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linphone - Network is unreachable (真的时网络不可达)

2017-03-16 14:25 1046 查看

Network is unreachable 追踪



—-sendImageMessage(String, int)



ror_network_unreachable), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);


—-newOutgoningCall(String, String)

LinphoneActivity.instance().displayCustomToast(getString(R.string.error_network_unreachable), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);


public synchronized boolean isNetworkReachable() {
return isNetworkStateReachable(nativePtr);


linphone/coreapi/linphonecore_jni.cc:extern "C" jboolean Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCoreImpl_isNetworkStateReachable(   JNIEnv*  env

isNetworkStateReachable native方法

extern "C" jboolean Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCoreImpl_isNetworkStateReachable(    JNIEnv*  env
,jobject  thiz
,jlong lc) {
return (jboolean)linphone_core_is_network_reachable((LinphoneCore*)lc);

linphone/coreapi/linphonecore.c:bool_t linphone_core_is_network_reachable(LinphoneCore* lc) {

bool_t linphone_core_is_network_reachable(LinphoneCore* lc) {
return lc->sip_network_reachable;


struct _LinphoneCore
belle_sip_object_t base;
MSFactory* factory;
MSList* vtable_refs;
int vtable_notify_recursion;
Sal *sal;
LinphoneGlobalState state;
struct _LpConfig *config;
MSList *default_audio_codecs;
MSList *default_video_codecs;
MSList *default_text_codecs;
net_config_t net_conf;
sip_config_t sip_conf;
rtp_config_t rtp_conf;
sound_config_t sound_conf;
video_config_t video_conf;
text_config_t text_conf;
codecs_config_t codecs_conf;
ui_config_t ui_conf;
autoreplier_config_t autoreplier_conf;
LinphoneProxyConfig *default_proxy;
MSList *friends_lists;
MSList *auth_info;
struct _RingStream *ringstream;
time_t dmfs_playing_start_time;
LCCallbackObj preview_finished_cb;
LinphoneCall *current_call;   /* the current call */
MSList *calls;              /* all the processed calls */
MSList *queued_calls;   /* used by the autoreplier */
MSList *call_logs;
MSList *chatrooms;
int max_call_logs;
int missed_calls;
VideoPreview *previewstream;
struct _MSEventQueue *msevq;
LinphoneRtpTransportFactories *rtptf;
MSList *bl_reqs;
MSList *subscribers;    /* unknown subscribers */
int minutes_away;
LinphonePresenceModel *presence_model;
void *data;
char *play_file;
char *rec_file;
uint64_t prevtime_ms;
int audio_bw; /*IP bw consumed by audio codec, set as soon as used codec is known, its purpose is to know the remaining bw for video*/
LinphoneCoreWaitingCallback wait_cb;
void *wait_ctx;
void *video_window_id;
void *preview_window_id;
time_t netup_time; /*time when network went reachable */
struct _EcCalibrator *ecc;
struct _EchoTester *ect;
LinphoneTaskList hooks; /*tasks periodically executed in linphone_core_iterate()*/
LinphoneConference *conf_ctx;
char* zrtp_secrets_cache;
char* user_certificates_path;
LinphoneVideoPolicy video_policy;
time_t network_last_check;
LinphoneNatPolicy *nat_policy;
LinphoneImNotifPolicy *im_notif_policy;

bool_t use_files;
bool_t apply_nat_settings;
bool_t initial_subscribes_sent;
bool_t bl_refresh;

bool_t preview_finished;
bool_t auto_net_state_mon;
bool_t sip_network_reachable; // sip是否可达
bool_t media_network_reachable;

bool_t network_reachable_to_be_notified; /*set to true when state must be notified in next iterate*/
bool_t use_preview_window;
bool_t network_last_status;
bool_t ringstream_autorelease;

bool_t vtables_running;
bool_t send_call_stats_periodical_updates;
bool_t forced_ice_relay;
bool_t short_turn_refresh;

int device_rotation;
int max_calls;
LinphoneTunnel *tunnel;
char* device_id;
MSList *last_recv_msg_ids;
char *chat_db_file;
char *logs_db_file;
char *friends_db_file;
sqlite3 *db;
sqlite3 *logs_db;
sqlite3 *friends_db;
bool_t debug_storage;
UpnpContext *upnp;
#endif //BUILD_UPNP
belle_http_provider_t *http_provider;
belle_tls_crypto_config_t *http_crypto_config;
belle_http_request_listener_t *provisioning_http_listener;
MSList *tones;
LinphoneReason chat_deny_code;
char *file_transfer_server;
const char **supported_formats;
LinphoneContent *log_collection_upload_information;
LinphoneCoreCbs *current_cbs; // the latest LinphoneCoreCbs object to call a callback, see linphone_core_get_current_cbs()
LinphoneRingtonePlayer *ringtoneplayer;
#ifdef ANDROID
jobject wifi_lock;
jclass wifi_lock_class;
jmethodID wifi_lock_acquire_id;
jmethodID wifi_lock_release_id;
jobject multicast_lock;
jclass multicast_lock_class;
jmethodID multicast_lock_acquire_id;
jmethodID multicast_lock_release_id;
LinphoneVcardContext *vcard_context;

/*for tests only*/
bool_t zrtp_not_available_simulation;

/* string for TLS auth instead of path to files */
char *tls_cert;
char *tls_key;

LinphoneAddress *default_rls_addr; /*default resource list server*/
LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *im_encryption_engine;
MSBandwidthController *bw_controller;

struct _LinphoneEvent{
belle_sip_object_t base;
LinphoneSubscriptionDir dir;
LinphoneCore *lc;
SalOp *op;
SalCustomHeader *send_custom_headers;
LinphoneSubscriptionState subscription_state;
LinphonePublishState publish_state;
void *userdata;
char *name;
int expires;
bool_t terminating;
bool_t is_out_of_dialog_op; /*used for out of dialog notify*/
bool_t internal;
bool_t oneshot;



* This method is called by the application to notify the Linphone core library when network is reachable.
* Calling this method with true trigger Linphone to initiate a registration process for all proxy
* configuration with parameter register set to enable.
* This method disable the automatic registration mode. It means you must call this method after each network state changes
* @param isReachable network state
public void setNetworkReachable(boolean isReachable);

* Get network state has known by {@link LinphoneCore}
* @return if false, there is no network connection.
public boolean isNetworkReachable();



public void updateNetworkReachability() {
LinphoneService._log("updateNetworkReachability , 这里判断网络是否联通");
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) mServiceContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo networkInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();

if (networkInfo == null || !networkInfo.isConnected() || dozeModeEnabled) {
Log.i("No connectivity: setting network unreachable");
} else if (networkInfo.isConnected()) {

boolean wifiOnly = LinphonePreferences.instance().isWifiOnlyEnabled();
if (wifiOnly) {
if (networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI)
else {
Log.i("Wifi-only mode, setting network not reachable");
} else {
int curtype = networkInfo.getType();

if (curtype != mLastNetworkType) {
//if kind of network has changed, we need to notify network_reachable(false) to make sure all current connections are destroyed.
//they will be re-created during setNetworkReachable(true).
Log.i("Connectivity has changed.");
mLastNetworkType = curtype;

if (mLc.isNetworkReachable()) {
// When network isn't available, push informations might not be set. This should fix the issue.
LinphonePreferences prefs = LinphonePreferences.instance();


public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) {
if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.kill_service_with_task_manager)) {
Log.d("Task removed, stop service");

// If push is enabled, don't unregister account, otherwise do unregister
if (LinphonePreferences.instance().isPushNotificationEnabled()) {


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标签:  linphone unreachabl