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TimesTen的PL/SQL 函数和过程最多支持多少参数

2017-03-23 21:32 190 查看
在Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer Guide 提到

TimesTen 11g Release 2 (11.2.2) implements the PL/SQL language from Oracle Database release

也就是说,由于TimesTen的PL/SQL实现来自于Oracle, 因此这个答案需要到Oracle文档中查。

参见 Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference

其中number of formal parameters in an explicit cursor, function, or procedure 为 65536


PL/SQL is based on the programming language Ada. As a result, PL/SQL uses a variant of Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada (DIANA), a tree-structured intermediate language. It is defined using a metanotation called Interface Definition Language (IDL). DIANA is used internally by compilers and other tools.

At compile time, PL/SQL source text is translated into system code. Both the DIANA and system code for a subprogram or package are stored in the database. At run time, they are loaded into the shared memory pool. The DIANA is used to compile dependent subprograms; the system code simply runs.
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标签:  timesten plsql