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Unity说明文档翻译-Other Views

2017-03-22 04:53 417 查看

Other Views


The Views described on this page covers the basics of the interface in Unity. The other Views in Unity are described elsewhere on separate pages:


· The Console shows logs of messages, warnings, and errors.

· 控制台:显示消息,警告和错误日志.

· The Animation View can be used to animate objects in the

· 动画视图:可用于场景内对象制作动画.

· The Profiler can be used to investigate and find the performance
bottle-necks in your game.

· 分析器:可用于追踪和发现你游戏内的性能瓶颈.

· The Asset Server View can be used to manage version control
of the project using Unity’s Asset Server.

· 资源服务器视图:可用于使用Unity资源服务器管理项目的版本控制.

· The Lightmapping View can be used to manage lightmaps using
Unity’s built-in lightmapping.

· 光照映射视图:可用于使用Unity的内建光照映射管理光照贴图.

· The Occlusion Culling View can be used to manage Occlusion
Culling for improved performance.

· 遮挡剔除视图:可以用于管理遮挡剔除来提高性能.

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