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【原创】Linux vi/vim 分屏

2017-03-20 14:45 447 查看
:vs new.txt
:sp new.txt

【Ctrl】 + 【w】 + 【-】减小高度
【Ctrl】 + 【w】 +

【Ctrl】 + 【w】 +
【Ctrl】 + 【w】 +

【Ctrl】 + 【w】 + 【_】全屏显示(横屏)
【Ctrl】 + 【w】 + 【|】全屏显示(竖屏)

【Ctrl】 + 【w】 +


sp[lit] [++opt] [+cmd] {file} *:split_f*
Create a new window and start editing file {file} in it.
behaves like a ":split" first, and then an ":e" command.
If [+cmd] is given, execute the command when the file has
loaded |+cmd|.
Also see |++opt|.
Make new window N high (default is to use half the
height).  Reduces the current window height
to create room
(and others, if the 'equalalways' option is set).

vs[plit] [++opt] [+cmd] [file] *:vs* *:vsplit*
Like |:split|, but split vertically.  The
windows will be
spread out horizontally if
1. a width was not specified,
2. 'equalalways' is set,
3. 'eadirection' isn't "ver", and
4. one of the other windows is wider than the current or
Note: In other places CTRL-Q does the same as CTRL-V, but
it doesn't!

6. Window resizing *window-resize*

CTRL-W = Make all windows (almost) equally high and wide, but
'winheight' and 'winwidth' for the current window.
Windows with 'winfixheight' set keep their height and
with 'winfixwidth' set keep their width.

:res[ize] -N *:res* *:resize* *CTRL-W_-*
CTRL-W - Decrease current window height by N (default
If used after |:vertical|: decrease width by N.

:res[ize] +N *CTRL-W_+*
CTRL-W + Increase current window height by N (default
If used after |:vertical|: increase width by N.


CTRL-W _ Set current window height to N (default: highest

z{nr} Set current window height to {nr}.

CTRL-W <<span class="Apple-tab-span"
style="white-space:pre"> Decrease current window width by N
(default 1).

CTRL-W > Increase current window width by N (default

:vertical res[ize]
*:vertical-resize* *CTRL-W_bar*
CTRL-W | Set current window width to N (default: widest

You can also resize a window by dragging a status line up or
down with the
mouse.  Or by dragging a vertical separator
line left or right.  This only
works if the version of Vim that is being used supports the
mouse and the
'mouse' option has been set to enable it.

The option 'winheight' ('wh') is used to set the minimal
window height of the
current window.  This option is used each
time another window becomes the
current window.  If the option is '0', it is
disabled.  Set 'winheight' to a
very large value, e.g., '9999', to make the current window
always fill all
available space.  Set it to a reasonable
value, e.g., '10', to make editing in
the current window comfortable.

The equivalent 'winwidth' ('wiw') option is used to set the
minimal width of
the current window.

When the option 'equalalways' ('ea') is set, all the windows
are automatically
made the same size after splitting or closing a window.
 If you don't set this
option, splitting a window will reduce the size of the current
window and
leave the other windows the same.  When
closing a window, the extra lines are
given to the window above it.

The 'eadirection' option limits the direction in which the
option is applied.  The default "both"
resizes in both directions.  When the
value is "ver" only the heights of windows are equalized.
 Use this when you
have manually resized a vertically split window and want to
keep this width.
Likewise, "hor" causes only the widths of windows to be

The option 'cmdheight' ('ch') is used to set the height of the
If you are annoyed by the |hit-enter| prompt for long
messages, set this
option to 2 or 3.

If there is only one window, resizing that window will also
change the command
line height.  If there are several windows,
resizing the current window will
also change the height of the window below it (and sometimes
the window above

The minimal height and width of a window is set with
'winminheight' and
'winminwidth'.  These are hard values, a
window will never become smaller.

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