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神经网络入门 ,源码1

2017-03-17 17:53 295 查看

神经网络入门 源码1
      说明:以下为与《神经网络入门》连载1-6 相关的“扫雷机(minesweeper)”程序全部C++语言源码,不含头文件,也不含2个改进部分的程序。这是《游戏编程中的人工智能技术》一书所附CD中的内容,仅供已阅读《神经网络入门》连载1-6的读者深入阅读参考,我在源码中未添加任何中文解释,而且今后也不会为其中内容进行解释、答疑,甚至不关心是否有读者“到此一游”过。但可以肯定代码不会有差错,我已实际使用这些源文件编译过(用Borland

目 录




#include <windows.h>   
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "utils.h"
#include "CController.h"
#include "CTimer.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "CParams.h"

///////////////////////GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////

char*szApplicationName = "Chapter7 - Smart Sweepers v1.0";
char*szWindowClassName = "sweeper";

//The controller class for this simulation
CController*g_pController= NULL; 

//create an instance of the parameter class.
CParams   g_Params;

//---------------------------- Cleanup ----------------------------------
//simply cleans up any memory issues when the application exits
void Cleanup()
if (g_pController) 

delete g_pController;
               UINT msg, 
                            WPARAM wparam, 
                            LPARAM lparam)
//these hold the dimensions of the client window area
static int cxClient, cyClient;

//used to create the back buffer
static HDC hdcBackBuffer;
static HBITMAPhBitmap;
static HBITMAPhOldBitmap; 

case WM_CREATE: 
//seed the random number generator
srand((unsigned) time(NULL));

//get the size of the client window
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);

cxClient = rect.right;
cyClient = rect.bottom;

//setup the controller
g_pController = new CController(hwnd);

//create a surface for us to render to(backbuffer)
hdcBackBuffer = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);

HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);

hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);

hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcBackBuffer, hBitmap); 


//check key press messages
case WM_KEYUP:



case 'F':


        //reset the demo
        case 'R':
             if (g_pController)
               delete g_pController;

             //setup the new controller
      g_pController = new CController(hwnd);


}//end WM_KEYUP switch


//has the user resized the client area?
case WM_SIZE:
 cxClient = LOWORD(lparam);
cyClient = HIWORD(lparam);

//resize the backbuffer accordingly
SelectObject(hdcBackBuffer, hOldBitmap);

HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);

hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);

hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcBackBuffer, hBitmap); 


case WM_PAINT: 
 BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

//fill our backbuffer with white

//render the mines and sweepers

//now blit backbuffer to front
BitBlt(ps.hdc, 0, 0, cxClient, cyClient, hdcBackBuffer, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); 

EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);


SelectObject(hdcBackBuffer, hOldBitmap);

//clean up our backbuffer objects

      // kill the application, this sends a WM_QUIT message 



}//end switch

// default msg handler 
return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));

}//end WinProc

//Entry point for our windows application
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance,
         HINSTANCE hprevinstance,
         LPSTR lpcmdline,
         int ncmdshow)

WNDCLASSEX winclass; 
HWND  hwnd; 
MSG  msg; 

// first fill in the window class stucture
winclass.cbSize       = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
winclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
winclass.lpfnWndProc= WindowProc;
winclass.cbClsExtra= 0;
winclass.cbWndExtra= 0;
winclass.hInstance= hinstance;
winclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
winclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 
winclass.hbrBackground= NULL; 
winclass.lpszMenuName= NULL;
winclass.lpszClassName= szWindowClassName;
winclass.hIconSm      = LoadIcon(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));

// register the window class
if (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass))
MessageBox(NULL, "Error Registering Class!", "Error", 0);
    return 0;

// create the window (one that cannot be resized)
if (!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,
                              GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2 - CParams::WindowWidth/2,
                              GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2 - CParams::WindowHeight/2,
    MessageBox(NULL, "Error Creating Window!", "Error", 0);
return 0;

//Show the window
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT );

//create a timer
CTimer timer(CParams::iFramesPerSecond);

//start the timer

// Enter the message loop
bool bDone = FALSE;


while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) 
if( msg.message == WM_QUIT ) 
//Stop loop if it's a quit message
bDone = TRUE;

TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessage( &msg );

if (timer.ReadyForNextFrame() || g_pController->FastRender())
//we have a problem, end app
bDone = TRUE;

//this will call WM_PAINT which will render our scene
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

}//end while

    // Clean up everything and exit the app
    UnregisterClass( szWindowClassName, winclass.hInstance );

return 0;

} // end WinMain

2. utils.cpp

#include "utils.h"

#include <math.h>


// converts an integer to a string


string itos(int arg)


    ostringstream buffer;

//send the int to the ostringstream

    buffer << arg;

//capture the string

    return buffer.str();



// converts a float to a string


string ftos(float arg)


    ostringstream buffer;

//send the int to the ostringstream

    buffer << arg;

//capture the string

    return buffer.str();




// clamps the first argument between the second two



void Clamp(double &arg, double min, double max)

if (arg < min)
arg = min;

if (arg > max)
arg = max;


#include "C2DMatrix.h"

//Matrix methods
//create an identity matrix
void C2DMatrix::Identity()
m_Matrix._11 = 1.0f; m_Matrix._12 = 0.0f; m_Matrix._13 = 0.0f;

m_Matrix._21 = 0.0f; m_Matrix._22 = 1.0f; m_Matrix._23 = 0.0f;

m_Matrix._31 = 0.0f; m_Matrix._32 = 0.0f; m_Matrix._33 = 1.0f;


//create a transformation matrix
void C2DMatrix::Translate(double x, double y)
S2DMatrix mat;

mat._11 = 1.0f; mat._12 = 0.0f; mat._13 = 0.0f;

mat._21 = 0.0f; mat._22 = 1.0f; mat._23 = 0.0f;

mat._31 = x;    mat._32 = y;    mat._33 = 1.0f;

//and multiply

//create a scale matrix
void C2DMatrix::Scale(double xScale, double yScale)
S2DMatrix mat;

mat._11 = xScale; mat._12 = 0.0f; mat._13 = 0.0f;

mat._21 = 0.0f; mat._22 = yScale; mat._23 = 0.0f;

mat._31 = 0.0f; mat._32 = 0.0f; mat._33 = 1.0f;

//and multiply

//create a rotation matrix
void C2DMatrix::Rotate(double rot)
S2DMatrix mat;

double Sin = sin(rot);
double Cos = cos(rot);

mat._11 = Cos;  mat._12 = Sin; mat._13 = 0.0f;

mat._21 = -Sin; mat._22 = Cos; mat._23 = 0.0f;

mat._31 = 0.0f; mat._32 = 0.0f;mat._33 = 1.0f;

//and multiply

//multiply two matrices together
void C2DMatrix::S2DMatrixMultiply(S2DMatrix &mIn)
S2DMatrix mat_temp;

//first row
mat_temp._11 = (m_Matrix._11*mIn._11) + (m_Matrix._12*mIn._21) + (m_Matrix._13*mIn._31);
mat_temp._12 = (m_Matrix._11*mIn._12) + (m_Matrix._12*mIn._22) + (m_Matrix._13*mIn._32);
mat_temp._13 = (m_Matrix._11*mIn._13) + (m_Matrix._12*mIn._23) + (m_Matrix._13*mIn._33);

mat_temp._21 = (m_Matrix._21*mIn._11) + (m_Matrix._22*mIn._21) + (m_Matrix._23*mIn._31);
mat_temp._22 = (m_Matrix._21*mIn._12) + (m_Matrix._22*mIn._22) + (m_Matrix._23*mIn._32);
mat_temp._23 = (m_Matrix._21*mIn._13) + (m_Matrix._22*mIn._23) + (m_Matrix._23*mIn._33);

mat_temp._31 = (m_Matrix._31*mIn._11) + (m_Matrix._32*mIn._21) + (m_Matrix._33*mIn._31);
mat_temp._32 = (m_Matrix._31*mIn._12) + (m_Matrix._32*mIn._22) + (m_Matrix._33*mIn._32);
mat_temp._33 = (m_Matrix._31*mIn._13) + (m_Matrix._32*mIn._23) + (m_Matrix._33*mIn._33);

m_Matrix = mat_temp;

//applies a 2D transformation matrix to a std::vector of SPoints
void C2DMatrix::TransformSPoints(vector<SPoint> &vPoint)
for (int i=0; i<vPoint.size(); ++i)
double tempX =(m_Matrix._11*vPoint[i].x) + (m_Matrix._21*vPoint[i].y) + (m_Matrix._31);

double tempY = (m_Matrix._12*vPoint[i].x) + (m_Matrix._22*vPoint[i].y) + (m_Matrix._32);

vPoint[i].x = tempX;

vPoint[i].y = tempY;


#include "CController.h"

//these hold the geometry of the sweepers and the mines

const int NumSweeperVerts = 16;

const SPoint sweeper[NumSweeperVerts] = {SPoint(-1, -1),

                                         SPoint(-1, 1),

                                         SPoint(-0.5, 1),

                                         SPoint(-0.5, -1),

                                         SPoint(0.5, -1),

                                         SPoint(1, -1),

                                         SPoint(1, 1),

                                         SPoint(0.5, 1),


                                         SPoint(-0.5, -0.5),

                                         SPoint(0.5, -0.5),

                                         SPoint(-0.5, 0.5),

                                         SPoint(-0.25, 0.5),

                                         SPoint(-0.25, 1.75),

                                         SPoint(0.25, 1.75),

                                         SPoint(0.25, 0.5),

                                         SPoint(0.5, 0.5)};

const int NumMineVerts = 4;

const SPoint mine[NumMineVerts] = {SPoint(-1, -1),

                                   SPoint(-1, 1),

                                   SPoint(1, 1),

                                   SPoint(1, -1)};



// initilaize the sweepers, their brains and the GA factory



CController::CController(HWND hwndMain): m_NumSweepers(CParams::iNumSweepers), 



//let's create the mine sweepers
for (int i=0; i<m_NumSweepers; ++i)

//get the total number of weights used in the sweepers
//NN so we can initialise the GA
m_NumWeightsInNN = m_vecSweepers[0].GetNumberOfWeights();

//initialize the Genetic Algorithm class
m_pGA = new CGenAlg(m_NumSweepers,


//Get the weights from the GA and insert into the sweepers brains
m_vecThePopulation = m_pGA->GetChromos();

for (i=0; i<m_NumSweepers; i++)


//initialize mines in random positions within the application window
for (i=0; i<m_NumMines; ++i)
m_vecMines.push_back(SVector2D(RandFloat() * cxClient,

                                   RandFloat() * cyClient));

//create a pen for the graph drawing
m_BluePen  = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 255));
m_RedPen   = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
m_GreenPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 150, 0));


//fill the vertex buffers
for (i=0; i<NumSweeperVerts; ++i)

for (i=0; i<NumMineVerts; ++i)








    delete m_pGA;






// sets up the translation matrices for the mines and applies the

// world transform to each vertex in the vertex buffer passed to this

// method.


void CController::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &VBuffer, SVector2D vPos)

//create the world transformation matrix
C2DMatrix matTransform;

matTransform.Scale(CParams::dMineScale, CParams::dMineScale);

matTransform.Translate(vPos.x, vPos.y);

//transform the ships vertices




// This is the main workhorse. The entire simulation is controlled from here.


// The comments should explain what is going on adequately.


bool CController::Update()

//run the sweepers through CParams::iNumTicks amount of cycles. During

  //this loop each sweepers NN is constantly updated with the appropriate

  //information from its surroundings. The output from the NN is obtained

  //and the sweeper is moved. If it encounters a mine its fitness is

  //updated appropriately,
if (m_iTicks++ < CParams::iNumTicks)
for (int i=0; i<m_NumSweepers; ++i)
//update the NN and position
if (!m_vecSweepers[i].Update(m_vecMines))
//error in processing the neural net
MessageBox(m_hwndMain, "Wrong amount of NN inputs!", "Error", MB_OK);

return false;

//see if it's found a mine

      int GrabHit = m_vecSweepers[i].CheckForMine(m_vecMines,


if (GrabHit >= 0)


        //we have discovered a mine so increase fitness


        //mine found so replace the mine with another at a random 
 m_vecMines[GrabHit] = SVector2D(RandFloat() * cxClient,

                                        RandFloat() * cyClient);


//update the chromos fitness score
m_vecThePopulation[i].dFitness = m_vecSweepers[i].Fitness();


//Another generation has been completed.

//Time to run the GA and update the sweepers with their new NNs
//update the stats to be used in our stat window

//increment the generation counter

//reset cycles
m_iTicks = 0;

//run the GA to create a new population
m_vecThePopulation = m_pGA->Epoch(m_vecThePopulation);

//insert the new (hopefully)improved brains back into the sweepers

    //and reset their positions etc

    for (int i=0; i<m_NumSweepers; ++i)


return true;





void CController::Render(HDC surface)

//render the stats
string s = "Generation:          " + itos(m_iGenerations);
TextOut(surface, 5, 0, s.c_str(), s.size());

//do not render if running at accelerated speed
if (!m_bFastRender)
//keep a record of the old pen

     m_OldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(surface, m_GreenPen);

    //render the mines
for (int i=0; i<m_NumMines; ++i)
//grab the vertices for the mine shape
vector<SPoint> mineVB = m_MineVB;

WorldTransform(mineVB, m_vecMines[i]);

//draw the mines
MoveToEx(surface, (int)mineVB[0].x, (int)mineVB[0].y, NULL);

for (int vert=1; vert<mineVB.size(); ++vert)
LineTo(surface, (int)mineVB[vert].x, (int)mineVB[vert].y);

LineTo(surface, (int)mineVB[0].x, (int)mineVB[0].y);



    //we want the fittest displayed in red

    SelectObject(surface, m_RedPen);

//render the sweepers
for (i=0; i<m_NumSweepers; i++)
if (i == CParams::iNumElite)


        SelectObject(surface, m_OldPen);



      //grab the sweeper vertices
vector<SPoint> sweeperVB = m_SweeperVB;

//transform the vertex buffer

//draw the sweeper left track
MoveToEx(surface, (int)sweeperVB[0].x, (int)sweeperVB[0].y, NULL);

for (int vert=1; vert<4; ++vert)
LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[vert].x, (int)sweeperVB[vert].y);

      LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[0].x, (int)sweeperVB[0].y);

      //draw the sweeper right track
MoveToEx(surface, (int)sweeperVB[4].x, (int)sweeperVB[4].y, NULL);

for (vert=5; vert<8; ++vert)
LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[vert].x, (int)sweeperVB[vert].y);

      LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[4].x, (int)sweeperVB[4].y);

      MoveToEx(surface, (int)sweeperVB[8].x, (int)sweeperVB[8].y, NULL);

      LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[9].x, (int)sweeperVB[9].y);

      MoveToEx(surface, (int)sweeperVB[10].x, (int)sweeperVB[10].y, NULL);

      for (vert=11; vert<16; ++vert)
LineTo(surface, (int)sweeperVB[vert].x, (int)sweeperVB[vert].y);


    //put the old pen back

    SelectObject(surface, m_OldPen);

}//end if








//  Given a surface to draw on this function displays stats and a crude

//  graph showing best and average fitness


void CController::PlotStats(HDC surface)


    string s = "Best Fitness:       " + ftos(m_pGA->BestFitness());
 TextOut(surface, 5, 20, s.c_str(), s.size());

     s = "Average Fitness: " + ftos(m_pGA->AverageFitness());
 TextOut(surface, 5, 40, s.c_str(), s.size());


    //render the graph

    float HSlice = (float)cxClient/(m_iGenerations+1);

    float VSlice = (float)cyClient/((m_pGA->BestFitness()+1)*2);

    //plot the graph for the best fitness

    float x = 0;


    m_OldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(surface, m_RedPen);

    MoveToEx(surface, 0, cyClient, NULL);


    for (int i=0; i<m_vecBestFitness.size(); ++i)


       LineTo(surface, x, cyClient - VSlice*m_vecBestFitness[i]);

       x += HSlice;


    //plot the graph for the average fitness

    x = 0;

    SelectObject(surface, m_BluePen);

    MoveToEx(surface, 0, cyClient, NULL);


    for (i=0; i<m_vecAvFitness.size(); ++i)


       LineTo(surface, (int)x, (int)(cyClient - VSlice*m_vecAvFitness[i]));

       x += HSlice;


    //replace the old pen

    SelectObject(surface, m_OldPen);


#include "CGenAlg.h"



// sets up the population with random floats



CGenAlg::CGenAlg(int  popsize,

                 double MutRat,

                 double CrossRat,

                 int  numweights) :m_iPopSize(popsize),


//initialise population with chromosomes consisting of random
//weights and all fitnesses set to zero
for (int i=0; i<m_iPopSize; ++i)

for (int j=0; j<m_iChromoLength; ++j)




// mutates a chromosome by perturbing its weights by an amount not 

// greater than CParams::dMaxPerturbation


void CGenAlg::Mutate(vector<double> &chromo)

//traverse the chromosome and mutate each weight dependent
//on the mutation rate
for (int i=0; i<chromo.size(); ++i)
//do we perturb this weight?
if (RandFloat() < m_dMutationRate)
//add or subtract a small value to the weight
chromo[i] += (RandomClamped() * CParams::dMaxPerturbation);




// returns a chromo based on roulette wheel sampling



SGenome CGenAlg::GetChromoRoulette()

//generate a random number between 0 & total fitness count
double Slice = (double)(RandFloat() * m_dTotalFitness);

//this will be set to the chosen chromosome
SGenome TheChosenOne;

//go through the chromosones adding up the fitness so far
double FitnessSoFar = 0;

for (int i=0; i<m_iPopSize; ++i)
FitnessSoFar += m_vecPop[i].dFitness;

//if the fitness so far > random number return the chromo at 
//this point
if (FitnessSoFar >= Slice)
TheChosenOne = m_vecPop[i];



return TheChosenOne;




//  given parents and storage for the offspring this method performs

// crossover according to the GAs crossover rate


void CGenAlg::Crossover(const vector<double> &mum,

                        const vector<double> &dad,

                        vector<double>       &baby1,

                        vector<double>       &baby2)

//just return parents as offspring dependent on the rate
//or if parents are the same
if ( (RandFloat() > m_dCrossoverRate) || (mum == dad)) 
baby1 = mum;
baby2 = dad;


//determine a crossover point
int cp = RandInt(0, m_iChromoLength - 1);

//create the offspring
for (int i=0; i<cp; ++i)

for (i=cp; i<mum.size(); ++i)





// takes a population of chromosones and runs the algorithm through one

// cycle.

// Returns a new population of chromosones.



vector<SGenome> CGenAlg::Epoch(vector<SGenome> &old_pop)

//assign the given population to the classes population

  m_vecPop = old_pop;

  //reset the appropriate variables


  //sort the population (for scaling and elitism)

  sort(m_vecPop.begin(), m_vecPop.end());

  //calculate best, worst, average and total fitness


  //create a temporary vector to store new chromosones
vector <SGenome> vecNewPop;

//Now to add a little elitism we shall add in some copies of the
//fittest genomes. Make sure we add an EVEN number or the roulette

  //wheel sampling will crash
if (!(CParams::iNumCopiesElite * CParams::iNumElite % 2))
GrabNBest(CParams::iNumElite, CParams::iNumCopiesElite, vecNewPop);

//now we enter the GA loop

//repeat until a new population is generated
while (vecNewPop.size() < m_iPopSize)
//grab two chromosones
SGenome mum = GetChromoRoulette();
SGenome dad = GetChromoRoulette();

//create some offspring via crossover
vector<double>baby1, baby2;

Crossover(mum.vecWeights, dad.vecWeights, baby1, baby2);

//now we mutate

//now copy into vecNewPop population
vecNewPop.push_back(SGenome(baby1, 0));
vecNewPop.push_back(SGenome(baby2, 0));

//finished so assign new pop back into m_vecPop
m_vecPop = vecNewPop;

return m_vecPop;




// This type of fitness scaling sorts the population into ascending

// order of fitness and then simply assigns a fitness score based 

// on its position in the ladder. (so if a genome ends up last it

// gets score of zero, if best then it gets a score equal to the size

// of the population. You can also assign a multiplier which will

// increase the 'seperation' of genomes on the ladder and allow the 

// population to converge much quicker


void CGenAlg::FitnessScaleRank()

const int FitnessMultiplier = 1;

//assign fitness according to the genome's position on
//this new fitness 'ladder'
for (int i=0; i<m_iPopSize; i++)
m_vecPop[i].dFitness = i * FitnessMultiplier;

//recalculate values used in selection



// This works like an advanced form of elitism by inserting NumCopies

//  copies of the NBest most fittest genomes into a population vector


void CGenAlg::GrabNBest(int            NBest,

                        const int      NumCopies,

                        vector<SGenome> &Pop)


  //add the required amount of copies of the n most fittest 
//to the supplied vector
for (int i=0; i<NumCopies; ++i)
Pop.push_back(m_vecPop[(m_iPopSize - 1) - NBest]);




// calculates the fittest and weakest genome and the average/total 

// fitness scores


void CGenAlg::CalculateBestWorstAvTot()

m_dTotalFitness = 0;

double HighestSoFar = 0;
double LowestSoFar  = 9999999;

for (int i=0; i<m_iPopSize; ++i)
//update fittest if necessary
if (m_vecPop[i].dFitness > HighestSoFar)
= m_vecPop[i].dFitness;

m_iFittestGenome = i;

m_dBestFitness= HighestSoFar;

//update worst if necessary
if (m_vecPop[i].dFitness < LowestSoFar)
LowestSoFar = m_vecPop[i].dFitness;

m_dWorstFitness = LowestSoFar;

m_dTotalFitness+= m_vecPop[i].dFitness;

}//next chromo

m_dAverageFitness = m_dTotalFitness / m_iPopSize;




// resets all the relevant variables ready for a new generation


void CGenAlg::Reset()

m_dTotalFitness= 0;
m_dBestFitness= 0;
m_dWorstFitness= 9999999;
m_dAverageFitness= 0;


6. CMinesweeper.cpp
AC#include "CMinesweeper.h"










//create a random start position
m_vPosition = SVector2D((RandFloat() * CParams::WindowWidth), 
               (RandFloat() * CParams::WindowHeight));





// Resets the sweepers position, fitness and rotation



void CMinesweeper::Reset()

//reset the sweepers positions
m_vPosition = SVector2D((RandFloat() * CParams::WindowWidth), 
               (RandFloat() * CParams::WindowHeight));

//and the fitness
m_dFitness = 0;

  //and the rotation

  m_dRotation = RandFloat()*CParams::dTwoPi;





// sets up a translation matrix for the sweeper according to its

//  scale, rotation and position. Returns the transformed vertices.


void CMinesweeper::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &sweeper)

//create the world transformation matrix
C2DMatrix matTransform;

matTransform.Scale(m_dScale, m_dScale);


//and translate
matTransform.Translate(m_vPosition.x, m_vPosition.y);

//now transform the ships vertices




// First we take sensor readings and feed these into the sweepers brain.


// The inputs are:


// A vector to the closest mine (x, y)

// The sweepers 'look at' vector (x, y)


// We receive two outputs from the brain.. lTrack & rTrack.

// So given a force for each track we calculate the resultant rotation 

// and acceleration and apply to current velocity vector.



bool CMinesweeper::Update(vector<SVector2D> &mines)


//this will store all the inputs for the NN
vector<double> inputs;

//get vector to closest mine
SVector2D vClosestMine = GetClosestMine(mines);

//normalise it



  //add in vector to closest mine

//add in sweepers look at vector

//update the brain and get feedback
vector<double> output = m_ItsBrain.Update(inputs);

//make sure there were no errors in calculating the 
if (output.size() < CParams::iNumOutputs) 


    return false;


//assign the outputs to the sweepers left & right tracks
m_lTrack = output[0];
m_rTrack = output[1];

//calculate steering forces
double RotForce = m_lTrack - m_rTrack;

//clamp rotation
Clamp(RotForce, -CParams::dMaxTurnRate, CParams::dMaxTurnRate);

  m_dRotation += RotForce;

m_dSpeed = (m_lTrack + m_rTrack);

//update Look At 
m_vLookAt.x = -sin(m_dRotation);
m_vLookAt.y = cos(m_dRotation);

//update position

  m_vPosition += (m_vLookAt * m_dSpeed);

//wrap around window limits
if (m_vPosition.x > CParams::WindowWidth) m_vPosition.x = 0;
if (m_vPosition.x < 0) m_vPosition.x = CParams::WindowWidth;
if (m_vPosition.y > CParams::WindowHeight) m_vPosition.y = 0;
if (m_vPosition.y < 0) m_vPosition.y = CParams::WindowHeight;

return true;




// returns the vector from the sweeper to the closest mine



SVector2D CMinesweeper::GetClosestMine(vector<SVector2D> &mines)

closest_so_far = 99999;

vClosestObject(0, 0);

//cycle through mines to find closest
for (int i=0; i<mines.size(); i++)
double len_to_object = Vec2DLength(mines[i] - m_vPosition);

if (len_to_object < closest_so_far)
closest_so_far= len_to_object;

vClosestObject= m_vPosition - mines[i];

      m_iClosestMine = i;

return vClosestObject;


//----------------------------- CheckForMine -----------------------------


//  this function checks for collision with its closest mine (calculated

//  earlier and stored in m_iClosestMine)


int CMinesweeper::CheckForMine(vector<SVector2D> &mines, double size)


  SVector2D DistToObject = m_vPosition - mines[m_iClosestMine];

if (Vec2DLength(DistToObject) < (size + 5))
return m_iClosestMine;


  return -1;


7. CNeuralNet.cpp
#include "CNeuralNet.h"

//*************************** methods for Neuron **********************



SNeuron::SNeuron(int NumInputs): m_NumInputs(NumInputs+1)

//we need an additional weight for the bias hence the +1
for (int i=0; i<NumInputs+1; ++i)
//set up the weights with an initial random value


//************************ methods for NeuronLayer **********************


// ctor creates a layer of neurons of the required size by calling the 

// SNeuron ctor the rqd number of times


SNeuronLayer::SNeuronLayer(int NumNeurons, 

                           int NumInputsPerNeuron):m_NumNeurons(NumNeurons)

for (int i=0; i<NumNeurons; ++i)



//************************ methods forCNeuralNet ************************

//------------------------------default ctor ----------------------------


// creates a ANN based on the default values in params.ini



         = CParams::iNumInputs;
     = CParams::iNumOutputs;
m_NumHiddenLayers   =CParams::iNumHidden;
m_NeuronsPerHiddenLyr =CParams::iNeuronsPerHiddenLayer;





// this method builds the ANN. The weights are all initially set to 

// random values -1 < w < 1


void CNeuralNet::CreateNet()

//create the layers of the network
if (m_NumHiddenLayers > 0)
//create first hidden layer
 m_vecLayers.push_back(SNeuronLayer(m_NeuronsPerHiddenLyr, m_NumInputs));


    for (int i=0; i<m_NumHiddenLayers-1; ++i)





    //create output layer
 m_vecLayers.push_back(SNeuronLayer(m_NumOutputs, m_NeuronsPerHiddenLyr));


 //create output layer
 m_vecLayers.push_back(SNeuronLayer(m_NumOutputs, m_NumInputs));





// returns a vector containing the weights



vector<double> CNeuralNet::GetWeights() const

//this will hold the weights
vector<double> weights;

//for each layer
for (int i=0; i<m_NumHiddenLayers + 1; ++i)

//for each neuron
for (int j=0; j<m_vecLayers[i].m_NumNeurons; ++j)
//for each weight
for (int k=0; k<m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_NumInputs; ++k)

return weights;




// given a vector of doubles this function replaces the weights in the NN

//  with the new values



void CNeuralNet::PutWeights(vector<double> &weights)

int cWeight = 0;

//for each layer
for (int i=0; i<m_NumHiddenLayers + 1; ++i)

//for each neuron
for (int j=0; j<m_vecLayers[i].m_NumNeurons; ++j)
//for each weight
for (int k=0; k<m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_NumInputs; ++k)
m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_vecWeight[k] = weights[cWeight++];





// returns the total number of weights needed for the net



int CNeuralNet::GetNumberOfWeights() const


int weights = 0;

//for each layer
for (int i=0; i<m_NumHiddenLayers + 1; ++i)

//for each neuron
for (int j=0; j<m_vecLayers[i].m_NumNeurons; ++j)
//for each weight
for (int k=0; k<m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_NumInputs; ++k)



return weights;




// given an input vector this function calculates the output vector



vector<double> CNeuralNet::Update(vector<double> &inputs)

//stores the resultant outputs from each layer
vector<double> outputs;

int cWeight = 0;

//first check that we have the correct amount of inputs
if (inputs.size() != m_NumInputs)

//just return an empty vector if incorrect.
return outputs;


//For each layer....
for (int i=0; i<m_NumHiddenLayers + 1; ++i)
if ( i > 0 )

inputs = outputs;



cWeight = 0;

//for each neuron sum the (inputs * corresponding weights).Throw 
//the total at our sigmoid function to get the output.
for (int j=0; j<m_vecLayers[i].m_NumNeurons; ++j)
double netinput = 0;

int NumInputs = m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_NumInputs;

//for each weight
for (int k=0; k<NumInputs - 1; ++k)
//sum the weights x inputs
netinput += m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_vecWeight[k] * 


//add in the bias
netinput += m_vecLayers[i].m_vecNeurons[j].m_vecWeight[NumInputs-1] * 


//we can store the outputs from each layer as we generate them. 

      //The combined activation is first filtered through the sigmoid 



cWeight = 0;

return outputs;


//-------------------------------Sigmoid function-------------------------



double CNeuralNet::Sigmoid(double netinput, double response)

return ( 1 / ( 1 + exp(-netinput / response)));


#include "CParams.h"

//because we will always be loading in the settings from an ini file

//we can just initialize everything to zero

double CParams::dPi                 = 3.14159265358979;

double CParams::dHalfPi             = dPi / 2;

double CParams::dTwoPi              = dPi * 2;

int CParams::WindowWidth            = 400;

int CParams::WindowHeight           = 400;

int CParams::iFramesPerSecond       = 0;

int CParams::iNumInputs             = 0;

int CParams::iNumHidden             = 0;

int CParams::iNeuronsPerHiddenLayer = 0;

int CParams::iNumOutputs            = 0;

double CParams::dActivationResponse = 0;

double CParams::dBias               = 0;

double CParams::dMaxTurnRate        = 0;

double CParams::dMaxSpeed           = 0;

int CParams::iSweeperScale          = 0;

int CParams::iNumSweepers           = 0;

int CParams::iNumMines              = 0;

int CParams::iNumTicks              = 0;

double CParams::dMineScale          = 0;

double CParams::dCrossoverRate      = 0;

double CParams::dMutationRate       = 0;

double CParams::dMaxPerturbation    = 0;

int CParams::iNumElite              = 0;

int CParams::iNumCopiesElite        = 0;

//this function loads in the parameters from a given file name. Returns

//false if there is a problem opening the file.

bool CParams::LoadInParameters(char* szFileName)


  ifstream grab(szFileName);

  //check file exists

  if (!grab)


    return false;


  //load in from the file

  char ParamDescription[40];

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iFramesPerSecond;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumInputs;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumHidden;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNeuronsPerHiddenLayer;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumOutputs;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dActivationResponse;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dBias;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dMaxTurnRate;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dMaxSpeed;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iSweeperScale;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumMines;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumSweepers;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumTicks;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dMineScale;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dCrossoverRate;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dMutationRate;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> dMaxPerturbation;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumElite;

  grab >> ParamDescription;

  grab >> iNumCopiesElite;

  return true;




#include "CTimer.h"

//---------------------- default constructor ------------------------------

CTimer::CTimer(): m_FPS(0),
//how many ticks per sec do we get
QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*) &m_PerfCountFreq);

m_TimeScale = 1.0f/m_PerfCountFreq;

//---------------------- constructor -------------------------------------
to specify FPS


CTimer::CTimer(float fps): m_FPS(fps),

//how many ticks per sec do we get
QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER*) &m_PerfCountFreq);

m_TimeScale = 1.0f/m_PerfCountFreq;

//calculate ticks per frame
m_FrameTime = (LONGLONG)(m_PerfCountFreq / m_FPS);

this immediately prior to game loop. Starts the timer (obviously!)

void CTimer::Start()
//get the time
QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*) &m_LastTime);

//update time to render next frame
m_NextTime = m_LastTime + m_FrameTime;


true if it is time to move on to the next frame step. To be used if

is set.

bool CTimer::ReadyForNextFrame()
if (!m_FPS)
    MessageBox(NULL, "No FPS set in timer", "Doh!", 0);

    return false;
  QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*) &m_CurrentTime);

if (m_CurrentTime > m_NextTime)

(m_CurrentTime - m_LastTime) * m_TimeScale;


//update time to render next frame
m_NextTime = m_CurrentTime + m_FrameTime;

return true;

return false;

//--------------------------- TimeElapsed --------------------------------
time elapsed since last call to this function. Use in main

calculations are to be based on dt.

double CTimer::TimeElapsed()
QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*) &m_CurrentTime);

(m_CurrentTime - m_LastTime) * m_TimeScale;


return m_TimeElapsed;


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