold = "1024.0"

title = "Free Swap Space"



collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 300

metric {

name = "bytes_out"

value_threshold = 4096

title = "Bytes Sent"


metric {

name = "bytes_in"

value_threshold = 4096

title = "Bytes Received"


metric {

name = "pkts_in"

value_threshold = 256

title = "Packets Received"


metric {

name = "pkts_out"

value_threshold = 256

title = "Packets Sent"



/* Different than 2.5.x default since the old config made no sense */

collection_group {

collect_every = 1800

time_threshold = 3600

metric {

name = "disk_total"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Total Disk Space"



collection_group {

collect_every = 40

time_threshold = 180

metric {

name = "disk_free"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Disk Space Available"


metric {

name = "part_max_used"

value_threshold = 1.0

title = "Maximum Disk Space Used"



slave-hadoop-metrics2-hbase.properties.md Raw


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details


# default sampling period


# Below are some examples of sinks that could be used

# to monitor different hbase daemons.

# hbase.sink.file-all.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file-all.filename=all.metrics

# hbase.sink.file0.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file0.context=hmaster

# hbase.sink.file0.filename=master.metrics

# hbase.sink.file1.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file1.context=thrift-one

# hbase.sink.file1.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file2.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file2.context=thrift-two

# hbase.sink.file2.filename=thrift-one.metrics

# hbase.sink.file3.class=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.FileSink

# hbase.sink.file3.context=rest

# hbase.sink.file3.filename=rest.metrics





slave-hadoop-metrics2.properties.md Raw



# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with

# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.


# syntax: [prefix].[source|sink].[instance].[options]

# See javadoc of package-info.java for org.apache.hadoop.metrics2 for details


# default sampling period, in seconds


# The namenode-metrics.out will contain metrics from all context


# Specifying a special sampling period for namenode:



# the following example split metrics of different

# context to different sinks (in this case files)

















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