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java学习笔记1-thinking in java

2017-03-16 16:57 363 查看


import java.util.*;







public class Property { 
public static void main(String[] args) {
Systemout.println(new Date());
Properties p = SystemgetProperties();
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Systemout.println("Total Memory = " + rt.totalMemory() 
                 + "FreeMemory = " + rt.freeMemory());
Thread.currentThread().sleep(5 * 1000);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {}




// Assignment with objects is a bit tricky

package c03;

class Number {
int i;


public class Assignment {
public static void main(String[] args){
Number n1 = new Number();
Number n2 = new Number();
n1.i = 9;
n2.i = 47;
Systemout.println("1:n1.i" + n1.i + ",n2.i" + n2.i);
n1 = n2;
Systemout.println("2:n1.i" + n1.i + ",n2.i" + n2.i);
n1.i = 27;
Systemout.println("3:n1.i" + n1.i + ",n2.i" + n2.i);




//Passing objects to methods can be a bit tricky

class Letter {
char c;


public class PassObject {
static void f(Letter y){
y.c = 'z';
public static void main(String[] args) {
Letter x = new Letter();
x.c = 'a';
Systemout.println("1:x.c:" + x.c);
Systemout.println("2:x.c:" + x.c);




// Demonstrates the mathmatical operators

import java.util.*;

public class MathOps {
// Create a short hand to save typing:
static void prt(String s){
// short hand to print a string and an int:
static void pInt(String s,int i){
prt(s + " = " + i);
// short hand to print a string and a float:
static void pFlt(String s , float f){
prt(s + " = " + f);
public static void main(String[] args){
// Create a random number generator,
// seeds with current time by default:
Random rand = new Random();
int i,j,k;
// '%' limits maximum value to 99:
j = rand.nextInt() % 100;
k = rand.nextInt() % 100;
i = j + k;pInt("j+k",i);
i = j - k;pInt("j-k",i);
i = j * k;pInt("j*k",i);
i = k / j;pInt("k/j",i);
i = k % j;pInt("k%j",i);
float u,v,w;
v = rand.nextFloat();
w = rand.nextFloat();
u = v + w;pFlt("v+w",u);
u = v - w;pFlt("v-w",u);
u = v * w;pFlt("v*w",u);
u = v / w;pFlt("v/w",u);
u = v % w;pFlt("v%w",u);

  u += v;pFlt("u += v",u);
u -= v;pFlt("u -= v",u);
u *= v;pFlt("u -= v",u);
u *= v;pFlt("u -= v",u);



// ++A:先执行运算,再生成值

// A++:先生成值,再执行运算


// Demonstrates the ++ and -- operators 

public class AutoInc {
public satic void main(String[] args) {
int i = 1;
prt("i:" + i);
prt("++i:" + ++i);
prt("i++:" + i++);
prt("i:" + i);
prt("--i:" + --i);
prt("i--:" + i--);
prt("i:" + i);
static  void prt(String s){




public class Equivalence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer n1 = new Integer(47);
Integer n2 = new Integer(47);

} // 对象内容相同,但是句柄不同,此时应该用方法equals()


public class EqualsMethod {
public static void main(String[] args){
Integer n1 = new Integer(47);
Integer n2 = new Integer(47);



class Value {
int i;


public class EqualsMethod2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Value v1 = new Value();
Value v2 = new Value();
v1.i = v2.i = 100;

} //得到的是false,因为equals()默认行为是比较句柄,除非在自己的新类中改变它



// 不可将一个非布尔值当做布尔值在逻辑表达式中使用



  void casts() {
 int i = 200;
 long l =(long)i;
 long l2 = (long)200;



// 字面值

// Lirerals.java

class Literals {
char c = 0xffff; // max char hex(十六进制) value 
byte b = 0x7f; // max byte hex value
short s = 0x7fff; // max short hex value
int i1 = 0177; //Octal(八进制)
long n1 = 200l; //long suffix(后缀)
float f1 = 1f; //float suffix
float f2 = 1e-45f; //10 to the power(如果没有f就会出错,因为指数默认作为double处理)
double d1 = 1d; //double suffix
double d2 = 47e47d; //10 to the power


// java没有sizeof()运算符,因为所有数据类型在所有机器的大小都是相同的

// 布尔值除了测试他为真还是为假,不可进行其他任何类型运算
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标签:  java