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为何 PyMongo 在记录中插入 _id 字段

2017-03-03 16:15 232 查看

MongoDB 要求每个文档都必须有 _id 
如果待插入的文档没有 _id, MongoDB 会自动生成一个,但不会把结果返回个 PyMongo
对于需要写操作频繁的应用来说, 在写入之前复制一份插入 _id 代价可能会很高

如果你不想自动生成的 _id, 就需要自己在插入数据前 自己准备好 _id 字段

Why does PyMongo add an _id field to all of my documents?

When a document is inserted to MongoDB using 
and that document does not include an 
 field, PyMongo automatically adds one for
you, set to an instance of 
For example:

>>> my_doc = {'x': 1}
>>> collection.insert_one(my_doc)
<pymongo.results.InsertOneResult object at 0x7f3fc25bd640>
>>> my_doc
{'x': 1, '_id': ObjectId('560db337fba522189f171720')}

Users often discover this behavior when calling 
a list of references to a single document raises 
Several Python idioms lead to this pitfall:

>>> doc = {}
>>> collection.insert_many(doc for _ in range(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError: batch op errors occurred
>>> doc
{'_id': ObjectId('560f171cfba52279f0b0da0c')}

>>> docs = [{}]
>>> collection.insert_many(docs * 10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError: batch op errors occurred
>>> docs
[{'_id': ObjectId('560f1933fba52279f0b0da0e')}]

PyMongo adds an 
 field in this
manner for a few reasons:
All MongoDB documents are required to have an 
If PyMongo were to insert a document without an 
would add one itself, but it would not report the value back to PyMongo.
Copying the document to insert before adding the 
would be prohibitively expensive for most high write volume applications.
If you don’t want PyMongo to add an 
your documents, insert only documents that already have an 
 field, added by your
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标签:  mongodb python