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翻转链表 II

2017-03-19 09:56 337 查看


给出链表1->2->3->4->5->null, m = 2 和n = 4,返回1->4->3->2->5->null



* Definition for ListNode
* public class ListNode {
*     int val;
*     ListNode next;
*     ListNode(int x) {
*         val = x;
*         next = null;
*     }
* }
public class Solution {
* @param ListNode head is the head of the linked list
* @oaram m and n
* @return: The head of the reversed ListNode
public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m , int n) {
ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0);
dummy.next = head;
ListNode pre = dummy;
for (int i = 0; i < m-1; i++) pre = pre.next;
ListNode start = pre.next;
ListNode next = start.next;
for (int i = 0; i < n-m; i++) {
start.next = next.next;
next.next = pre.next;
pre.next = next;
next = start.next;

return dummy.next;
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标签:  lintcode