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Expressions and Statemen

2017-03-08 23:51 447 查看
JavaScript 两个最重要的概念表达式和语句

表达式概念:An expression is a phrase of JavaScript that a JavaScript interpreter can evaluate to produce a a value.


1.Primary Expressions

1 "hi word"
2 /pattern/
4 //some of JavaScript reserved word are primary expressions
5 true
6 false
7 null
8 this //Evaluates to the "current" object
10 //finally the third type of primary expressions is the bare variable reference
11 I
12 sum
13 undefined // undefined is a global variable ,not like null.

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2.Object and Array Initalizers

1 // Array initializer
2  [1,5,2,6,5]
4 // Object initializer
5 {x:2,y3}

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3. Function Definition Expressions

1 //*function expression
2 function(x) { return x*x }
4 //* function statement
5 function foo(){
6  console.log("bar");
7 };

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4.Property Access expression & Invoication expression & Object Creation expression

1 //Property Access expression
2 var o={x:1,y:{z:3}}
3 var a=[o,1,4,[5,6]]
5 o.x //property x of expression o
6 o["y"] //property x of expression o
7 a[1] //element at index 1 of object o
8 a[0].x // property x of expression a[0]
10 //Invocation expression
11 foo(1,2)
12 a.sort()
13 Math.max(x,y,z)
15 //object creation expression
16 new Object()
17 new Point(2,3)

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5.Arithmetic Expression & Logical Expression & Assignment Expression

1 //Arithmetic
2 1+1
3 2*5
4 3-4
5 6%9
6 5--
7 6++
9 //Logical
10 7&8
11 7<<2
12 ^0x0f
13 // Assignment
14 I=6
15 o.x=2
17 x +=x+1
18 .......

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语句概念:statements are JavaScript sentences or commands;Expressions are evaluated to produce a value, but statements are

executed to make something happen.


Statement Syntax Purpose
break break [label]; Exit from the   innermost loop or switch or from named enclosing statement
case case expression: Label a statement   within a switch
continue continue   [label]; Begin next iteration   of the innermost loop or the named loop
debugger debugger; Debugger breakpoint
default default: Label the default   statement within a switch
do/while do statement while   (expression); An alternative to the   while loop
empty ; Do nothing 
for for(init; test; incr)   statement An easy-to-use loop
for/in   for (var in object)   statement Enumerate the   properties of object
function function   name([param[,...]]) { body } Declare a function   named name
if/else if (expr) statement1   [else statement2] Execute statement1 or   statement2
label label: statement Give statement the   name label
return return   [expression]; Return a value from a   function
switch switch (expression) {   statements } Multiway branch to   case or default: labels
throw throw   expression; Throw an exception
try try { statements   } Handle exceptions
 [catch { handler   statements }] 
 [finally{ cleanup   statements }] 
use   strict use strict; Apply strict mode   restrictions to script or function
var var name [ = expr] [   ,... ]; Declare and   initialize one or more variables
while while (expression)   statement A basic loop   construct
with with (object)   statement Extend the scope   chain (forbidden in strict mode)
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