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2017-03-25 18:51 459 查看
《MachineLearningInAction》(Peter Harrington)中的代码有点小问题,我重写了全书所有代码,分享于此。

Block Ⅰ

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #用于调用绘图
import matplotlib #用于调用rcParams属性,设置绘图窗口风格

Block Ⅱ

decisionNode #决策节边框样式
leafNode #叶子节点边框样式
arrow_args #箭头样式

Block Ⅲ

retrieveTree #为简化问题及做函数测试,手动生成大小不一的Tree
getNumLeafs #获取Tree的叶子数
getTreeDepth #获取Tree的深度,即decisionNode的个数
plotNode #绘制节点,通过nodeType参数区分decisionNode及leafNode
plotMidText #annotate每一个dict的key
plotTree #迭代绘制决策树

Block Ⅴ


当__name__ == '__main__'时,即作为主模块调用时执行




2、通过参数传递plot axis来在同一个轴上绘图。Peter通过在实时调用时给plotTree函数增加axis属性达到同样效果,稍显复杂。




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A module with functions to plot decision tree.

Created on Thu Mar 23 17:26:57 2017

Run on Python 3.6

@author: Luo Shaozhuo

refer to 'MachineLearninginAction'

# import
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

# Global variables
decisionNode = dict(boxstyle="sawtooth", fc="0.8")
leafNode = dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="0.8")
arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="<-")

# functions
def retrieveTree(i=0):
return a predefined tree
i: must be 0 or 1. 1 for a taller tree
listOfTrees =[{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}},
{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}}},
{'no surfacing': {0: 'no', 1: {'flippers': {0: {'head': {0: 'no', 1: 'yes'}}, 1: 'no'}}}}
return listOfTrees[i]

def getNumLeafs(dictTree):
return the number of leafs
dictTree: a dictonary dipicting a decidion tree
nNumLeaf: number of leafs
nNumLeaf = 0
for key in dictTree.keys():
if type(dictTree[key]) == dict:
nNumLeaf += getNumLeafs(dictTree[key])
else:   nNumLeaf +=1
return nNumLeaf

def getTreeDepth(dictTree):
return the tree depth
dictTree: a dictonary dipicting a decidion tree
nMaxDepth: tree depth
nMaxDepth = 0
keys = list(dictTree.keys())[0]
dictTrunk = dictTree[keys]
for key in dictTrunk.keys():
if type(dictTrunk[key]) == dict:
nCurDepth = 1 + getTreeDepth(dictTrunk[key])
nCurDepth = 1
if nCurDepth > nMaxDepth:
nMaxDepth = nCurDepth
return nMaxDepth

def plotNode(pltAxis,strNodeTxt, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt, nodeType):
plot a decision node or a leaf node depend on nodeType.
pltAxis: plot axis
strNodeTxt: text in node box
tplCntrPt: center coordinates of box
tplPrntPt: starting coordinates of arrow
nodeType: leafNode or decisionNode
pltAxis.annotate(strNodeTxt, xy=tplPrntPt, xycoords='axes fraction',
xytext=tplCntrPt, textcoords='axes fraction',
va="center", ha="center", bbox=nodeType, arrowprops=arrow_args)

def plotMidText(pltAxis, cntrPt, parentPt, txtString):
add feature value in the middle of arrow
xMid = (parentPt[0]+cntrPt[0])/2.0
yMid = (parentPt[1]+cntrPt[1])/2.0
pltAxis.text(xMid, yMid, txtString)

def plotTree(dictTree, pltAxis, fTrunkLen, fBrchLen, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt, strNodeTxt):
plot tree recursivly
dictTree: decision tree
pltAxis: axis used for plotting
fTrunkLen: difference of y coordinates between two decision nodes
fBrchLen: difference of y coordinates between two leafs
tplCntrPt: coordinates of parent node
strNodeTxt: text in node box
#plot root node
plotNode(pltAxis, strNodeTxt, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt, decisionNode)
#plot branch node
tplPrntPt = tplCntrPt
nNumKey = len(dictTree.keys())
fMean = sum([x for x in range(nNumKey)])/nNumKey
for i,key in enumerate(dictTree.keys()):
tplCntrPt = (tplPrntPt[0]+(i-fMean)*fBrchLen, tplPrntPt[1]-fTrunkLen)
plotMidText(pltAxis, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt, key)
if type(dictTree[key]) == dict:
strNodeTxt = list(dictTree[key].keys())[0]
plotTree(dictTree[key][strNodeTxt], pltAxis, fTrunkLen, fBrchLen, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt,strNodeTxt)
strNodeTxt = dictTree[key]
plotNode(pltAxis,strNodeTxt, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt, leafNode)

if __name__ == '__main__':
dictTree = retrieveTree(2)
matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'none'
pltAxis = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False,xticks=[], yticks=[])
fBrchLen = 1/getNumLeafs(dictTree)
fTrunkLen= 1/getTreeDepth(dictTree)
tplCntrPt = (0.5,1)
tplPrntPt = tplCntrPt
strNodeTxt = list(dictTree.keys())[0]
plotTree(dictTree[strNodeTxt], pltAxis, fTrunkLen, fBrchLen, tplCntrPt, tplPrntPt,strNodeTxt)
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