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用于无人值守地面传感器系统的基于麦克风的振动传感器 A Microphone based Vibration Sensor for UGS Applications

2017-02-22 22:26 686 查看
Zhou Qianwei*, Li Baoqing, Liu Huawei, Chen Shengyong, Huang Jingchang, A Microphone based Vibration Sensor for UGS Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017/02/22 Accept,影响因子6.383

Zhou Q, Li B, Liu H, et al. A Microphone based Vibration Sensor for UGS Applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, PP(99):1-1.

[b]This paper appears in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Issue Date: <not found>

Volume: <not found> Issue: <not found>

On page(s): 1-8

Print ISSN: 0278-0046

Online ISSN: 1557-9948

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2682015




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英文版: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4Tkdxj 密码: kyit


To be an ideal candidate seismic sensor for wireless Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) applications, it should be light weight, low noise, high sensitivity and energy efficiency. Typically, to cover regions far from source, the best choice will be the coil-over-magnet
geophone. Because it is usually heavier than batteries, a lighter one should replace it to further cut the weight of sensor nodes. However, currently availableseismic sensors, such as Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometers and Molecular-electronic
transducers, cannot do the job since they usually consume too much energy to achieve low noise level as well as high sensitivity.This work has designed and tested a new kind of vibration sensor, the vibration-to-sound geophone, which can convert seismic waves
into sound physically and then detected by an MEMS microphone. By using a battery as itsproof mass, the vibration-to-sound geophone: (1) has better sensibility than the coil-over-magnet geophone from 20 Hzto 500 Hz and is about 58 times more sensitive at 70
Hz which is morethan 60 dBV/m; (2) is very light, half the weight of the coil one; (3)consumes no more than 726 uW which is more energy-efficient than MEMS accelerometers and Molecular-electronic transducers.

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